Assessment Plan

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit 1: The UK Travel and Tourism Industry

Academic Year: 2010 – 2012

Unit Code:F/600/8192

**After each assignment is completed your work will be assessed within 2 weeks and returned to for improvements **

Task 1 –
Task 2 –
Task 3 – / Issued:
Hand in:
Hand in:
Hand in:

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 2 – Understanding Customer Service in Travel and Tourism

Candidates Name:

Teacher: PLW

To be completed by:

Criteria: P1, P2, M1


You have been asked to carry out research for an article which will examine organisational approaches to customer service in the travel and tourism sector. You must show your finding in a PowerPoint presentation.

Pass Criteria
  • Explain how different types of organisations approach customer service. (P1)
  • Describe the methods used to measure and monitor customer service. (P2)
/ Merit Criteria
  • Compare how two travel and tourism organisations approach and measure customer service. (M1)

Please use the information on the next page to guide you through this presentation.

Decision of grade award at this date

P1 [ ] P2 [ ] M1 [ ] No Award [ ]

Is this to be resubmitted?Yes [ ] No [ ]

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Assessor signature: ______Date: ______

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 2 – Understanding Customer Service in Travel and Tourism

Use the following table as guide for what should be included in your work. If any of criteria is not address you will not be awarded the grade and therefore will have to re-submit your work.

Pass Criteria
You must including the following information to gain a pass grade:
Slide 1- Summary of Business
  • Outline the key facts and figures about your chosenorganisation, including details on size, type and a brief history. (P1)

Slide 2- Mission Statement
  • Find the companies mission statement and describe what it means (P1)

Slide 3- Policies
  • Find copies of and explain the organisations customer service policy (P1)
  • Find copies of and explain the organisations complaint procedures.(P1)

Slide 4- Resources
  • Describe the resources used to provide customer services including the following details; number of staff, qualifications and attributes needed, training, budgets for rewards (staff bonuses/customer reward schemes) and budgets for uniforms/furnishings. (P1)

Slide 5- Processes
  • Describe the day to day processes used as part of providing customer service including information on; customer interface, reacting to feedback, loyalty schemes, keeping records, staff training, after sales or call centres. (P1)

**Repeat slides 1 – 5 for a different type of organisation**
Slide 11- Measuring Customer Service
  • Using your two case-study companies to gain P1, describe the different ways they measure/monitor customer service, e.g. comment cards; customer service questionnaires; mysteryshoppers; customer forums/focus groups; customer reviews via websites.(P2)
 / Merit Criteria
You must including the following information to gain a merit grade:
Slide 12- Comparing Customer Service
  • Look at the two companies used for P1 and P2 and explain their various similarities and differences in a table format using the following heading:
Size of business
Mission Statements
Customer Service Policy
Customer Complaint Procedure
Measuring Customer Service

For Example:
Size of business
Mission Statements
Customer Service Policy
Customer Complaint Procedure
Measuring Customer Service

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 2 – Understanding Customer Service in Travel and Tourism

Candidates Name:

Teacher: PLW

To be completed by:

Criteria: P3, P4, M2

Scenario: You have been asked to write a review for a travel magazine which focuses on meeting customer needs and expectations.

Pass Criteria
  • Review the needs of different types of customers and how they are recognised (P3)
  • Explain how travel and tourism organisations meet and exceed customer expectations. (P4)
/ Merit Criteria
  • Analyse how organisations meet and exceed customer needs and expectations of customers through the recognition of their needs (M2)

Please use the information on the next page to guide you through this article.

Decision of grade award at this date

P3 [ ] P4 [ ] M2 [ ] No Award [ ]

Is this to be resubmitted?Yes [ ] No [ ]

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Assessor signature: ______Date: ______

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 2 – Understanding Customer Service in Travel and Tourism

Use the following table as guide for what should be included in your work. If any of criteria is not address you will not be awarded the grade and therefore will have to re-submit your work.Remember this should be in the style of a magazine article

Pass Criteria
You must include information on the following to gain a pass grade:
Paragraph 1 – Describe what is meant by the term ‘Good customer service’ (P3a)

Paragraph 2- Describe how and why travel and tourism organisations divide people into different groups (P3b)

Diagram 1.1 - Draw a spider diagram to show what the different groups are with a sentence that describe who would be in that group. (P3c)

Paragraph 3 –Pick four of the groups from the diagram and for each group describe their typical needs. (P3d)

Paragraph 4 – For the groups you have identified describe how their needs could be identified. For example face to face, in writing, over the telephone or recognition of unstated needs (For example a representative notices from the booking form that there is a large family booking including very young children and ensures that the rooms allocated are adjacent and in an appropriate position within the hotel.)(P3e)

Paragraph 5 - Explain how organisations meet and exceed customer expectations by using at least fourexamplesfrom organisations you have researched. Remember to use the website listed below to find examples. (P4a)

Useful Websites:

Merit Criteia
To gain M2 you must expand on the explanation given for P4 to analyse the links between needs, identification of needs and being able to meet and exceed customers’ expectations, using real life examples. (M2)

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 2 – Understanding Customer Service in Travel and Tourism

Candidates Name:

Teacher: PLW

To be completed by:

Criteria: D1


Pass Criteria / Merit Criteria / Distinction Criteria

Please use the information on the next page to guide you through this presentation.

Decision of grade award at this date

D1 [ ] No Award [ ]

Is this to be resubmitted?Yes [ ] No [ ]

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Assessor signature: ______Date: ______

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 2 – Understanding Customer Service in Travel and Tourism

Use the following table as guide for what should be included in your work. If any of criteria is not address you will not be awarded the grade and therefore will have to re-submit your work. Remember this is a guide and if you need to use more slides then please do so!

Distinction Criteria
To gain a distinction grade you must:

For Example

BTEC Assessment Criteria Unit 2 – Understanding Customer Service in Travel and TourismUnit code:F/600/8192

NQF level 2: BTEC First

Student Name: Overall Grade:

Learning Outcomes
1 Understand different approaches to customer service in travel and tourism organisations.
2 Understand the needs and expectations of different types of customers in the travel and tourism sector.

Teacher’s signature ______Date ______