Dr K Rothwell & Partners
The Old School Surgery
Stoney Stanton
Patient Reference Group
Date: Tuesday 24th February 2015, 1pm
Venue: The Old School Surgery, Hinckley Road, Stoney Stanton
AttendeesKaren Smith (KLS)
Dr Steven Kitchin (SEK)
Eto De Cicco (EDC)
Jacky Bowyer (JB)
Frank Burgess (FB)
Charlotte Burgess (CB)
Anne Davies (AD)
Gloria Brook (GB)
Pat Stevens (PS)
Stuart Armston (SA)
Paul Kamm (PK) / Practice Manager (Minute Taker)
General Practitioner
Patient Group Member
Patient Group Member
Patient Reference Group Lead
Patient Group Member
Patient Group Member
Patient Group Member
Patient Group Member
Patient Group Member
Patient Group Member
No. / Actions / Who
1 / Apologies
Vic Howell
The group have received resignations from Mike Newton, Paul Vegoda and Sue Kamm.
SA asked if we knew why the members have decided to resign from the group, KLS said that due to other commitments the members felt that they could no longer commit to the group.
KLS informed the group that Paul Vegoda was happy to remain on the group as a virtual member
2. / Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting was accepted as a true record.
3 / Patient Reference Group Structure, Way Forward
KLS asked the group what they wanted to do with regards to the future of the group now that PV and MN have resigned from their posts on the group.
All agreed that they were happy for the meeting to continue bimonthly and that a Tuesday at 1pm is a good time to have the meeting.
SEK asked FB following the meetings he has been attending on behalf of the group has he picked up any relevant information on how other groups are ran if there is anything we could use for our group. FB hadn’t really come across anything that another group was doing that was useful and many groups only have a couple of representatives.
AD commented on their role as a PRG member and what is expected of them, SEK said that the practice need to listen to the PRG members which needs to be a 2 way thing for the PRG member to be able to bring something to the group if they feel something at the practice is working right for the practice then to do something about it if possible.
GB said that she was very frustrated reading the results of the Patient Questionnaire that many patients still do not know what the PRG is and what they do, the group agreed that the group needs to be re-advertised again informing patients of what the group is about, something like Burbage Surgery does in The Rock.
SA said realistically what the group need to be doing is looking at what areas have come out of the questionnaire results ie., appointments, privacy, people moving to the area into the new estates and figure out what we are going to do about it.
Results need to be published so that the patients can see what was said and what the practice are going to be doing about it.
The group discussed having an area in the waiting room to advertise what the PRG is about and any current topics.
The group discussed the different type of appointments the practice has, some members did not know that they could book a pre-bookable appointment in advance, SEK and KLS explained that this has been the case for a while and is advertised on the website and in the practice leaflet, the group agreed that they need to update themselves on the practice appointments etc.,
All agreed that the signs informing patients of waiting times should be used at all times and felt that sometimes the signs are not changed and patients are not informed.
The group queried whether a telephone appointment can booked via systmOne online, KLS to look into whether this can be done.
The group discussed the practice appointment system at length with SEK explaining how each different appointment works.
The telephone system was discussed as there needs to be an improvement with the telephone system, many patients complain about how long it takes to get through on the telephone. KLS explained that following on from the work the PRG was doing with regard to updating the telephone system, KLS has now got a quote from the practice current supplier and is getting quotes from other telephone system suppliers to see what the practice can do to improve the system and would keep the PRG updated.
The group agreed that there needed to be a sub-group to discuss how the group was going to raise their profile, GB, AD, CB, EDC and JB all agreed to arrange to meet. / KLS
4 / Results of Patient Questionnaire
Discussed within the above topic, KLS agreed to put an action plan together to be agreed by the group and ways to move forward. / KLS
5. / Patient Participation Group Meetings
FB informed the group of the difference groups FB has been attending on behalf of the group and the work that is happening by other groups. FB talked about a survey which was done last year by the H&B PPG which wasn’t very successful, the group were looking to re-run the survey shortly.
FB informed the group of the work that is underway with regards to revamping the Hinckley Hospitals and the consultation process, FB asked if the group would like the project managers to attend the meeting to discuss what is happening and the ways forward.
6. / Thurlaston Bus Service
The group discussed the situation with the cancellation of the Thurlaston Bus Service, agreed to wait to hear whether the service has been definitely stopped and what is being put in place to help patients to get to the surgery.
7. / Elmsthorpe Parish Council Notice Board
KLS had received a letter from Elmsthorpe Parish Council asking if any information was to be put on the notice board they would prefer if the information is emailed to and not stapled to the notice board.
8 / Addendum to the Minutes
GB asked for the following to be added to the minutes, only 1 person applied for The Dementia Information Training session even after GB advertised it widely in both Sapcote and Stoney Stanton. Very disappointing. GB does feel this needs a mention in the minutes as this WAS something positive that the PRG group offered to the patients and community at large but was not taken up. If we are trying to ascertain what as a group we do, then GB thinks this gives the group a positive image.
9 / Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 28th April 2015, 1pm at The Old School Surgery, FB asked if the meeting could be moved to Tuesday 21st April 2015 as he is unable to make the 28th April.
Please can all members of the group confirm with me which date would be better for them / All PRG Members
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