Debbi Decker
June10-11, 2017
4 Paws DogWorks(Richland WA) is proud to host a Canine Freestyle & Tricks series of workshops featuring accomplished coach and competitor Debbi Decker.
Debbi has been training and competing with dogs for over 46 years, putting titles on a variety of dog breeds from small to large. She has competed in the conformation ring, obedience, rally, and agility. Her dogs have also appeared in local TV commercials. In 2010 she started competing in Canine Freestyle and soon fell in love with the sport. She is known for her great distance work, creativity, and wide variety of tricks and fancy moves, including some original ideas. She has had high in technical/high artistic awards including the Attila Szkukalek (famous for his Gladiator and Charlie Chaplin routines) awards of the same. Debbi competes in both Canine Freestyle and Heelwork To Music. In 2016 Debbi was awarded the World Canine Freestyle Organization Member of the Year Award.
Saturday Morning, 8am – Noon
Sequence and Flow
10 working spots, $125 each
This will take you through learning how to use your moves and how you, and your dog, move to create flow of a routine. We will also work on putting together chains and sequences that will create "interest" to your routine and increase your scores.
Saturday Afternoon, 1pm – 5pm
Distance Work
10 spots, $125 each
Getting stationery or moving distance work made easy! Learn how you can get the distance you’ve
been dreaming of using some techniques that you and your dog will greatly enjoy!
Sunday Morning, 8am-Noon
Intro to Heelwork
10 spots, $125 each
This workshop focuses on getting good heelwork no matter where your dog is positioned around you. You will find you can have great pivots and turns, moving backwards and/or forwards...all while staying in position! You will also learn all the many positions and how all of these things related and reinforce good HEEL position! You will find how to change positions without having to weave through the legs as a transition. All these things go into the Heelwork To Music and of course, can be utilized for Canine Freestyle routines as well.
Audit Spot(each seminar): $25
There are a limited number of working spots. Please register early. Unlimited auditors.
Sunday, 1 pm-4pm
Private Lessons
$50 (1/2 hour each)
A great opportunity to work on your routines for critique, learn new tricks to incorporate into your routine,
or any other needs you have for Freestyle.
To register, complete the attached form and mail with payment to the address provided.
Debbi Decker Seminars
Check Desired Seminar(s)
Sequence/Flow(Saturday AM)Dog Name: ______$125 per team
Distance Work (Saturday PM)Dog Name: ______$125 per team
Heelwork(Sunday AM)Dog Name: ______$125 per team
Audit Spot
Saturday AM Saturday PM Sunday AM$25 each
Private Lesson Preferred Time: ______$50 each
TOTAL DUE: $ ______
NOTE: Working spots & Privates are not considered secure without payment
Mail this form and check (payable to 4 Paws DogWorks) to
4Paws DogWorks
ATTN: Freestyle Seminar
PO Box 4514 West Richland, WA 99353
4 Paws DogWorks, LLC will endeavor to create as safe an environment as possible for the training of my dog and will endeavor to offer only sound, safe, and responsible training and training instructions. I am and will remain responsible for the actions of my dog at all times. I understand that attendance in dog training classes is not without risk to myself, members of my family, guests who may attend, or to my dog. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless 4 Paws DogWorks, LLC, itsinstructors, agents, employees and/or representatives of any and all claims, or claims by any member of my family, or accompanying guests of mine of injury, expense, costs or damages to myself, my dog or any handler sponsored by me both in class and out of class. In addition, I agree that I will indemnify 4 Paws DogWorks, LLC for any injury, expense, costs or damages to any dog handlers or dogs or to third parties arising out of my own actions or the actions of my dog. I have read the above-stated provisions, and agree to accept those responsibilities.
Signature: / Date: