Integrated Math I Syllabus


Mrs. Skiver

Course Description: Freshman Math is designed to cover all standards which are tested on the Ohio Graduation Test. This course serves as an introduction to the topics taught in Algebra and Geometry. Students will use not only paper and pencil but a variety of media to explore and master the concepts of mathematics.


1. 4 one subject notebooks (1 for each grading period)

2. Pencils with erasers

3. Flash drive(recommended)

Materials that you need to bring everyday:

1. Interactive notebook

2. Paper

3. Pencil, black or standard blue ink pen only! No other colors of ink will be graded.

* Tests must be done in pencil.

* 5 points will be deducted for the use of other colors of ink

4. Textbook

Interactive Math Notebook:

Interactive Math folders will be on test days unless I tell you otherwise. The portfolios will be used to monitor student progress towards mastery of the required standards. Students are responsible for completion of the daily documentation in their portfolios. It will also contain a collection of the activities, drawings, homework, quizzes, lab assignments, etc. that we do throughout the nine weeks. In addition, students will be keeping data logs and charts that will monitor our progress towards mastery of the Ohio Content Standards as well as student achievement on assignments. These folders will be worth 100 points so it is in your best interest to keep track of your work.


· Homework is due the next day at the beginning of the period!! Your homework over the course of the nine weeks will more than likely add up to be more points than your tests.

· In order for homework to be considered complete, you must show your work. Simply writing an answer will not get you credit. This is necessary for me to see your thought process and so I can help you correct mistakes.

· All homework from the textbook must contain the lesson number, page number, problems assigned, and date or points will be deducted.

· Homework will be graded in the following manner:

5 points – all problems are completed including the work, the proper heading is on the page and the answers are circled.

1 point – no work is shown

0 points – homework is incomplete

o These assignments must be completed and resubmitted.

· No homework assignments will be accepted more than 1 day after they are due unless the student was absent.

In order for homework to be considered complete you must write out each problem and show your


*The 3rd zero on homework will result in a lunch detention in which you will complete all of the missing assignments.*

Absences & Make-up Work

It is your responsibility to bring me your blue slip after an absence. In order to make up any assignment you must have a blue excuse from the office for the date of your absence. If you are absent on the day before a test you will be expected to take it on the day that you return to class unless you have been out for an extended period of time. All make-up work, with the exception of tests, will be located in the tray next to my desk. The trays are labeled by period. It is your responsibility to pick up the assignment and complete it. You will have the same number of days that you were absent to get the work completed, after that period of time the score will become a zero.

Ex. If you miss three days of school, you will have three days to get your work made up in this class.

Classroom Rules:

1. Be respectful of those around you.

2. Be prepared every day.

3. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings and stay in your assigned seat until the bell rings to dismiss class.

4. No sleeping!

5. Improper language will not be tolerated.

6. All students will be held accountable to the Wheelersburg High School Honor Code.

7. All rules in the student handbook will be enforced.

8. No candy, food, or drinks in class.

9. You have three passes out of class per nine weeks, use them wisely! You will be required to sign-out and must carry your agenda.

10. All backpacks and book bags must be left in your locker. Purses must remain on the hooks under your desk. (See student handbook)

11. No cell phones! Any cell phone that I can see, even the outline of it in your pocket will be taken. If the cell phone is on it will be taken to the office and if the cell phone is turned off you will be required to take it to your locker. (See student handbook)

Anyone who is removed from class for breaking classroom rules will receive a zero on all assignments that are completed that day.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

If you ever have any questions, please contact me at 574-2527 or

You will also be able to access valuable information on my teacher webpage which can be accessed at This page contains homework assignments, links to class worksheets, and assignments.