For Immediate Release
October 11, 2006
Contact:Marti Daltry, President, (239) 997-0673
FORT MYERS - The Caloosahatchee River Citizens Association (aka RiverWatch) will feature local Sanibel author, Charles Sobczak, at its November 1, 2006, monthly meeting. Sobczak will be presenting his latest book, hot off the presses, Alligators, Sharks and Panthers, to Riverwatch members. The general public is also invited, but RSVPs are required in advance.
Author Charles Sobczak lives and writes on Sanibel Island. He has two sons, Logan and Blake, and is happily married to Molly Heuer. Sobczak is a lifetime member of the Sanibel and Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF), the President of Lee Reefs (Lee County Artificial Reef Association), Vice-President of START (Solutions to Avoid Red Tide) and an avid offshore fisherman. His other books include three other novels Six Mornings on Sanibel (1999), Way Under Contract (2000) and A Choice of Angels (2003) .
Here are a few comments on his book:
"Charles Sobczak has a must read book for anyone who wants to understand Floridian's relationship to their environment. Written with facts, but very much from the heart."
Robert Macomber, author of An Affair of Honor
This book is both entertaining and educational, and it grabs your attention right from the start. It also offers profound judgments on what has happened to nature, and who is responsible. It deserves a wide audience.
Patrick D. Smith, author of A Land Remembered.
A fascinating (if sometimes horrifying) and well-written look at the critters which sometimes turn the tables on the planet’s dominate predator? Us. It balances their sometimes less-than-friendly treatment of Homo sapiens with accounts of the grim impact people have had on them. A good book to read if you care about our environment and don’t want to end up as dinner.
Paul R. Ehrlich, PhD. Author of One With Nineveh
Copies will be available for sale to benefit RiverWatch and Sobczak will be available for autographs following his presentation. Attached are Sobczak’s press photo and book cover.
Meeting Details as follows:
Wednesday, Nov 1, 2006 at the Royal Palm Yacht Club,
2360 West First Street, Ft Myers
Arrive at 6pm – Social / Cash bar
Dinner at 6:30pm
Presentation at 7pm
Please choose a meal:
-Caesar salad w grilled chicken
-Caesar salad w fried grouper
-Grilled Portobello Mushroom Salad
Meal includes bread and butter, coffee or tea and chocolate fudge brownie.
Cost: $15 for RiverWatch Members, $25 for non-members.
Please e-mail Corresponding Secretary Linda Mattos with your meal selection at
RiverWatch is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of the Caloosahatchee River and its watershed, through education and promotion of responsible use and enjoyment by all people. For more information, please see the RiverWatch website at
The Caloosahatchee was recently named the #7 “Most Endangered River” for 2006 by American Rivers due to water quality concerns.
For more information, please see the RiverWatch website at