Denver Public Scho ols, Department of Student Services , Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools
10 th Annual Community/Schools Assis tance Teams Training Conference
“ Best Practices in Prevention &Intervention ”
Sheraton 4 Points Hotel , 6363 East Hampden Ave
(Hampden and I-25)
Your Name: __________________________________ School : _________________________________
Work Phone: ________________________________ 1 hour inservice credit available, $2 5 at the conference
(You must attend all of both days for credit)
DIRECTIONS: Select ONE Saturday/Sunday training session by placing a check mark on the line to the left of your choice.
All sessions run for both days , 8:00 to 4:00
_____ Aggressors, Victims & Bystanders
_____ Project Towards No Drug Abuse
_____ Life Skills Training
_____ Gangs In Denver
_____ WhyTry
_____ Effective C/SAT’s and Substance Abuse Programs in Schools
RETURN: To Mona Martinez or Pauline Garcia (See information below)
BY FEBRUARY 18 , 200 5
Office Pho ne Numbers: (303) 405-6626 Mona (303) 405-6627 Pauline (303) 405-6624 Fax
Or e mail information to or
Free To DPS Staff! $30 per day for non-DPS personnel send check payable to Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools , 1330 Fox Street , 2 nd floor South, Denver, CO 80204
Brief Descriptions of Training Sessions
Life Skills Training, Multi-level (Saturday and Sunday)
This program for 3rd-9th grade students teaches prevention-related information and drug refusal skills as well as promoting anti-drug norms and fostering the development of personal self-management skills and general social skills, including anger management.
WhyTry Program (Saturday and Sunday)
This program is a strength-based approach to helping youth overcome their challenges and improve outcomes in the areas of truancy, behavior, and academics. It is based on sound, empirical principles, including Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Social and Emotional Intelligence, and multi-sensory learning. Grades 4 – 12.
Aggressors, Victims and Bystanders (Saturday and Sunday)
This is a 12-session curriculum designed for use with youth in grades 6-9. The program’s overarching goal is to encourage young people to examine their roles as aggressors, victims, and bystanders and help them develop problem-solving skills and new ways of thinking about how they might respond to conflict in each of these roles. It integrates a public health approach to primary prevention.
Gangs in Denver (Saturday & Sunday)
Johnnie Williams and Rudy Balles from GRASP will speak about detection, intervention and prevention. This is a very interactive and entertaining presentation that was enthusiastically received at the Breckenridge conference.
Pro ject Towards No Drug Abuse (Saturday and Sunday)
This is a targeted drug abuse prevention program with a focus on high school youth, ages 14 to 19, who are at risk for drug abuse. The program contains a set of 12 in-class interactive sessions that provide motivation-skills-decision making material targeting the use of cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, hard drug use, and violence related behavior.
How To Manage C/SAT’s (Saturday)
This session will provide practical information for both elementary and secondary C/SAT teams. The presentation will provide information about how to set up & run an effective team e.g. referral process, resources, follow-up procedures, parent component, forms.
Utilizing Substance Abuse Programs In Your School – Arapahoe House School Based Counselors (Sunday)
This session will cover intervention/prevention information, referral process, parent involvement, and utilizing drug and alcohol counselors in your schools.