Certificate in ESOL Skills for Life Entry 2—Writing
Time allowed: 40 minutes.
This examination paper contains two questions. Answer both questions.
Sample Task one
You are applying for a job.You did the same job some years ago.Write a paragraph (about 80
words) to go in your letter of application about the experience you have of the work.You can
write about a job you had or you can write about one of these, e.g. bus driver, cook, teacher,
policeman, sales assistant, painter, gardener.
Write about
how long you had the job
what qualifications you have
the company and the place where you worked
what exactly you did in the job.
Sample Task two
Your cousin and his wife are arriving at the coach station to stay with you for a few days.You have to work late and can’t go and meet them. Complete the e-mail below to your friend, describing your cousin so it is easy for your friend to find him.
(About 80 words)
September 2004
Task one
You want to join an evening class to improve a subject you had difficulty with at school.Write a record for your teacher (about 80 words) about that subject and the problems you had with it.
Task two
Write a note (about 80 words) to a friend, describing the place where you work or study.
Write about
the building
the rooms
the furniture
the decoration
the atmosphere
November 2004 Entry 2—Writing
Task one
The college magazine wants students to tell them about interesting travel experiences.Write about a trip you made in the past. (About 80 words)
Write about:
where you travelled to
who you went with
how you travelled there
what you did
Task two
Write a short email to a friend describing a town or city you lived in, or visited, when you were younger. (About 80 words)
Write about:
the buildings
the people
the weather
what you liked or disliked about it
November 2004 Entry 2—Writing
December 2004 Entry 2—Writing
Task one
Write a paragraph for an Arts club notice board in your college about an activity you enjoyed doing as a child. It can be a musical or artistic activity. (About 80 words)
Write about things like:
what the activity was
how you became interested in this activity
how often you did this activity
when you stopped doing this activity and why
Task two
Write a note to a friend, describing someone you met recently and liked very much.
(About 80 words)
Include things like:
where you met this person
how you met this person
what you liked about this person
what you did together
January 2005
Task one
You did not attend college last week.Your teacher asks you to write and explain the reason you
were absent. (About 80 words)
Write about things like:
what happened
when it happened
how you felt
Task two
Your friend is coming to study at your college. She or he wants to know what your teacher is like.
Complete the note below and describe your teacher to her or him. (About 80 words)
Write about things like:
how she looks
what she wears
her personality
Feb –2005 - none
March 2005
Task one
You had an appointment for an interview at a college last week but you could not go.
Write a paragraph to the college, explaining the reason you did not attend. (About 80 words)
Task two
A friend in your country wants to know all about where you live in England.Write an e-mail to your friend, describing where you live now. Include the following:
your accommodation
your neighbourhood
your town/city
(About 80 words)
April 05
May 05 none
June 2005
Task one
You want to join the local community centre.The membership secretary asks you to complete this form.Write your answer on the form.
Membership Application
Write a paragraph about the last time you played a sport or the last interesting activity you
took part in:
Task two
A teacher asks you to send him or her a note about a very important person in your life.
Write a description of this person.
(About 80 words)
August 2005
Task one
You lost your mobile phone in college last week. Fill in the college’s Lost Property form.
Include details such as:
a description of the phone
the time you arrived and left college
which part of the college you were in when you lost your phone
(About 80 words)
Oxton College Lost Property
Name: Telephone number:
Please describe the property and how it became lost:
Task two
A friend from another town is coming to visit you.Your neighbour is going to the coach station
to meet your friend because you are ill.Write a note for your neighbour.Tell your neighbour:
your friend’s name
which country your friend comes from and how well he or she speaks English
your friend’s age
what your friend looks like
(About 80 words)