Nursing and Healthcare Leadership and Organisational Performance Conference
Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 June 2018
Call for Abstracts
Conference themes and categories:
Theme 1: Transforming leadership in nursing and healthcare
Distributed leadership
Grassroots leadership matters - operationalising leadership in practice
Leadership, well-being and resilience in nursing/healthcare
Leadership development: the role of trust
Theme 2: Leadership for enhancing organisational performance
Leadership for effective change in organisations
Leadership and accountability
Distributed leadership and the challenges of application
Engaging and motivating employees
Guidelines for abstract submission
Authors submitting abstracts for review should read the guidelines carefully and ensure they are adhered to. It is advisable to use the relevant headings throughout your document and allowance will be made for these headings in the word count. Applicants may submit more than one abstract for review but may be offered only one presentation.
1. Title of abstract and author details
- Title of abstract (no more than 150 characters).
- Word limit: 300 words (this does not include the headings and author details).
- The abstract should not include references.
- Use the headings relevant to the type of abstract you are submitting (see Content of Abstractbelow).
- To facilitate the blind review process, individuals and institutions should not be identified in the body of the abstract; e.g. use ‘author’s institution’ instead of using the name of the company, university or hospital.
2. Content of Abstract
The abstracts for this conference are peer reviewed and available online after the conference. By submitting to this conference the author hereby affirms that the work submitted is theirs, original and recent.
2.1 Research study
- Title and background
- Aim, research question or objectives of the study
- Method (must include: research design, sample, analysis and ethical approval*):
- Findings**
- Conclusions and implications
NHLOPconf2018 abstract guidelines Page 1 of 2
Nursing and Healthcare Leadership and Organisational Performance Conference
Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 June 2018
Call for Abstracts
2.2 Systematic review: meta-analysis/meta-synthesis or literature review
- Title
- Aim of review
- Search and review methodology
- Findings**
- Conclusions and implications
*The abstract must clearly state that ethical approval was obtained or justification as to why it was not necessary.
**Findings must be relevant to the aim, research question or objectives.
Abstract template
Title of abstract (150 characters max)
Name/s of author/s and their affiliation/s
Contact details of corresponding author:
Contact details of presenting author (if different from corresponding author):
Abstract content: please refer to headings provided in‘Guidelines for abstract submission’ on previous page of this document
Word count for abstract content (max 300 words excluding headings)
Abstracts should be submitted as a Word document to
Closing date for submission of abstracts Wednesday 31 January 2018(11pm GMT)
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