Christie Shockley
Birth date: July 10, 1979
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Parents’ names: David and Judy Shockley
Sibling’s name: Phillip Shockley
Current address: 1610 Morrow Abilene, TX 79601
Current phone numbers: (H): 325-677-0414; (M) 325-721-3808; (W) 325-236-6821
Email addresses: ,
High School: MemphisHardingAcademy
Graduation Year: 1997
University: HardingUniversity
Bachelor Degrees: B.A. in Communication Disorders
Graduation Year: 2001
Other Degree: CommunicationDisorders
University: University of Arkansas- Fayetteville
Graduation Year: 2003
Home congregation: SycamoreViewChurch of Christ
Other congregations with which you’ve had some past involvement:
- Spring Valley; Searcy, AR
- Highway; Judsonia, AR
- North Street; Fayetteville, AR
- Minter Lane; Abilene, TX
Ways you’ve helped in serving the church:
- Taught children's classes
- Prime time praise
- Service projects
- MissionCampaigns
People remark that I seem to have the following positive personal character trait:
Optimistic, patient, and constant
A personal character trait that I am trying to better is:
Getting out my comfort zone and making an effort to meet more new people and being more open with people
I believe my spiritual walk is strongest now in the following areas:
Trusting that God has a plan for me that is bigger than I can imagine
I believe I need to better my spiritual life concerning the following areas:
Being more vocal about my beliefs
I feel my strengths will best be displayed in the following areas:
- Personal Bible studies
- One-on-one communication
- Group activities
- Service projects
- English language studies with others
- Learning Czech history
My first interest in any mission work came: on the campaign to Prague in 2000
Subsequent events or mission efforts that increased my interest:
Coming to the University of Arkansas and being a part of the RFCs where there was a group of people already interested in the CzechRepublic and, of course, going back to Prague and Olomouc in the summer of 2001 and 2003 and the spring of 2005.
A list of mission efforts I’ve been involved in:
- Oneweek every summer from 1993-1997;Albemarle, NC; (VBS for children)
- Oneweek every summer from 1992-1998;Memphis, TN; Work Camp (painted houses for needy)
- Spring Break 2002;New Orleans, LA
- Summers 2000 and 2003; Prague, Czech Republic
The greatest lessons I’ve learned as a result of mission efforts are:
God is in control and He will give us what we need to do His will.
The following event or thought was the most influential in stirring my interest in Olomouc:
We took a prayer walk while we were in Prague in 2000. We just prayed for everyone we saw while we were walking down the street. It made me realize how many people are in need of the Savior.
I appreciate and enjoy the following things about Olomouc or the CzechRepublic:
- Red roofs
- Gas stoves
- Clothes lines
- Balconies
- Potato croquettes
- Watching people hear the Gospel for the first time
- Trains
- Magnum ice cream bars
- JK Novak and the Bridge Band
- The fact that younger people still give their seats up for the older people on the Metro/trams
- Cobble-stones
- The wall that goes around Olomouc
- That people of all ages ride bikes... I could go on.
I look forward most to the following aspect of being in Olomouc:
Getting to meet more people and share the Gospel with them
I admit I am afraid of or concerned about the following aspect of being in Olomouc:
I guess it is always a little nervous when going that far away from my family and friends here.
I believe I’ll probably be most surprised by the following aspect of being in Olomouc:
I don't know or it wouldn't be a surprise. I know that whatever it is, God will be with us.