Controlling Workplace Injuries
Socorro I.S.D.
Risk Management Department
The Socorro ISD Risk Management Department believes that the best approach to controlling incidents and costs is to keep injuries and illnesses from occurring. We are committed to utilizing our resources to provide a safe work environment for everyone.
We have developed a plan and process designed to help injured employees receive prompt medical attention and recovery assistance. This plan is called the "Early Return to Work" injury management plan. It includes a team effort involving the injured worker, the treating health provider, the district’s Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier and our internal company management.
When incidents do occur, it is in everyone's best interest that injuries are properly managed. We will make every effort to provide modified work intended to facilitate a return to regular work duties as soon as medically feasible. These positions may be offered at any location or any department/shift as we can accommodate.
Failure to report for work at any of the designated times or places may affect the employee’s time loss compensation and/or re-employment rights. This policy
Policy/Procedure for Early Return to Work Program …………………………….………………...4
Roles and Responsibilities of SISD Claims Officers ………………………………………...………5
Roles and Responsibilities of Campus Administrators & Department Supervisors………... 6
Role and Responsibility of Injured Employee………………………………………………….……7
Appendix …………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Offer of Employment Notice …………………………………………………………….....9
Letters to treating HCP………………………………………………………………..…….11
Division of Workers’ Compensation Work Status Report (DWC-73)…………..…...12
Policy/Procedures for Early Return to Work Program
Socorro ISD supports a policy that fosters early return to work for recovering employees. Our plan is designed to provide injured workers with modified duty work during a pre-defined period of medical recovery, when unable to perform pre-injury duties without risk. The extent of time will be based on the healthcare provider’s treatment plan and prognosis for full recovery. Eligibility to be in the program is contingent on an approved disabling workers’ compensation claim. The SISD Claims Officer will coordinate the employee’s participation in the plan with their supervisor, the treating provider, the employee, and the insurance carrier’s claim representative.
Ø If feasible, at the time of an injury, the injured worker will complete an Accident/Incident form. The employee will submit this completed injury report to the nurse or supervisor who, in turn, will submit the form to the Risk Management department.
Ø The SISD Claims Officer will contact the employee and review the employee’s rights and responsibilities with the employee. Our designated PPO healthcare provider will be contacted to advise them of our return to work program and modified duty work availability. The Claims Officer will also request that the provider complete and return the DWC 73 Work Status Report and, in some instances, the “job demands/ functional capacities evaluation” forms. The employee will report back to the Claims Officer with a completed DWC 73 form after every healthcare provider visit, to stay updated on the recovery progress. The Claims Officer will send a copy of a Return to Duty permit and, if applicable, the “job demands/ functional capacity” form to the supervisor and to the insurance carrier’s claims adjuster.
Ø A Socorro ISD Claims Officer will review the DWC 73 and, if applicable, the job demands/functional capacities evaluation forms. A Claims Officer will contact the injured worker’s supervisor to determine whether modified work is available within the capabilities of the employee, as prescribed by the provider. The supervisor will identify potential jobs tasks and opportunities for transitional duty work.
Ø Modified duty is defined as any work within the employee’s physical and cognitive capacity, and is to be designed to be temporary (there is a progressive end to this position), and adapted to accommodate what the worker can do. All modified positions must be approved by the Claims Officer and/or the director in charge of the Risk Management department. Availability is subject to the business needs of the school district at that time and with the recovery and treatment plan in mind. The maximum length of time for transitional (modified) duty is twelve (12) continuous weeks.
Ø If, for any reason, the employee does not return the DWC 73 or any applicable job demands/ functional capacities evaluation forms, the Claims Officer will notify the supervisor and the third party administrator. A member of the claims team or the district’s Claims Officer will contact the healthcare provider.
Ø If an employee is not approved for transitional duty, a committee will conduct a review of the employee’s job duties and the restrictions to make a final determination.
Ø The approved Return To Duty permit will be returned by the injured employee’s supervisor to the Risk Management department. If not approved, the employee will be notified of the decision.
Ø Before the employee starts the modified duty job, the supervisor will meet with the employee and review the restrictions and capabilities specified by the treating provider. The supervisor must emphasize the need for the employee to perform the job with the specific limits and parameters prescribed and outlined for them.
Ø The employee’s modified duty status will end when the employee is:
1. Released to pre-injury job status
2. The WC claim is closed
3. The employee has accepted an alternative position
Ø The supervisor is responsible for monitoring the employee’s participation and progression in the transitional duty job, and keeping track of inconsistent behavior or work practices that do not fulfill the intent of the treatment plan or modified task. This detail must be communicated to the Claims Officer. Any problems reported are to be discussed immediately with the employee and with the insurance carrier. Any adjustments or modifications to the worker’s task will be completed by the supervisor with direction and support from the Claims Officer. Any changes to the transitional duty task must be approved by the treating provider(s)
Role and Responsibilities of SISD Claims Officers
The SISD Claims Officers will assist the injured employee’s recovery by:
Ø Helping supervisors and employees each fully understand their role and function within our Return to Work plan and how each will be expected to perform when needed.
Ø Working with injured worker’s supervisor to find a suitable temporary assignment within their recovering functional capabilities and limitations.
Ø Monitoring the injured worker’s recovery progress by assigning target dates for progress evaluations, reassessing job modifications, and working with our medical providers and the insurance carrier representatives to achieve maximum medical improvement (MMI) based on specific and pre-determined time frame adjustments. A second review may be needed at that time but will require a formal consensus with the worker, the provider, the school district’s Claim Officers and/or the third party administrator claims department.
Ø Coordinating efforts of department supervisors, the injured employee, treating healthcare provider, and claim representative to identify permanent positions and any restrictions.
Role and Responsibilities of Campus Administrators
and Department Supervisors
Following are some key responsibilities and a description of the role each department supervisor will take to fulfill our commitment to our disability management plan. Each person in our organization has a critical role, and each must be carried out effectively to reach our ultimate goal--to return injured employees back to their pre-injury status as soon as medically feasible. These are our expectations of campus administrators and department supervisors:
Roles of the principals or supervisor include:
Ø Provide a vital link to the success of our disability management program by acting as a coach and liaison with YOUR recovering employee and the other primary parties (healthcare professional, Claims Officers & the insurance carrier).
Ø Act as a technical guide in the selection and delivery of workplace task improvements or adjustments for the transitional work assigned the recovering employee.
Ø Fulfill our commitments to our workforce including a cost effective way of providing quality medical treatment and preserving the productive output of our school district.
Responsibilities of the principals or supervisor include:
Ø Review the Return to Duty Permit after being sent to you by our Claims Officers to determine whether transitional work is available within the capabilities of the employee, as prescribed by the provider. Sign for any transitional position the employee will be expected to fulfill.
Ø Identify potential jobs or tasks for opportunities for transitional duty work. These jobs will be submitted to our Claims Officers for approval, and will be forwarded to the healthcare provider for review. If not approved, the supervisor will be notified of the decision and the reason for the rejection so revisions and new accommodations can be made. The supervisor will be involved in any new revisions and collaborate with the SISD Claims Officers and the employee.
Ø Meet with the employee to review the restrictions and capabilities specified by the treating provider. Train and coach the injured employee about their new tasks emphasizing safety and health precautions. Emphasize the need for the employee to perform within the job limits and parameters prescribed.
Ø Monitor the employee’s recovery progression during their work in the transitional duty job. Keep track of inconsistent behavior or work practices that don’t fulfill the intent of the treatment plan or task. Be sure to communicate your findings to our Claims Officers.
Ø Provide feedback to the injured employee regarding their recovery progress to determine potential modifications based on that progress.
Ø Implement adjustments or modifications to the worker’s task with input from our Claims Officers, based also on any regression or progression in the recovery process. Communicate closely with our Claims Officers since the medical recovery and treatment plan can be seriously compromised, and the length of disability potentially extended.
Role and Responsibilities of Injured Employees
Ø Promptly report any physical changes with medical implications to their immediate supervisor and our Claims Officers.
Ø Follow all pertinent health and safety procedures identified during initial orientation and weekly retraining.
Ø Follow all medical treatment recommendations provided by the treating provider. Do not seek additional treatment without discussing physical problems with the department supervisor and our Claims Officer.
Ø Arrange reexamination with the treating provider during the fourth week (or sooner) of the first review point. Return the signed medical progress report (DWC 73) from the treating provider to our Claims Officer.
Bona Fide Offer of Employment Notice
Employee Name
City, State Zip
W/C Claim #: No.
Date of Injury: DATE
Injured Employee Name:
Your medical provider has released you for transitional duty work in our school district. We have a suitable temporary position that your provider feels is consistent with your current abilities. You will be regularly evaluated for your progress at periodic intervals to be certain your recovery is improving. The job we are offering is: JOB TITLE.
You will be receiving $ AMT per hour week month. The Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier will continue to pay appropriate medical payments.
Please report to work on:
Start date DATE Time TIME Hours per Day/ Week NUMBER OF HOURS
Duration of Job # OF DAYS days (subject to 30 day progress and 90 day max)
We are looking forward to seeing you back with us and hope we can help you towards a prompt and smooth recovery.
Lorena G. Rios
Director, Personnel Services/Risk Management
I have read and fully understand the above information and procedures: and I accept do not accept this job assignment:
Employee Signature Date
Please sign and return this letter
accepting or rejecting
our transitional job offer prior to the start date.
Mail to:
Socorro Independent School District
12300 Eastlake Dr.
El Paso, TX 79928
Attn: Risk Management Dept.
If you receive this letter on or after the report to work start date, please call (915) 937-0250 within 24 hours. Failure to report to work could affect your Workers’ Compensation benefits, work eligibility and/or re-employment rights with the school district.
To: Treating Healthcare Professional for
This is to notify you that Socorro ISD has a temporary “Transitional Duty” Return-to-Work program for injuries resulting from job-related accidents.
Please complete the DWC 73 (Work Status Report) and return to us with the employee after the employee has received treatment and you have had a chance to develop a recovery plan. This will help us in finding transitional duty work within their limitations and capabilities you have outlined.
Please feel free to contact me 915-937-0250 if you have any questions about our Return-to-Work program. Please note that our Workers’ Compensation Third Party Administrator is Claims Administrative Services (C.A.S.)
Thank you very much for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you and helping us promote a smooth recovery back to work.
Claims Officer
Bona Fide Offer: A formal, written offer of light duty employment made by employer to an employee after a work-related injury.
Disability: Exists if the injured worker is not able to work as a result of the injury, or has returned to work but is making less than pre-injury wages because of the injury.
Full Duty Release: A decision made by a doctor that an injured worker is able to return to work with no medical restrictions.
Job: The duties and responsibilities assigned to an employee. (Also called a “position”)
Job Description: A list of the most important parts of a job, including the general description, skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions of the work performed.
Job Modification: A change to an employee’s regular job, to meet medical restrictions.
Light Duty Assignment: Work that allows the injured worker (who has not fully recovered) to remain safely on the job, but in modified or alternate duty. It allows the injured worker to ease back into the workplace after an injury. (Also called “transitional duty”)
Modified Duty: The injured worker’s regular job but changed to meet medical restrictions imposed by the doctor. (May include schedule changes, reduced hours, reduced duties, or sharing parts of the work with others.)