Mrs. McCormickWelcome to AP Statistics2015-2016


Phone: 732-289-3700 ext: 4020

Welcome to AP Statistics!! In order to make this class as informative, rewarding, and fun as possible, the following rules, expectations, and procedures must be followed:

Class Requirements

  • NOTEBOOK… a 3-ring binder with pockets, divided into sections. I give LOTS of handouts!

Classroom Rules/Procedures

  1. You are not to stand or wait around in the hallway. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings and have all necessary materials with you (pencil, textbook, notebook, calculator).
  2. When you come into class copy the Do Now assignment from the board into your notebook and begin working. Do not wait for me to tell you to start!
  3. Follow instructions the first time they are given.
  4. No cell phones, ipods, food, or drinks.
  5. Lastly, and most importantly, show respect and common courtesy at all times.

If You Are Late

  1. Walk in quietly making as little noise as possible.
  2. Take your assigned seat.
  3. Join the activity in progress. If you don’t know what the class is doing raise your hand until the teacher sees you.
Make-Up Work

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up all work missed in a timely manner according to the student handbook. Homework assignments and dates of tests/quizzes are posted on the high school website. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test, see me the day you return to make arrangements for a make up.

Bathroom/Hall Pass

To leave the room you need your school ID. The pass is not to be used the first 5 minutes or last 5 minutes of class. Do not ask for a pass during instruction time. Any violation of the sign out policy or time limit policy results in the revoking of your hall pass privilege for the duration of the school year.

Grading Procedures

  • Your marking period grade will be determined as indicated below. Individual category grades will be determined by: sum of earned points total possible points.

90% Tests, quizzes, collected assignments, projects, practice problems


  • Homework Grade Explanation
  • Homework will be checked almost daily for completion. Periodically and unannounced, a homework problem will be collected and graded.
  • Field trips, guidance appointments, etc., are not an excuse for homework to be turned in late.
  • Should you be absent due to illness, the work MUST be turned in immediately on your return.
  • Graded special assignments must be turned in on time, no exceptions! Late assignments will result in reduced grades. Absence from class is not an excuse unless you have a doctor’s note.
  • Each student will be granted one retest to compensate for a bad day, not to raise B's to A's. Retest grades will be lowered by 10%. The student will receive the higher of the retest and original test grades. To take a retest the student must first set up a study session with Mrs. McCormick and convince her that the material must be mastered. The test must be taken within 5 days after the original test is returned.

Other Important Stuff

  • You should read the textbook prior to the class discussion of a section and for added clarification.
  • I highly recommend forming study groups.
  • Tests and quizzes follow the format of the AP exam with a mix of Multiple Choice and Free Response questions. A formula packet (a photocopy of those given for reference on the AP exam) is used for all tests and quizzes. This course requires you to understand the use of statistics, not just know how to use the formulas!
  • For review and AP preparation I recommend: Barron’s AP Statistics, 5 Steps to a 5: Advanced Placement Statistics by McGraw-Hill
  • The AP exam is scheduled for Thursday, May 12th. Collegeboard information about the AP exam:
  • Extra help will be offered by appointment.
  • If you are absent, you are to see me at the beginning of the period on the day you return. It will be your responsibility to obtain missed notes and to see that all missed work is made up. Frequent absences, especially on test days, should be avoided. It is impossible to replicate the discussions that occur in class.
  • The length of homework assignments varies. Most will take 30 minutes to complete.

Review ALL of the above information with your parent(s)/guardian. On September 11th I will be checking for this paper signed, and all necessary materials for the course. This will count as your first homework grade. If you have any questions please ask. If your parent(s)/guardian have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me through the contact information provided.

I am looking forward to a great year 
I have read and understand the information provided above:

Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Contact Phone #: ______

Email address: ______

Are you on parent portal? Yes / No

I have read and understand the information provided above:

Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Contact Phone #: ______

Email address: ______

Are you on parent portal? Yes / No

I have read and understand the information provided above:

Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Contact Phone #: ______

Email address: ______

Are you on parent portal? Yes / No