COURSE DESCRIPTION: In-depth study of financial accounting standards, the accounting process, and problems related to presenting income statements and balance sheets for business enterprises. Consideration of working capital accounts, noncurrent assets, noncurrent liabilities and the related income statement accounts.
REQUIRED TEXT: Intermediate Accounting with British Airways Annual Report + Connect Plus, Spiceland, Sepe, and Nelson, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill Irwin, ISBN: 9780077403492, Fall 2010. .
Academic Integrity, FERPA, Disability Services/Grading scale Clarification
The following is a sample taken directly from the Furman University Academic Handbook.
B. Policy
“Students, faculty, and administrators are expected to promote a culture of academic integrity. Students have the ultimate responsibility for knowing Furman’s policy and expectations regarding academic integrity, and for behaving honorably in their academic work. Ignorance of what constitutes academic misconduct is not an acceptable defense for violating the community standard. All faculty at Furman are responsible for identifying instances of possible academic misconduct, for initiating the procedures specified in this policy, and for imposing a penalty they consider appropriate. The University administration is responsible for encouraging and supporting an environment in the University community that both values academic integrity and discourages indifference towards infractions against it.
Responsibility for the adjudication of reported infractions and the assessment of sanctions outside the penalty in the course rests with the Academic Discipline Committee (ADC), a body comprising faculty and students (File 190.6). In some instances, such as the falsifying of official documents, the University Discipline Committee will have this responsibility (see The Helmsman, “Disciplinary Processes”).”
Academic Integrity:
“The ultimate responsibility for behaving with integrity rests with the student. In addition, students play a vital role in creating a campus environment that exemplifies the fundamental principles of academic integrity.”
“These responsibilities extend beyond avoiding personal academic misconduct. A student who has reason to believe that another student has violated the principles of academic integrity shall communicate this to the instructor of the course or other appropriate individual or other appropriate official.”
UES Faculty have the right to address issue of Academic Integrity within the classroom or may have a student(s) adjudicated through the University Adjudication process with the University Disciplinary Committee. (See Student Handbook for Guidelines.)
“The Academic Discipline Committee (ADC) is a standing faculty committee responsible for 1) adjudicating possible violations of the academic integrity policy (File 121.5) that cannot be resolved between the faculty member and student 2) recommending an academic penalty to the faculty member when penalty disputes arise; and 3) when it deems appropriate, imposing sanctions beyond the academic penalties imposed by the instructor when it is determined that a student is responsible for academic misconduct.”
“The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, commonly referred to as the Buckley Amendment, provides for students' access to their educational records. Students wishing to inspect their records may do so by going to the appropriate office and presenting their identification credentials. Furman complies with all federal and state statutes regarding confidentiality of student records. Students are guaranteed opportunities to challenge the accuracy of files or records. Requests for hearings are made to the vice president for Student Services”.
Access to Records:
Records directly related to a student and maintained by Furman or by a party acting for Furman. Educational records include any personally identifiable student-related information in any medium, including but not limited to, handwriting, print, tapes, film, e-mail, microfilm, and microfiche.
Students wishing to waive their rights to FERPA and have their Educational Records disclosed, must do so in writing in the office of Continuing Education. The term “Educational Records” refers to, but is not limited to:
- Admissions information for students who are accepted and enrolled,
- Advising and registration materials, such as course schedules or drop-add requests,
- Biographical information including date and place of birth, gender, nationality, race, ethnicity, and identification photographs,
- Coursework including papers and exams, e-mail, or any type of recorded communications that are part of the academic process,
- Data related to participation in student activities, such as student government, intercollegiate athletics, intramurals, or student clubs,
- Disciplinary records,
- Grades, test scores, evaluations, courses taken, academic specialization and activities, and official communications regarding a student’s status,
- Identification cards or numbers,
- Internship program records,
- Student account and financial aid records.
Students with Disabilities:
Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 state that no "otherwise qualified" individuals, solely by reason of their disability, can be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity.
Furman University recognizes a student with a disability as anyone whose impairment substantially limits one or more major life activity. Students may receive a variety of services including classroom accommodations such as extended time on tests, test proctoring, note-taking assistance andaccess to assistive technology. However, receipt of reasonable accommodations cannot guarantee success--all students are responsible for meeting academic standards.
Students requesting services should contact the Disability Services office and provide appropriate documentation of their disability (see Academic Accommodations forGuidelines). It is the responsibility of the student with the disability to obtain and pay for this documentation. Some accommodations require significant planning; therefore, students should begin the process well in advance.
The Disability Services office is located on the second floor of the Administrative Services Building.
Contact Information:
Disability Services
Furman University
3300 Poinsett Highway
Greenville, SC 29613
Phone: 864-294-2320
Phone: 864-294-2322
Fax: 864-294-3044
Academic Advising:
Academic Advising is provided as a service to all UES students regardless of degree status. Students are encouraged to get advised each semester. This can take place in person at the UES office in Hipp Hall, over the phone or via e-mail. Issues discussed during advising appointments vary and are at the discretion of the student. Some typical topics discussed may be:
- Course and semester sequencing
- Managing your course workload
- Course material management
PREPARATION: To facilitate your learning process, assigned readings and homework problems should be completed before each class. Both attendance and class participation are strongly recommended, as they are essential to a successful learning process.
GRADING: The course grade will consist of the following items:
Quizzes on each chapter – 15%
Exam 01 - Exam 07 – 60% Each exam will cover one – two chapters.
Comprehensive Final Exam - 25%
Make-up tests:Make-up tests will be similar to original tests, but not the same test as the original. The student may make up no more than one test. If the student misses more than one test, those tests will be assigned a grade of zero. Makeup exams will be administered by Professor Frazer on a Friday evening at the end of the semester.
The following grade scale is used:
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
F = 0 - 59
INSTRUCTOR: Lyle C. Frazer
Primary Email: (Mon. – Sat.)
Backup Email: (Mon.-Sat.)
Date / Chapter / Homework AssignmentAug. 30 / 1 / Cover syllabus, present and discuss chapter 01.
Ch 01 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Sep. 06 / Furman Holiday
Sep. 13 / 2 / Present and discuss chapter 02.
Ch 02 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting. Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Sep. 20 / 3 / Present and discuss chapter 03.
Ch 03 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Sep. 27 / 4 / Present and discuss chapter 04.
Ch 04 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Oct. 04 / 5 / Present and discuss chapter 05.
Ch 05 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Oct. 11 / 6 / Present and discuss chapter 06.
Ch 06 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Oct. 18 / 7 / Present and discuss chapter 07.
Ch 07 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Oct. 25 / 8 / Present and discuss chapter 08.
Ch 08 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Nov. 01 / 9 / Present and discuss chapter 09.
Ch 09 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Nov. 08 / 10 / Present and discuss chapter 10.
Ch 10 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Nov. 15 / 11 / Present and discuss chapter 11.
Ch 11 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Nov.22 / 12 / Present and discuss chapter 12.
Ch 12 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Nov.29 / 12 / Present and discuss chapter 12.
Ch 12 HW Assignments are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Quizzes, exams and their due dates are available in CONNECT Accounting.
Additional material may be assigned via email.
Dec. 06 / 12 / Remainder of Chapter 12.
Dec. 13 / Comprehensive, proctored final exam administered in class.