3.4 Withdrawing Students for Military Activation
Responsibility: Home
Note: If the activation is when 4 or more weeks are left of the semester, the student receives a full refund. If the activation is when there is less than 4 weeks left of the semester, the student has a choice of the grade assigned by the faculty or a full refund.
Step 1 – Access the Registration Session Defaults (RGSD) screen
Step 2 - Set date to effective date of withdrawal.
- If the withdrawal is past the last day to WD for the term, the RGSD screen needs to be set to the last day to WD.
Step 3 – Update the RGSD screen
Step 4 – Access the Registration (RGN) screen for the student
Step 5 – If there are more than 4 weeks left of the semester or less than 4 but the student chose the full refund,
- For each section enter ‘W’ in the status column. This will display the SRGC screen.
- In the Status/Date: The ‘W’ status will default. The date should be the date of activation.
- In Reason: Enter ‘M’ for Military Activation. This will move to the SACD screen upon finish.
- In Drop Grade/Exp Date: Enter ‘W’ to force a ‘W’ grade for this section, if appropriate.
Step 6 – Access the Student Withdrawal (SWTH) screen for the student
- Complete the following fields:
- Hiatus - M (Military Activation)
- Reason – Enter ML if the students National Guard or Reserve unit is activated; enter AS is the students leaves to join the full time military
- Last Attendance Date - Enter last date of attendance
- Term - Term (ex 2002SU/SP/FA)
- Start/End Date - Enter the date of the activation/withdrawal as the start date /Do not enter an end date until the student returns from military duty
- Advisors - Detail to Student Advisor Listing (STAD) screen
Step 7 - Detail on advisor(s) name(s) of all active program(s) to Faculty Advisee Detail (FADT) screen
- Enter an end Date with effective date of withdrawal.
Step 8 - Detail on Registration Info from the FADT screen to go to the Student Acad Program (SACP) screen
- Detail on Status/Dt/Opr. to go to the Student Program Status History (SPSH) screen
- go to next available field and type (W) Withdrawn & enter,
- type effective date of withdrawal.
- End Date will populate after screen saved.
Step 9 – Update until you are returned to a blank SWTH screen.
Step 10 - If there are less than 4 weeks left of the semester, and the student chose the grade, obtain the grades from the faculty and grade using FGID.
Step 11 – Access the Student Withdrawal (SWTH) screen for the student
- Complete the following fields:
- Hiatus - M (Military Activation)
- Reason – Enter ML if the students National Guard or Reserve unit is activated; enter AS is the students leaves to join the full time military
- Last Attendance Date - Enter the day after the last day of the semester
- Term - Term (ex 2002SU/SP/FA)
- Start/End Date - Enter the date of the activation/withdrawal as the start date /Do not enter an end date until the student returns from military duty
- Advisors - Detail to Student Advisor Listing (STAD) screen
Note: If the student chose a refund on some sections and grades on others, still use the day after the last day of the term as the start date on SWTH.
Step 12 - Detail on advisor(s) name(s) of all active program(s) to Faculty Advisee Detail (FADT) screen
- Enter an end Date with effective date of withdrawal.
Step 13 - Detail on Registration Info from the FADT screen to go to the Student Acad Program (SACP) screen
- Detail on Status/Dt/Opr. to go to the Student Program Status History (SPSH) screen
- go to next available field and type (W) Withdrawn & enter,
- type effective date of withdrawal.
- End Date will populate after screen saved.
Step 14 – Notify Accounts Receivables of the students receiving refunds.
Step 15 – Access the Additional Student Term Info (ASTR) screen
Step 16 – Enter a printed comment for the transcript
- For example – Withdrew (MM/DD/YY)
- The format for comments that print on a transcript is x – comment (where x is the university identifier)
- The comment will print on the transcript (not the x).
Step 17 – Update the ASTR screen
Step 18 – Notify the other universities if this is a multi-institutional student so they can inactivate the program/advisor for their university