Vascular Plant List
Hazel Wolf Wildlife Sanctuary
Hazel Wolf Wildlife Sanctuary. King County, WA. List covers plants found in the Hazel Wolf Wetlands Preserve, near Beaver Lake on the Issaquah Plateau. List by Fred Weinmann. 159 spp.
These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years.
Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society.
We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants.
* - IntroducedScientific Name / Common Name / Family Name
Acer circinatum / Vine maple / Aceraceae
Acer macrophyllum / Big-leaf maple / Aceraceae
Achillea millefolium / Yarrow / Asteraceae
Actaea rubra / Baneberry / Ranunculaceae
Adenocaulon bicolor / Pathfinder / Asteraceae
Adiantum pedatum / Maidenhair fern / Polypodiaceae
Agropyron repens* / Quack grass / Poaceae
Agrostis exarata* / Spike bentgrass / Poaceae
Alnus rubra / Red alder / Betulaceae
Anaphalis margaritacea / Pearly everlasting / Asteraceae
Athyrium filix-femina / Lady fern / Polypodiaceae
Bellis perennis* / English daisy / Asteraceae
Berberis nervosa / Cascade Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Betula pendula* / European white birch / Betulaceae
Bidens cernua / Nodding beggar-ticks / Asteraceae
Blechnum spicant / Deer fern / Polypodiaceae
Botrychium multifidum / Leathery grape-fern / Ophioglossaceae
Brasenia schreberi / Water-shield / Nymphaeaceae
Bromus vulgaris / Narrow-leaf brome / Poaceae
Capsella bursa-pastoris* / Shepherd's purse / Brassicaceae
Cardamine oligosperma / Little Western bittercress / Brassicaceae
Carex canescens / Silvery sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex deweyana / Dewey's sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex hendersonii / Henderson's sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex lenticularis / Lenticular sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex obnupta / Slough sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex utriculata / Beaked sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex vesicaria / Inflated sedge / Cyperaceae
Centaurium umbellatum* / Common centaury / Gentianaceae
Circaea alpina / Enchanter's nightshade / Onagraceae
Cornus nuttallii / Pacific dogwood / Cornaceae
Cornus stolonifera / Red-osier dogwood / Cornaceae
Corylus cornuta / Hazelnut / Betulaceae
Dactylis glomerata* / Orchard grass / Poaceae
Dicentra formosa / Bleeding heart / Fumariaceae
Digitalis purpurea* / Foxglove / Scrophulariaceae
Dryopteris expansa / Spreading wood-fern / Polypodiaceae
Dulichium arundinaceum / Dulichium / Cyperaceae
Eleocharis ovata / Ovoid spike-rush / Cyperaceae
Eleocharis palustris / Common spike-rush / Cyperaceae
Elymus glaucus / Western ryegrass / Poaceae
Epilobium angustifolium / Fireweed / Onagraceae
Epilobium watsonii / Watson's willow-herb / Onagraceae
Equisetum arvense / Common horsetail / Equisetaceae
Equisetum telmateia / Giant horsetail / Equisetaceae
Festuca arundinacea* / Tall fescue / Poaceae
Festuca subulata / Bearded fescue / Poaceae
Fraxinus latifolia / Oregon ash / Oleaceae
Galium aparine / Cleavers / Rubiaceae
Galium triflorum / Fragrant bedstraw / Rubiaceae
Gaultheria shallon / Salal / Ericaceae
Geranium robertianum* / Stinky Bob / Geraniaceae
Geum macrophyllum / Large-leaved avens / Rosaceae
Glecoma hederacea* / Creeping Charlie / Lamiaceae
Glyceria striata / Fowl mannagrass / Poaceae
Hedera helix* / English ivy / Araliaceae
Holodiscus discolor / Ocean spray / Rosaceae
Hypericum perforatum* / Klamath weed / Hypericaceae
Hypochaeris radicata* / Hairy cat's-ear / Asteraceae
Ilex aquifolium* / English holly / Aquifoliaceae
Juncus acuminatus / Tapered rush / Juncaceae
Juncus effusus / Soft rush / Juncaceae
Juncus ensifolius / Daggerleaf rush / Juncaceae
Juncus supiniformis / Spreading rush / Juncaceae
Kalmia occidentalis / Western swamp laurel / Ericaceae
Lactuca muralis* / Wall lettuce / Asteraceae
Lapsana communis* / Nipplewort / Asteraceae
Ledum groenlandicum / Labrador tea / Ericaceae
Lemna minor / Common duckweed / Lemnaceae
Linnaea borealis / Twinflower / Caprifoliaceae
Lonicera ciliosa / Orange honeysuckle / Caprifoliaceae
Lonicera involucrata / Black twinberry / Caprifoliaceae
Ludwigia palustris / False loosestrife / Onagraceae
Luzula campestris / Field woodrush / Juncaceae
Luzula parviflora / Small-flowered woodrush / Juncaceae
Lycopus americanus / Water hoarhound / Lamiaceae
Lysichiton americanus / Skunk cabbage / Araceae
Montia sibirica / Candyflower / Portulacaceae
Myosotis discolor* / Yellow & blue forget-me-not / Boraginaceae
Nemophila parviflora / Small-flowered nemophila / Hydrophyllaceae
Nuphar polysepala / Pond lily / Nymphaeaceae
Oemleria cerasiformus / Indian plum / Rosaceae
Oenanthe sarmentosa / Water parsley / Apiaceae
Oplopanax horridum / Devil's club / Araliaceae
Osmorhiza chilensis / Mountain sweet-cicely / Apiaceae
Petasites frigidus / Sweet coltsfoot / Asteraceae
Phalaris arundinacea* / Reed canarygrass / Poaceae
Physocarpus capitatus / Pacific ninebark / Rosaceae
Picea sitchensis / Sitka spruce / Pinaceae
Plantago lanceolata* / English plantain / Plantaginaceae
Plantago major* / Common plantain / Plantaginaceae
Polygonum coccineum / Swamp persicaria / Polygonaceae
Polygonum persicaria* / Heartweed / Polygonaceae
Polypodium glycyrrhiza / Licorice fern / Polypodiaceae
Polystichum munitum / Sword fern / Polypodiaceae
Populus tremuloides / Quaking aspen / Salicaceae
Populus trichocarpa / Black cottonwood / Salicaceae
Potamogeton natans / Floating-leaf pondweed / Potamogetonaceae
Potentilla palustris / Marsh cinquefoil / Rosaceae
Prunella vulgaris / Self-heal / Lamiaceae
Prunus emarginata / Bitter cherry / Rosaceae
Pseudotsuga menziesii / Douglas fir / Pinaceae
Pteridium aquilinum / Bracken / Polypodiaceae
Pyrus fusca / Crabapple / Rosaceae
Ranunculus acris* / Meadow buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus repens* / Creeping buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus uncinatus / Little buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Rhamnus purshiana / Cascara / Rhamnaceae
Ribes lacustre / Prickly currant / Grossulariaceae
Ribes sanguineum / Red-flowered currant / Grossulariaceae
Rosa gymnocarpa / Baldhip rose / Rosaceae
Rubus discolor* / Himalayan blackberry / Rosaceae
Rubus laciniatus* / Evergreen blackberry / Rosaceae
Rubus leucodermis / Blackcap / Rosaceae
Rubus parviflorus / Thimbleberry / Rosaceae
Rubus spectabilis / Salmonberry / Rosaceae
Rubus ursinus / Wild blackberry / Rosaceae
Rumex crispus* / Sour dock / Polygonaceae
Salix geyeriana / Geyer willow / Salicaceae
Salix lasiandra / Pacific willow / Salicaceae
Salix piperi / Piper's willow / Salicaceae
Salix scouleriana / Scouler willow / Salicaceae
Salix sitchensis / Sitka willow / Salicaceae
Sambucus racemosa / Red elderberry / Caprifoliaceae
Scirpus cyperinus / Wool-grass / Cyperaceae
Scirpus microcarpus / Small-flowered bulrush / Cyperaceae
Scutellaria lateriflora / Mad-dog skullcap / Lamiaceae
Senecio vulgaris* / Common groundsel / Asteraceae
Solidago canadensis / Meadow goldenrod / Asteraceae
Sorbus aucuparia* / European mountain-ash / Rosaceae
Sparganium emersum / Simplestem bur-reed / Sparganiaceae
Spiraea douglasii / Hardhack / Rosaceae
Stachys cooleyae / Cooley's hedge-nettle / Lamiaceae
Stellaria calycantha / Northern starwort / Caryophyllaceae
Symphoricarpos albus / Common snowberry / Caprifoliaceae
Taraxacum officinale* / Dandelion / Asteraceae
Taxus brevifolia / Western yew / Taxaceae
Tellima grandiflora / Fringecup / Saxifragaceae
Thuja plicata / Western red cedar / Cupressaceae
Tiarella trifoliata / Foamflower / Saxifragaceae
Tolmiea menziesii / Youth-on-age / Saxifragaceae
Trientalis latifolia / Broadleaved starflower / Primulaceae
Trifolium arvense* / Hare's-foot / Fabaceae
Trifolium pratense* / Red clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium repens* / White clover / Fabaceae
Trillium ovatum / White trillium / Liliaceae
Tsuga heterophylla / Western hemlock / Pinaceae
Typha latifolia / Common cattail / Typhaceae
Urtica dioica / Stinging nettle / Urticaceae
Utricularia minor / Lesser bladderwort / Lentibulariaceae
Utricularia vulgaris / Common bladderwort / Lentibulariaceae
Vaccinium ovalifolium / Oval-leafed huckleberry / Ericaceae
Vaccinium parvifolium / Red huckleberry / Ericaceae
Veronica americana / American brooklime / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica officinalis* / Common speedwell / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica scutellata / Marsh speedwell / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica serpyllifolia / Thyme-leaf speedwell / Scrophulariaceae
Viola sempervirens / Evergreen violet / Violaceae
Zizania aquatica / Wild rice / Poaceae
WNPS Plant Lists
Hazel Wolf Wildlife Sanctuary, King County, Washington
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