How to get Print/online Copy ?

Subscription rates for 2010 and 2011

The annual subscriptions rate for 2 issues of the journal is provided below: (Price in US$)

Annual Subscription / Both Americas / Europe / Asia / Africa / Rest of World
Online Copy per year / 30 / 30 / 20 / 20 / 30
Print + Online / 100 / 100 / 80 / 80 / 100
Print Only / 80 / 80 / 70 / 70 / 100

In order to get the copy (both online and print) , you need to complete the form and send the fee

JBPR Subscription Form

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Subscribing for : Online copy Print and Online Only print
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Payment Method
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Name of the organisation receiving payment or Account name: World Business Institute
Name of the bank: Westpac Banking Corporation, Branch No. 033-090, Account No. 303339
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For Wire Transfer: Swift Code: WPACAU2S
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Number: ______
Expiry date: _____ / _____
Receipt will be provided at the conference registration day (08April 2010) unless urgently required.

Please email the completed subscription form to :Khaleda Akhter via or

Fax to : World Business Institute, Australia . Fax No. 613- 9702 0122 OR

Mail To: World Business Institute, 31 Blake Street, Berwick 3806 Australia