M09619008 孔仁華
資料庫一、Elsevier Science Direct
1. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
2. Annals of Tourism Research
3. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
4. Advances in International Marketing
5. Ecological Economics
6. Ecological Indicators
7. Food Control
8. Food and Chemical Toxicology
9. International Journal of Hospitality Management
10. International Review of Financial Analysis
11. International Journal of Tourism Management
12. International Journal of Research in Marketing
13. Industrial Marketing Management
14. Journal of Development Economics
15. Journal of Business Research
16. Journal of Economics and Business
17. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
18. Journal of Food Engineering
19. Journal of International Money and Finance
20. Journal of Food Engineering
21. Journal of Socio-Economics
22. Journal of Multinational Financial Management
23. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
24. Journal of Retailing
25. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
26. Social Science Research
27. Tourism Management
28. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly
資料庫二、HighWire (Stanford University
1. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
2. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly
3. Cultural Geographies
4. Critique of Anthropology
5. European Urban and Regional Studies
6. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal
7. Human Relations
8. International Journal of Cultural Studies
9. International Small Business Journal
10. Journal of Travel Research
11. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
12. Journal of Planning Literature
13. Journal of Sociology
14. Journal of Planning Education and Research
15. Journal of Business Communication
16. Journal of Career Development
17. Journal of Planning Education and Research
18. Journal of Career Development
19. Journal of Vacation Marketing
20. Journal of Language and Social Psychology
21. Latin American Perspectives
22. Marketing Science
23. Organization Environment
24. Progress in Development Studies
25. Social Text
26. Space and Culture
27. Tourist Studies
1. Chinese Geographical Science
2. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
3. Environmental Management
4. Empirical Economics
5. International Review of Economics
6. International Advances in Economic Research
7. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
8. Journal of Cultural Economics
9. Journal of Business Ethics
10. Journal of Career Development
11. Journal of Behavioral Education
12. Journal of Labor Research
13. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
14. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
15. Journal of Family and Economic Issues
16. Landscape Ecology
17. Operational Research
18. Plant Ecology
19. Quality and Quantity
20. Review of World Economics
21. Regional Environmental Change
22. Spanish Economic Review
23. Small Business Economics
24. The Environmentalist
資料庫四、Directory of open access journals
1. Academy of Marketing Science Review
2. African Journal of Business Management
3. Business Research
4. Business Intelligence Journal
5. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies
6. Economic Analysis and Policy
7. Economics and Organization of Enterprise
8. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets
9. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management
10. Ecological and Environmental Anthropology
11. Global Tourism
12. Human Resources for Health
13. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management
14. International Journal of Human Sciences
15. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
16. International Journal of Electronic Business Management
17. International Journal of Business and Management
18. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education
19. Journal of Business Research
20. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
21. Journal of International Social Research
22. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science
23. Management & Marketing
24. Market Forces
25. Michigan Journal of Business
26. Open Ecology Journal
27. South East European Journal of Economics and Business
28. Tourismos : an International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism
1. Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series,
2. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
3. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
4. Applied Economics
5. Community Development Journal
6. European Journal of Marketing
7. International Journal of Services Technology and Management
8. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management
9. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
10. International Journal of Tourism Policy
11. International Journal of Sustainable Economy
12. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
13. International Journal of Management and Decision Making
14. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
15. International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism
16. International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing
17. International Journal of Consumer Studies
18. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
19. Journal of Sport Tourism
20. Journal of Applied Ecology
21. Journal of Enterprise Information Management
22. Journal of Retail and Leisure Property
23. Journal of Strategic Marketing
24. Journal of Food Science
25. Leisure Sciences
26. Managing Service Quality
27. Nutrition & Dietetics,
28. Nutrition & Food Science
29. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
30. Social Marketing Quarterly
31. Tourism Geographies
32. Tourism Economics
33. Tourism and Hospitality Research
34. The International Journal of the History of Sport
35. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
36. Tourism Culture & Communication
37. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
資料庫六、Education Resources Information Center
1. Business Communication Quarterly
2. Curriculum Journal
3. Chronicle of Higher Education
4. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
5. Education, Knowledge & Economy: A Journal for Education and Social Enterprise
6. Educational Technology & Society
7. Education & Training
8. European Journal of Vocational Training
9. Educational Management Administration & Leadership
10. Environmental Education Research
11. Human Resource Development Quarterly
12. International Journal of Training and Development
13. International Education Journal
14. Journal of Rural Studies
15. Journal of Geography in Higher Education
16. Journal of Museum Education
17. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences
18. Journal of Vocational Behavior
19. Journal of Economic Education
20. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
21. Journal of Marketing Education
22. Journal of Education for Business
23. Journal of Instructional Psychology
24. Learning and Motivation
25. Language and Intercultural Communication
26. Management Communication Quarterly
27. Management Education and Development
28. Review of Education, Pedagogy & Cultural Studies
29. Social Indicators Research
30. Training in Business and Industry
31. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers
資料庫七、Emerald Library
1. Advances in International Marketing
2. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
3. Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing
4. Advances in International Marketing
5. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
6. Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
7. British Food Journal
8. Education + Training
9. Employee Relations
10. European Business Review
11. Human Resource Management International Digest
12. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
13. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management;
14. International Journal of Social Economics
15. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
16. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management;
17. International Journal of Career Management
18. International Journal of Retail & Distribution
19. International Journal of Wine Research
20. International Journal of wine marketing
21. International Journal of social economics
22. International marketing review
23. International Journal of Wine Business Research
24. Journal of Consumer Marketing
25. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
26. Journal of Services Marketing
27. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
28. Journal of Management Development
29. Journal of Services Marketing
30. Leadership & Organization Development Journal
31. Management Decision
32. Managing Service Quality
33. Management Research News
34. Marketing Intelligence & Planning
35. Reference Services Review
36. Strategy & Leadership
37. Tourism Review
38. The TQM Journal
39. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes
40. work study
41. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes
資料庫八、Oxford Journals
1. Community Development Journal
2. European Review of Agricultural Economics
3. Enterprise And Society
4. European Review
5. History workshop Journal
6. Human Reproduction
7. Interdisciplinary Studies In Literature And Environment
8. Journal of African Economics
9. Journal of Economic Geography
10. Social Science Japan Journal
11. The review of Financial Studies
12. The review of English Studies
資料庫九、Cambridge Journals Online
1. Comparative Studies in Society and History
2. Environment and Development Economics
3. Environmental Practice
4. Environmental Conservation
5. Financial History Review,
6. International Organization
7. Journal of American Studies
8. Review of International Studies
9. The Journal of Economic History
10. The Journal of African History
11. The Journal of Agricultural Science
12. Victorian Literature and Culture
資料庫十、Wiley InterScience
1. Agricultural Economics
2. African Journal of Ecology
3. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
4. Business Ethics: A European Review
5. Business Strategy and the Environment
6. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
7. China & World Economy
8. Educational Theory
9. Eco-Management and Auditing
10. Family Business Review
11. Human Resource Management
12. International Journal of Tourism Research
13. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
14. International Transactions in Operational Research
15. International Journal of Consumer Studies
16. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management
17. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
18. Journal of Direct Marketing
19. Journal of Consumer Behaviour
20. Journal of Interactive Marketing
21. Journal of Futures Markets
22. Journal of Consumer Studies & Home Economics
23. Journal of International Development
24. Journal of Foodservice
25. Journal of Agricultural Economics
26. Journal of Organizational Behavior
27. Journal of Consumer Studies & Home Economics
28. Managerial and Decision Economics
29. National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
30. Natural Resource Modeling
31. Population, Space and Place
32. Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research
33. Psychology and Marketing
34. Review of Policy Research
35. Strategic Management Journal
36. Strategic Change
37. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
38. Sustainable Development
39. Sociology Compass
40. Social Policy and Administration
41. Sociological Review
42. Thunderbird International Business Review
43. The Geographical Journal
44. The Canadian Geographer
45. The Professional Geographer
46. The Canadian Geographer
47. Water and Environment Journal
1. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
2. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal
3. Food Science and Technology International
4. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
5. Journal of Travel Research
6. Journal of Vacation Marketing
7. Tourist Studies
8. Journal of Sport and Social Issues
9. Journal of Sports Economics
10. Journal of Macromarketing
11. Journal of Marketing Education
12. Journal of Service Research
13. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
14. Marketing Theory
資料庫十二、Taylor & Francis Journals
1. Applied Economics
2. Business History
3. Construction Management and Economics
4. Culture and Organization
5. Coastal Management
6. Consumption Markets and Culture
7. Community College Journal of Research and Practice
8. European Sport Management Quarterly
9. Human Resource Development International
10. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,
11. International Journal of Water Resources Development,
12. International Journal of Sport Policy
13. International Public Management Journal
14. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
15. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
16. Journal of Business to Business Marketing : Innovations in basic and applied research
17. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies
18. Journal of Food Products Marketing
19. Journal of Foodservice Business Research
20. Journal of Global Marketing
21. Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations
22. Journal of International Consumer Marketing
23. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing
24. Journal of Marketing Channels : distribution systems, strategy, and management
25. Journal of Marketing Communications
26. Journal of Promotion Management : innovations in planning and applied research
27. Journal of Strategic Marketing
28. Leisure Sciences
29. Managing Leisure
30. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies
31. Policy Studies,
32. Review of Social Economy,
33. Review of International Political Economy,
34. Society & Natural Resources
35. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
36. Society & Natural Resources,
37. Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development
38. The International Journal of Human Resource Management
39. Tourism Geographies
40. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,
資料庫十三、The University of Chicago Press Journals Division
1. American Journal of Sociology.
2. Economic Development and Cultural Change
3. Journal of Consumer Research.
4. Journal of Political Economy.
5. Journal of Human Capital
6. Social Service Review
7. The American Historical Review
8. The Journal of Law and Economics.
9. The Journal of Business.
1. American Journal of Potato Research
2. Central European Journal of Operations Research
3. Environmental Management
4. Environment, Development and Sustainability
5. International Journal of Business Environment
6. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development
7. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management
8. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management
9. International Journal of Tourism Policy
10. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
11. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets,
12. International Journal of Electronic Business
13. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
14. International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment
15. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
16. International Journal of Management and Decision Making
17. International Journal of Sustainable Development
18. International Journal of Tourism Policy
19. International Journal of Water
20. Journal of Business and Psychology
21. Journal of Business Ethics
22. Journal of Family and Economic Issues
23. Journal of Career Development
24. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
25. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
26. Management Research
27. Operational Research,
1. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
2. Agricultural Economics
3. Business Economics
4. Construction Management and Economics.
5. Economic Thought
6. Environment and Planning
7. Economics Letters
8. European Journal of Operational Research
9. Interdisciplinary Management Research
10. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making.
11. International Journal of Sport Finance
12. International Journal of Sustainable Development.
13. International Journal of Revenue Management
14. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
15. Journal of Food Distribution Research.
16. Journal of Urban Economics
17. Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics
18. Journal for East European Management Studies
19. Management
20. Management&Marketing
21. Management and Organization Review
22. Management Studies
23. Oxford Economic Papers.
24. Quarterly Journal of Economics
25. Review of Economics of the Household
26. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics