NPHC minutes: November 16, 2016

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 3:09pm

Reading, Motion & adoption of the Agenda:

Kappa Alpha Psimotions to adopt agenda and minutes, Alpha Phi Alphaseconds; all are in favor

Report of officers:

1. Vice President of Administration

  1. Dues deadline datewas extended to Last Friday. Those that have not paid cannot select spring weeks until payment. (meaning priority point ranking has been lost)

2. Vice President of Programs

A. Awaiting correspondence to reschedule NPHC volunteer event.

3. President

A. Mabelvale Elementary; shout out to Kappa Alpha Psi and Alpha Phi Alpha for volunteering today and reading to the kids.

B. Documentation-providing a template in a Greek 101 session. Required for all Neophytes

Chapter Reports:

*Alpha Phi Alpha:Continued service at Bale elementary, volunteered at Mabelvale elementary.Alpha week -Miss Black and Gold pageant practice as well asTrain Like an Alpha coming up.Hosted Mayhem in the Rock 11.12. Neophyte presentation was on 11.13. Alpha week 11.27-12.3. Supporting Sigma Lambda Gamma week. If anyone wants to purchase any ads please get with us to purchase. Thanks for the support.

*Alpha Kappa Alpha:Winter Clothing Drive 11/18 12-2 in DSC.Chapter elections this prior weekend. Event with Graduate chapter and UALR alumni association on 11.12. Donated $98. Season Wraps in the DSC 11.18

*Kappa Alpha Psi:Supporting Sigma Gamma Rho week events; table partnership with them tomorrow. Supported Southwestern Province Initiation in Little Rock weekend. Had a tent at homecoming tailgate. 11.12. Volunteered at Mabelvale Elementary. Supporting Iota Gamma chapter march tonight and neophyte presentation tomorrow.

*Omega Psi Phi:Hosted Homecoming Greek show and afterparty on Nov. 12. Participated in Homecoming activities.

*Delta Sigma Theta:Attended Sigma Gamma Rho events. Participated in homecoming events. Had a bake sale on 11.14. Supported Sigma Lambda Gamma events, and Kappa Psi neophyte presentation. Tutoring in the Library. Highway Cleanup 11.20 Blazing the Stage Talent show 11.19; tickets are on sale $5 students/$10 non-students. Yammonda was crowned Homecoming Queen, and we won Best sorority in the 1st Annual Homecoming step show.

*Phi Beta Sigma:Attended and participated in Homecoming events-parade, basketball game, and QALR stepshow. Continued tutoring math & writing tutoring-My Brother’s KeeperBig Brother Big Sister. Supported Henderson, UCA, UAM Sigma probates. Sigma Lambda Gamma bonfire smores & latin fest event and supported Alpha Phi Alpha neophyte presentation. Volunteering at Billy Mitchell Boys and Girls club soon. UCA Zeta Neophyte presentation.

*Zeta Phi Beta: Absent

*Sigma Gamma Rho:Volunteered at Cavalier Health 11.13.Hosted Poodle Talk with Pi Kappa11.9; Rholling with the Rhos11.11; UALR tailgate, Founders Day Brunch, hosted Greek show after party with Pi Kappa 11.12. Supported Alpha Phi Alpha neophyte presentation 11.13; SupportingSigma Lambda Gamma probate on 11.19 and their other week events; Delta Sigma Theta Talent show 11.19.

Standing Committee Reports:

1.NPHC WEEK Committee

A. NPHC Nothing to Report (need suggestion on who to appoint)

2. UMOJA Chair

A. Umoja theme Cartoons. Date is 9.8.17.Fitness center has been reserved.

Unfinished/Old Business

NPHC Study session tonight 7:30 at Ottenheimer Library.

New Business

Spring Week Selection: Alpha Phi Alpha 2/26-3/4; Phi Beta Sigma 3/12-3/18; Spring Break 3/19-3/25; Sigma Gamma Rho 3/26-4/1; Alpha Kappa Alpha 4/2-4/8; Greek week 4/9-4/15; Delta Sigma Theta 4/16-4/22; Omega Psi Phi 4/23-4/29

Advisor Comments

Fill out your forms & Log your events!


For the good of the order

Productive study sessions are important.

Motion to adjourn meeting/adjournment

Kappa Alpha Psimoved to adjourn meeting; Sigma Gamma Rho seconds; all are in favor. The meeting adjourned at 3:45pm.