

Modern Studies Department


International Terrorism

Homework Booklet

What’s the point in homework?

This booklet has been created to help you continue your learning about terrorism from your Modern Studies classroom, at home.

It is expected that each section of the homework booklet is completed and will be checked regularly by your teacher.

It is also expected that you gain a signature from your parent/carer to allow them to follow your progress too!

You will be set homework tasks for each of the topics studied in the unit. This information will be directly related to the information required for your final piece of assessment work.

Therefore, to pass the unit

you MUST complete the homework!!!!

Unit Homework Tasks

No. / Homework Task / Completed? / Parent/carer
1 / What is terrorism?
2 / What happened on 9/11?
3 / Who are Al-Qaeda?
4 / What happened during the London OR Glasgow bombings?
5 / How have the EU responded?
6 / What is NATO’s role?
7 / What happened to Osama?
8 / Reporting Osama’s death
9 / Has the threat of terrorism gone?
10 / What have you learnt about terrorism?

Homework task 1

What is Terrorism?

1. Write down five ‘things’ that you associate with terrorism.

2. Describe what terrorism is.

3. Name three cities/countries which have been affected by terrorism.

4. Using the internet, find four images of terrorism and glue them into the boxes on this page.

1. / 2.
3. / 4.

Homework task 2

What happened on 9/11?

1. Using the internet, fill in the factfile to compile information on the 9/11 attacks.

Homework task 3

Who are Al-Qaeda?

1. Using the internet and your knowledge of Al-Qaeda terrorists, create a poster advert to recruit Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Your poster must include:

- Who Al-Qaeda are

- What the aim of their terrorism is

- Who they want to recruit

- What you, as a recruit, would be expected to do for Al-Qaeda

Homework task 4

What happened during the

London OR Glasgow bombings?

1. Choose one of the bombings (either London OR Glasgow) and find a picture of the attack.

2. Annotate (label) the picture, showing the main points, explaining what’s going on.

Homework task 5

How have the European Union responded?

1.Describe two ways the EU have responded to the threat of terrorism.

2. Draw an identity card for someone in your family.

Homework task 6

What is NATO’s role?

1. What does the abbreviation ‘NATO’ stand for:

2. Using only five key words, describe what NATO’s role is.

3. Choose two from the list of four options below, and on the following page explain how NATO has used this method to prevent terrorism.

  • AWAC planes
  • Operation active endeavour
  • NATO Response Force
  • Intelligence



Homework task 7

What happened to Osama?

1.Complete the timeline of what happened during the raid of Osama Bin Laden’s compound, which led to his death. Use your jotter to help.




Homework task 8

Reporting Osama’s death.

1. Complete your biased newspaper article on Osama’s death.

Homework task 9

Has the threat of terrorism gone?

1. Do you agree that with Osama’s death spelt the end of terrorism or do you think this is just the start? Give three reasons to back up your argument. There is no right or wrong answer – this is your opinion!

Homework task 10

What have you learnt about terrorism?

1. Create ten questions as part of a test. You must know the answers!

Homework Task 11

Final Review

For each part please tick which column best represents your view.

You should be able to:

/  /  / 
Outline the topics involved in ‘International Terrorism’
Critically examine evidence in the form of photographs and feedback to the class
Describe recent terrorist activities
Describe the events of 9/11
Explain why the TwinTowers were the target for terrorist attacks
Detect differences between sources
Explore the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11
Write about the main events of the Beslan attack.
Understand the long term damaging effects that terrorist attacks have.
Explain the motive behind the attack
Produce a piece of extended writing on the effects of the attack.
Describe the events on July 7th 2005
Describe the events of GlasgowAirport terrorist attack.
Navigate the internet to retrieve relevant and accurate information
Make independent use of ICT
Outline the main aim of the EU
Outline 2 measures the EU have introduced to stop terrorist attacks.
Examine the case for possibly introducing Identity Cards.
Define NATO
Give 1 reason why NATO was set up
Compare and contrast communism with capitalism
Outline the actions NATO have taken to prevent terrorism
AWAC planes
Operation active endeavour
NATO Response Force
Sharing Intelligence
Outline UK involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq
Define method of enquiry
Outline methods of enquiry
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of each method of enquiry

Pupil Comments (What have you enjoyed about the topic and why? What would you change about this topic and why?)


Parental Comments

Parental Signature ______