Autumn Term newsletter
Hello’s and Goodbyes
Hello to Albie, Verity, Cole and their families that have started with us recently.
Welcome back to our Deputy Manger Hayley who has returned after having baby number 3.
We have a sad goodbye to say to Demi who will be leaving us to start university this September. We wish her the best of luck and hope she will come back and see us all soon.
We have heard from many of the children who have started Reception this year and we have some photos to share with the children of them in their uniforms, excited on their first day of school.
Breakfast Time
Our breakfast time is served up until 9am in the morning. At this time we need to clear the breakfast items away ready to clean our teeth and start our circle time. We ask parents to remember that we do like all children to arrive by 9am and if they would like to join us for breakfast, please could they arrive in plenty of time to do so.
A polite reminder to say that toys are best left at home- we have lots of fun things to play with here. We also have a healthy eating policy so would also politely remind parents that unhealthy snacks and drinks should not be brought into the setting. This included juices and crisps.
Dinky Dancers
We are very excited to have dinky dancers join us on a Wednesday morning for our Jungle Room children. The programme is designed to support expressive art and Physical education, whilst being lots of fun. The children are really enjoying it.
The ocean Room children continue to enjoy Melody Monkeys ran by Sally Page on a Thursday morning.
30 hours funding
This has now been launched and we are accepting the funding from this term. We are aware that there are lots of problems with the site, so please do keep in touch with Emma about your progress.
Coffee Morning
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our coffee morning on Saturday 14th October 2017, 10am-11am. It is a chance to catch up with your child’s keyworker and to meet the other nursery families.
Coats and Wellies
Our garden is already looking very autumnal and for the children to enjoy their time outside, we would ask that they all have a pair of suitable outside shoes such as wellies and waterproofs.
Parent Hub
We have added a parent hub to our website. We hope to upload lots of useful information here for you to access, including curriculum information, wellcomm resources and recent letters. We will gradually update the information form you and we hope that you find this useful.
Nursery Charity 2018/2019
Buntings have always been very proud to have a charity focus and in the past have raised lots of money towards local charities. We would like to ask our families to nominate any charities they would like considered for us to fundraise for.