Direct Deposit Form

See Next Page for Instructions



Employee Name

Last Name


First Name


Middle Initial



Employee Number


Social Security Number:





Email Address

I attest that the information submitted in my documentation is true and accurate. Wake Technical Community College has my permission to verify all the information provided. Electronic submission of these documents indicates my consent to verify any information.
I verify that I have read the above and understand this information is necessary for employment with Wake Technical Community College.
BY CHECKING THE BOX AT THE LEFT, I authorize Wake Tech to directly deposit my wages in the account(s) listed below.



Type of enrollment





Effective Date



Account Information

1st Account


2nd Account

Bank Name


Bank Name

Branch Location


Branch Location

Routing Number


Routing Number

Account Number


Account Number

Account Type:


Account Type:

Checking Money Market Savings


Checking Money Market Savings

Amount: 100%


Dollar Amount




** It is the employees responsibility to provide correct bank account information **

Please notify the Human Resources as soon as possible of any account/banking changes.

If the transmission of direct deposit of pay indicates that your account has beenclosed,

the College may not advance you pay. The College must wait to receive a refund from

the financial institution before you may receive payment for the affected month.

Form 777 R-16(5-9-17) LW/KR

Instructions for Completing the Wake Tech Direct Deposit Form

This form must be received in the Human Resources no later than 5:00 p.m. on the third business day of the month.

Prepare only one copy of the form. Please type or print legibly.

Complete item numbers 1 and 2 which are self-explanatory.

Item 4: Type of enrollment and effective date

Indicate “NEW” if you currently are not participating in the Direct Deposit Program.

Indicate “CHANGE” and enter the “EFFECTIVE DATE” if you wish to change financial institutions, account type, or account number.

Item 5:Enter account information as shown above
  1. You may select up to two (2) accounts. Please indicate if the account is a checking, money market, or savings account. They do not have to be from the same financial institution, but they do have to be members of the Automated Clearing House (ACH) which includes most banks and credit unions.
  1. If you designate only one account, check 100% under amount. If you split your deposit between two accounts, enter the dollar amount you want to go to the first account. In the 2nd account, you shouldalso indicate the remainder.