Centre for Wireless Communications29.12.20041
Project Title: Concepts for Ultra Wideband Radio Systems (CUBS)
Distribution:Elektrobit, the Finnish Defence Forces, TEKES, CWC
Document Id:
Document Title:CUBS research plan for year 2005
Work Area:
Version:Ver. 1.0
Last Save Date:29.12.2004
File Name:CUBS_2005plan10.doc
Abstract: This document is a research plan for the second year of CUBS project (Concepts for Ultra Wideband Radio Systems) that focuses to UWB technology applied to (military) sensor networks data communications. The work is divided into two active work packages and administration. In higher level, the work packages are dedicated to research and implementation related issues.
Keywords:ultra wideband, research plan, demonstrator
Document History:
Ver. 0.1Nov 15, 2004Document created
Ver. 0.2Dec 10, 2004 Feedback from sponsors is taken into account
Ver. 0.3Dec 22, 2004 Plan attached to Tekes application
Ver. 1.0 Dec 29, 2004 Percentage shares corrected (version actually posted to Tekes)
2.History of uwb basic research at cwc
3.Work description
3.1.Work Package 1 (WP1): Research part
3.2.Work Package 2 (WP2): Applications part
7.steering group
8.Budget and funding
Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC)started ultra wideband (UWB) technology research at 1999 in FUBS-project (Future Ultra Wideband Radio Systems). FUBS project was a general UWB research project whose goal was to increase the overall knowledge of the UWB technology at CWC and at the funding companies.The first phase of the general UWB research ended at the end of year 2003 when the FUBS finished.
Since 2004, the basic research on UWB topic has been carried out in the project called Concepts for Ultra Wideband Radio Systems (CUBS). However, the other goal in CUBS is applied research and the final aim of this project is to demonstrate UWB data link embedded to sensor type network.
UWB systems are utilizing frequency band which is greater than 500 MHz, or has a fractional bandwidth larger than 20% (defined using -10 dB frequencies). The frequency band between 3.1 GHz and 10.6 GHz is allocated for the high volume applications by the Federal Communications Committee (FCC), USA. Within this band, e.g., the data communication applicationsshould be located. According to the same FCC rules some specific radar or imaging applications are allowed to utilize frequency band below 960 MHz.
The European UWB standardization process is ongoing and the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) released an open inquiry for public comments on November 2004 having commenting deadline at the end of the same year.
2.History of uwb basic research at cwc
The first basic UWB study was officiallykicked-off in FUBS project at Oct. 1999, but the project was unofficially started at May 1999. At the beginning the project was included in Tekes TLX-program with the industrial sponsors Nokia (NET), Elektrobit and the Finnish Defence Forces. The period of the project was originally set to three years. TLX-program ended at 2001 but FUBS was continued with the Tekes funding outside of technology programs together with the same industrial partners until the end of 2002. During the year 2002 also Nokia NMP participated to the project as a sponsor. The last year of FUBS, year 2003, the project belongs to Tekes NETS-program, and the industrial sponsors were Elektrobit Ltd., the Finnish Defence Forces and CWC.
Since 2004, the research was continued in the CUBS project which was also included in Tekes NETS-program. NETS-program will finish at the end of 2004 and the continuation from Tekes funding will be applied from open call. The first CUBS research year launched new tasks; multiband-OFDM UWB, as well as research in network layer. It also continues the work on single-band UWB, channel modelling, capacity and coexistence. Preliminary simulations for outdoor UWB link have also been carried out during 2004. The project has also an identified focus; to demonstrate UWB data link in the sensor network.CUBS-project has been planned to last totally three year and this document concentrates to the second project year.
At the first year, four steering group meetings were organized and private web-site for the project outputs, document and information circulation, was created.
3.Work description
This document gives a plan and estimation of work amounts and budget for the second researchyear; 2005.
During the first year of CUBS the research was focused on general topics. The second year will launch also the applied part.
Estimated work amount for 2005 is planned to be 50 man months which has been divided into two high level work packages (WP) and administration. Both WP’s include several tasks which are next described in more details.
3.1.Work Package 1 (WP1): Research part
T.1.1.Channel modelling
This task finishes the data analysis process for the already measured radio channel raw data. By the end of 2004, the data measured at the hospital and office environments have been completely analysed and the channel models are available. However, there will be raw data from outdoors and paper mill whose analysis does not finish during 2004.
T1.2.Concept evaluation
In this task, UWB physical layer concepts suitable for sensor network data transmission are studied. In general, the performances of different physical layer concepts (PHY) studied in the earlier stages of FUBS and CUBS in AWGN and IEEE802.15.3a channels will be compared to the performance usingthe channel models generated in the project. The PHY can be based either on single- or multiband UWB approach.
Also, the system concept with the parameters specified in WP2 for the demonstrator will be simulated using the applicable channel model.
Due to the extremely large bandwidth the of UWB signal, the spectral overlapping with the other systems is obvious. Co-existence issues are fundamental topics in the technology standardization and exploitation processes. This work continues with new measurements with the UWB and victim systems. At the end of 2004, CWC has developed advanced control boards for the impulse transmitters. In FUBS, UWB impact on WLAN IEEE802.11b was studied via experimental tests. This kind of co-existence study with IEEE802.11a will be carried out. Also, if possible, the impact to the other victim systems, like UMTS and GPS,could be studied.
UWB system capacity will be studied based on the information theory approach.
Work amount: 33 mm
Outputs: journal papers, conference papers
3.2.Work Package 2 (WP2): Applications part
T2.1.Demonstrator specification
This task will output the system requirement specification for the data link that the sensor network will use. Based on the customer’s needs parameters like data rate, link distance, capacity, frequency band, etc. requirements are listed. This task will be done together with Defence Forces.
T2.2.MAC design
In this task the medium access control (MAC) scheme for multi-device sensor network signalling will be defined.
T2.3.Implementation design
This work package focuses to design hardware that can be used in the demonstrator. As a signal source, the demonstrator can use the WIRO2-platform that is developed in CWC. The modular platform includes several sensing probes that provides the data to be transferred, power feeding, MAC and radio. For the CUBS-demonstration, the MAC and radio parts in WIRO2 need to be redesigned.
The topics to be involved into T2.3 are
- SWOT analysis between the suitability of FPGA and ASIC. The output is which technique will be used in the further implementation.
- Design the RF and MAC modules
- Start merging new modules to WIRO2 platform
Work amount: 15 mm
Output: conference papers
For project administration 2 mm has been allocated.
The schedule for the following research year is presented in Figure 1.The ASIC-process shown in the figure could also relate to FPGA design. Tentative steering group meeting days are also marked into the figure.
Figure 1. Project schedule.
The research results will be public in general, and the goal is to have academic outputs from the project. The reporting will mostly base on conference and journal publications. The applied part of the study will be reported only to the sponsors, and can then be public if not otherwise agreed. Publication plan is included in the work package descriptions.
The permission for publications will be asked from the steering group two weeks advance the submission deadline. If the final version is not available for that time, the draft version introducing the contents with as much information as possible will be delivered. If the reviewers do not respond during the two weeks period the paper is seen as accepted for publication. A secured directory under the CWC network is used for the document delivery.
The comments against the contents of the paper should be given during the review period so that the required changes could be done before the submission deadline. The paper will be withdrawn if the permission for publication will not be given by all the sponsors.
The major events where paper should be submitted are
- International Conference on Ultra Wideband (ICU2005), Zürich, Switzerland
- IEEE J-SAC special number: UWB wireless communications
The key persons and their roles in project CUBS are the following:
Dr. Tech. Jari Iinattisupervisor
Lic.Tech. Matti Hämäläinenproject manager, researcher, WP1: 4 mm
Lic.Tech.Juha Pyhtiläresearcher, WP1: 2.5 mm
M.Sc.Niina Laineresearcher, WP1: 10 mm
M.Sc.Heikki Karvonenresearcher, WP1: 6 mm
M.Sc.Alberto Rabbachinresearcher, WP1:5 mm
M.Sc.Leonardo Gorattiresearcher, WP2: 2 mm
M.Sc.Sakari Tiuraniemiresearcher, WP2: 4 mm
M.Sc.Lucian Stoicaresearcher, WP2: 5.5 mm
M.Sc. (stud.) (M.Sc., Q1/05)Jani Salorantaresearcher, WP1: 1 mm
M.Sc. (stud.) (M.Sc., Q1/06)Harri Viittalaresearcher, WP1: 7 mm
M.Sc. (stud.)Jussi Ilvonenresearcher, WP2: 3 mm
NN researcher
Dr.Timo Bräysy technical expert
Dr.Ian Oppermanntechnical expert
7.steering group
CUBS steering group:
- Heikki Rantanen, chairman (Defence Forces), Tuomo Reili (Defence Forces),Petteri Heino (Elektrobit), TBD (Elektrobit), Kari Markus (Tekes), Ian Oppermann (CWC), Jari Iinatti (CWC)
- Matti Hämäläinen, secretary (CWC)
In steering group,each organization has only one vote.
8.Budget and funding
TEKES funding is applied through the NETS-program. Total budget for CUBS-project for 2005 will be 420000.00 € and it is based on the following estimations.
Labour costs (59 mm)134 731,00€
Side costs (68%)91 617,00€
Total226 348,00€226 348,00€
Overhead (75,1%)169 986,00€
Equipments, software, etc.12000,00€
Travel costs5000,00 €
TOTAL BUDGET413 334,00 €
Tekes (50%) 206667,00 €206667,00€
Industrial partners(50%)206667,00€
CWC(24.2%) 100000,00€
Elektrobit (9.7%) 40000,00 €
the Finnish Defence Forces (16.1%) 66 667,00 €
TOTAL:413 334,00 € 413 334,00 €
The plan and research volumes will be updated and applied year by year.
CUBS-research plan: Appendix 1
Appendix 1: List of publications from CUBS (2004)
List of Publications
CUBS-project has produced the following publications:
1.R. Tesi: Ultra Wideband System Performance in the Presence of Interference, Licentiate thesis, 97 p., May 2004.
2.N. Laine: Ultra Wideband Channel Modelling and Communication System Performance in Outdoor Environment. Master Thesis, 92 p., May 2004.
3.L. Hentilä: Ultra Wideband Indoor Radio Channel Measurement and Modelling. Master Thesis, 79 p., May 2004.
4.H. Karvonen: Energy Efficient Coding for Wireless Sensor Networks, Master Thesis, 74 p., December 2004.
5.R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, I. Oppermann, V. Hovinen: On the Multi-User Interference Study for Ultra Wideband Communication Systems in AWGN and Modified Saleh-Valenzuela Channel. Joint UWBST and IWUWBS 2004 Workshop on Ultra Wideband and Technologies, May 2004.
6.M. Hämäläinen, R. Tesi, J. Iinatti: UWB Co-Existence with IEEE802.11a and UMTS in Modified Saleh-Valenzuela Channel. Joint UWBST and IWUWBS 2004 Workshop on UltraWideband and Technologies, May 2004.
7.H. Karvonen, Z. Shelby, C. Pomalaza-Ráez: Coding for Energy Efficient Wireless Embedded Networks", International Workshop On Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks (IWWAN), Oulu, Finland, June 2004.
8.N. Laine, M. Hämäläinen, L. Hentilä, J. Iinatti, M. Nenonen, S. Karhu: Outdoor Ultra Wideband Propagation Channel Modeling at VHF/UHF Band. Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop (FWCW) 2004, Oulu, Finland, Aug. 2004.
9.L. Hentilä V. Hovinen M Hämäläinen: Sub-Band Analysis in UWB Radio Channel Modeling. Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop (FWCW) 2004, Oulu, Finland, Aug. 2004.
10.P. Pirinen: Outage Evaluation of Ultra Wideband Spread Spectrum System with Rake Combining in Lognormal Fading Multipath Channels. The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2004), Barcelona, Sep. 2004.
CUBS-research plan: Appendix 1
Project: CUBS
Concepts for Ultra Wideband Radio Systems
Heikki Rantanen, the Finnish Defence Forces (chair)
Tuomo Reili, the Finnish Air Forces
Petteri Heino, Elektrobit Ltd.
TBD, Elektrobit Ltd.
Kari Markus, Tekes
Jari Iinatti, CWC
Ian Oppermann, CWC
Matti Hämäläinen, CWC
Each organization has only one vote.