IB Chemistry SL Syllabus
Room 209, Monday – Friday 3rd and 4thPeriods
Teacher: Mrs. Alleta WhitfieldPhone: (229) 333-8540 ext. 4182
OfficeHours: Tues – Thurs 14:35-15:15 or by appointmentEmail:
Materials:Notebook for class materials (e.g. binder, folder, spiral notebook)
Composition notebook for labs
Scientific Calculator
Textbook: Oxford IB Diploma Programme Chemistry (2014)
Course Description:
The IB Diploma Programme chemistry standard level course combines academic study with the acquisition of practical and investigational skills through the experimental approach. Students examine the chemical principles that form the basis of physical and biological systems through the core content (listed below) and develop their skills designing experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions from experimental data.
Course Topics Overview
We will follow the IB suggested curriculum for standard level chemistry, which is broken down into hours dedicated to the following areas (order of presentation may vary):
Core Topics (95 Hours)
- Stoichiometric Relationships
- Atomic Structure
- Periodicity
- Bonding
- Energetics
- Kinetics
- Equilibrium
- Acids and Bases
- Oxidation and Reduction
- Organic Chemistry
- Measurement and Data Processing
Options (15 Hours)
- Medicinal Chemistry
Practical Work (40 Hours)
- Lab Investigations, Group IV Project, Internal Assessment
A detailed analysis of content covered in the course can be found on the class website. All students will be assessed over this content in May of the senior year.
Grading and Evaluation:
Grading scale:10%Learning Tasks (classwork and daily assignments)
30%Standards Checks (labs, quizzes)
60%Summative Assessments (unit tests, formal lab reports, projects)
Students’ final grades will be calculated using the course grade as 80% and the Final Exam score as 20%.
Late Assignments:
Late assignments will receive a 10 point deduction for every DAY late. Teacher will not receive late assignments after a week late. If a student is absent on a due date of an assignment, that assignment is due upon the student’s return to class after excused absences only.
Make-up Policy:
Students with excused absences will be allowed to make up work within three (3) school days from the day of the student’s return. Students who are absent on the day of a test or quiz will take the assessment on the day they return to school. It is the student’s responsibility to get their make-up work. *Students with OSS will not be allowed to make up work.
Classroom Routines:
Students are expected to:
Follow all Valdosta City Schools’ rules and regulations
Be respectful to other PEOPLE in the classroom (students, teachers, visitors)
Come to class prepared (textbook, pen(cil), notebook, calculator, homework, etc.)
Take care of personal business in between classes
Refrain from eating or drinking in the classroom
Adhere to the policies for late assignments and make-up work
Take all belongings and clean up any trash around desks upon dismissal
Academic honesty:
The following behaviors are NOT acceptable:
Copying or attempting to copy from another student’s paper.
Use of or attempt to use any prepared materials, notes, computers or other devices not approved by the instructor.
Collaboration (or attempted) with another student during a test
Obtaining or attempting to obtain a copy of or answers to a test.
Allowing another student to copy your work including homework, classwork, or laboratory data.
Laboratory Procedures:
Listen carefully and follow all directions
Use lab tables appropriately (no trash in sinks, do not turn on gas valves or faucets without permission)
All members of each lab group are responsible for clean-up.
Tardy excuses will not be given for those students who do not complete their lab and clean up in the allotted time.
Return lab stools to appropriate places.
Follow all lab safety procedures.
Keys to success:
Be prepared for class daily.
Do not fall behind. Tutoring is available after school for students who need extra assistance.
There are also several internet resources available for students.
Parent Information and Acknowledgement Form
Please complete the form below, and have your child return it to Mrs. Whitfield.
Parent/Guardian Name:______
Home Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______
Cell Phone: ______Best way to contact (circle one): Home/Work/Cell
Email Address: ______
Syllabus Acknowledge Statement
We hereby acknowledge that we have read and understand the course expectations, procedures, and guidelines for IB Chemistry SL for the 2016/2017 school year.
Student Name (printed)Parent Name (printed)
Student SignatureParent Signature