Strand E: Literature
Standard 2: The student responds critically to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama.
Benchmark LA.E.2.1.1: The student uses personal perspective in responding to a work of literature, such as relating characters and simple events in a story or biography to people or events in his or her own life.
Grade Level Expectations (GLE):
- K: (1) relates characters and simple events in a read-aloud book to own life.
- 1st: (1) relates characters and simple events in a story or biography to own life.
- 2nd: (1) understands connections between characters and events in literature and people, events, and experiences in own life.
Benchmark LA.E.2.2.3: The student responds to a work of literature by explaining how the motives of the characters or the causes of events compare with those in his or her own life.
Grade Level Expectations (GLE):
- 3rd: (2) responds to literature by explaining how the causes of events compare with those of own life.
- 4th: (2) responds to literature by explaining how the causes of events compare with those of own life.
- 5th: (2) responds to literature by explaining how the causes of events compare with those of own life.
Gifted Goal:The student demonstrates growth/use and interpretation of verbal/non-verbal communication skills.
Gifted Objective:Given a topic for the purpose of communication, the student will be able to:
8.4 Adapt attitude, point of view, content, and style in terms of audience, purpose, situation, and subject.
Fairy Tale books
Story Map Graphic Organizer
Presentation Storyboard
PowerPoint software
Students will be placed in groups of 4-6 students. Students will then choose a fairy tale story they would like to analyze and study as a group. Students will use a Story Map graphic organizer to outline the story (setting, characters, problem, events, solution, moral, etc.). Students will find the lessons learned through the story and determine whether the lessons are important to society and how they can apply those lessons to their own lives. Students will work as a group to develop a PowerPoint presentation storyboard based on their findings after analyzing their fairy tale. Once their storyboard is completed, the students will proceed to go on the computers to bring their presentation to life using the PowerPoint software. Students will have an opportunity to share their presentations with the entire class and teach their fellow classmates what they found through their analysis.
Group contribution (graded by group members), PowerPoint presentation (one grade per group), and oral presentation (one grade per group).
Name: / Date:Fairy Tale Title:
Protagonists (Good Guys) / Antagonists (Bad Guys)
Setting / Picture of the Setting
Main Problem
Main Events
Solution / Moral (Lesson Learned)
Fairy Tale Title: ______
Names of Team Members:
About the Fairy Tale
Protagonists: ______
Antagonists: ______
Setting: ______
Main Problem: ______
Main Events
- Beginning: ______
- Middle: ______
- End: ______
How is the Problem Solved (Solution)?
What Lessons Does the Fairy Tale Teach Us?
How Can these Lessons Help to Make a Better World?
How Can We Use these Lessons in Our Daily Lives?
(This slide will prompt the audience to ask your team questions about your presentation.)
Created by Mariely Sanchez ©