January 3, 2016
Meeting called to order by Pastor Holder at 6 pm.
Pastor George Van Hassel let in prayer.
Appointment of ushers: Harry Guzaliak, Billie Dolin, and John Davis
Established quorum of 40
Appointment of tellers: Billie Dolin, Harry Guzaliak, and John Davis
Appointment of committee to read the minutes: Barbara Holder, Sarah Aleshire, and Johnnie Van Hassel
Pastor Holder read the Pastoral report.
Jane Hayes read Treasurers summary report.
Pastor Van Hassel read the Board of Trustees report.
Dustin Combee read his portion of the Youth report.
Kayleigh Whitesides read the Children’s Ministry report.
Jane Hayes read the WCG report.
Pastor Holder read a summary of the Church Council report.
New Business:
Pastor Holder presented a vote for Pastor James Irving to be the new senior pastor.
Tellers passed out ballots as Pastor Holder opened the floor for commentary/questions.
There were 2 new members that asked permission to vote: Pastor George Van Hassel moved to accept Johnathan and Brandy Smith, Dennis Davis seconded and was passed unanimously.
Pastor James Irving voted in unanimously with a vote of 33.
Presentation of By-Law change and vote:
Pastor James Irving did presentation of By-Law changes and vote: Garry Dolin inquired if all By-Laws should be addressed all at once. Floor was opened for discussion, Dennis Davis made motion to continue with existing changes and Rachel Schmidt seconded and passed unanimously.
Pastor Holder made suggestion to vote on By-Laws needed immediately.
Pastor George Van Hassel moved to change vote to a raised hand. Garry Dolin seconded and was passed.
Preamble By-Law Pastor George Van Hassel made motion/seconded by Harry Guzaliak was passed.
Deposit to be put in on same day or day after motion by Dennis Davis/seconded by Harry Guzaliak was passed.
Article 3 Section 4: Motion made by Ami Irving/seconded by John Davis was passed
Article 3 Section 5: Motion made by Pastor George Van Hassel/seconded by Sarah Aleshire was passed.
Article 3 Section 10: Motion made by Pastor George Van Hassel/seconded by Harry Guzaliak was passed.
Article 3 Section 11: Motion made by Dennis Davis/seconded by Garry Dolin was passed.
Article 3 Section 12: Motion made by Harry Guzaliak/seconded by John Davis was passed.
Article 2: Motion made by Ami Irving/seconded Tonya Guzaliak was passed.
Change Board of Christian Education to Christian Education & Discipleship Committee: Rob Kinnan made motion/seconded by Ami Irving was passed with 1 no.
Article 9: Sarah Aleshire made motion/seconded by Pastor George Van Hassel was passed.
Article 4 Section 5: Motion made by Harry Guzaliak/seconded by Rob Kinnan was passed.
Addition of Article 10 Section 1: Motion made by Elmer Wolford/seconded by Garry Dolin was passed.
(See attached copy: Summary of By-Laws presented December 2015)
Presentation of Budget for 2016 by Pastor James Irving/Staff Support: After reading budget, Garry Dolin made a motion to do a challenge faith fund for Pastor Salary/seconded by Pastor George Van Hassel was passed unanimously.
Pastor James Irving went over Board of Trustees Budget and Youth Ministries Budget, Dennis Davis made a motion to accept/seconded by Jack Schmidt and was passed.
Presentation of Ballot by Harry Guzaliak: Ballots passed out and collected.
(See attached Ballot and New Officers)
Adjournment: Dustin Combee closed in prayer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Davis, Secretary