Technology Fair

The group of interested staff including: Maurice Coleman, Annette Gaskins, Jane E, Jodie C, Irmgarde B, Angelique K, Jamie W, Ife B, and Carrie B met today, February 12, 2007 to propose ideas for a Technology Fair for staff.

The Tech Fair would serve as a kick-off program for the Learning 2.0 course developed by Charlotte and Mecklenberg County Public Library. The group felt that it was essential for the following concepts to be included in the Technology Fair:

  • Audiobooks station (how to use the vendors the library has)
  • MP3 / Ipods station (what are the difference, how do people use these, downloading Audiobooks etc. to the devices)
  • Streaming Media and Photo-sharing station (includes podcasting,, and, how do you use them etc.)
  • Blogging / RSS Feeds station (what are these technologies, how to use them)
  • Social Networking (, Facebook, Instant Messaging, how to use these, what are they)
  • Gaming (use of gaming consoles, what is out there, how to play etc.)

The Tech Fair would begin with a 50 minute PowerPoint presentation by Annette Gaskins and Maurice Coleman. Staff would receive a quick overview of how the afore-mentioned technologies function. Staff would then be allowed to visit six hands-on, interactive stations with the above technologies available for use.

It is proposed that the Tech Fair take place during the first two weeks of June, specifically the 6th and 13th of the month, with 36 attendees in each section. We recommend that the Tech Fair be mandatory for public service staff. The times for the Tech Fair would be as follows:

  • 8 am (50 minute PowerPoint Presentation, followed by 2 hours of interactive stations)
  • 10 am (50 minute PowerPoint Presentation, followed by 2 hours of interactive stations)
  • 12 pm (50 minute PowerPoint Presentation, followed by 2 hours of interactive stations)
  • 2 pm (50 minute PowerPoint Presentation, followed by 2 hours of interactive stations)

The group proposed that an email be sent out to staff at large to ask for people who felt comfortable and knowledgeable enough to man the 6 stations during the Tech Fair. We propose having staff in place about 6 – 8 weeks in advance. Staff could be reminded that this could be a PRS goal. Our group felt that 12 staff members would be needed at each Tech Fair in order to provide adequate coverage at the stations. This would be in addition to the Maurice and Annette who would be presenting the PowerPoint.

After the Tech Fair takes place it is recommended that staff begin the Learning 2.0 self-directed course. This course would be voluntary and a gift would be given out to those who complete the course. The grand prize drawing for the completers of Learning 2.0 would take place at Staff Day.

The following people are interested in working on the Learning 2.0 Implementation Team: Irmgarde B, Angelique K, Annette G and Maurice C.

The following people are interested in the Implementation Team for the Tech Fair: Irmgarde B, Angelique K, Annette G and Maurice C, Ife B, Jamie W, Carrie B.