If you have Parkinson’s, we need your views on your experiences with, and your need for accessibility to a local Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist (PDNS). It should take no more than 5 minutes to fill out this questionnaire.
The results of this survey will enable us to assess the service we are getting in the Solihull area, and to assess whether we need a Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist (PDNS) dedicated to the local area. We would welcome replies from areas other than those with Solihull postcodes for comparison purposes.
Please return the questionnaire by January 31st, 2011, to Maggie Smith (284 Robin Hood Lane, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 0EQ) or hand it to a member of the committee at the exercise class.
A. The area you live in
Please give the first part of the postcode for your current address (eg B90):
Who is your GP………………………………
GPs surgery address ………………..
B. PD Diagnosis
1. In what year were you first diagnosed with PD?......
2. How old were you? ……….years
3. Was any information about Parkinson’s disease made available to you at the time? (Please tick one)
Yes, plenty Yes, some/ a little No, none
4. if yes, were you put in contact with her/him, or given a contact number?
Yes No
C. Regular access to specialist nursing care – Ongoing support
1. Do you have access to a Parkinsons Disease Nurse Specialist (PDNS)?
Yes No
2. Do you have access to a PDNS at a hospital?
Yes No
If yes, which hospital?
Solihull Queen Elizabeth Other (please state which)……….
Do you also have access to a community PDNS? …………..
3. Can you easily contact the PDNS when you need to?
Yes Usually No
If No, who would you contact in an emergency (such as the need for an urgent change in medication or advice about unexpected symptoms)?
4. If you have left a message for the PDNS, how long does it take her/him to get back to you?
Within 3 days within 3 weeks within 3 months
5. Is the PDNS prepared to advise you by telephone about your particular problem if this is appropriate?
Yes No
6. If you have made an emergency appointment to see a PDNS at his/her regular clinic, whether at the hospital or elsewhere, how far in advance have you had to make the appointment……………….
7. Have you ever had a home visit from a specialist PDNS?
Yes No
If Yes, when was the most recent occasion? (approximate date – month, year if known)………………………….
How long have you had to wait for the home visit, i.e. how far in advance did you have to make the appointment?
8. If, due to the complexity of your condition, you have been unable to get to the clinic and needed a home visit have you been able to access one. Yes No
If Yes, when was the most recent occasion? (approximate date – month, year, if known)…………………………
9. Have you experienced side-effects from your PD medication that have necessitated going to hospital (such as falls from loss of balance or sudden drops in blood pressure) either to the Accident and Emergency Dept or as an admission as an in-patient?
Yes No
If Yes, when was the most recent occasion? (approximate date – month, year if known)……………………
In your opinion was there anything that could have been done to avoid this? If so, please say what:-
10. Is your medication regularly reviewed?
Yes No
If Yes, who by?
Specialist PDNS GP Other
If Other, Who?......
11. If you have access to a PDNS, how would you rate the value of the service he/she gives you?
Very high, indispensible High Medium Low, of little help
12 Please add any comments about any of the issues mentioned above
13 If you do not have access to a PDNS, why is this?
D. Overall
In the last 12 months, with which professionals have you been in touch to discuss or obtain care for your Parkinson’s Disease, and which have you found useful? (Please tick all you have been in touch with and state whether you found it useful)
GP ......
Nurse in your GP practice......
Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist......
Consultant/ Specialist Neurologist......
Consultant Geriatrician (Specialist in Older People’s Care)......
Other Specialist or Consultant (please state what) ………………….
Pharmacist in a chemist’s shop......
Pharmacist in a GP practice or in hospital......
Social worker......
ParkinsonsUK Community Information and Support Worker......
Other (please state who)…………………………………………………..
Do you have any other comments about the PDNS service available to you?
E. Your Contact Details
It would be helpful if you would give us your name and address, although this is entirely optional. Your details will be treated in confidence.
______Email: ______
Phone No:
Would you be willing to talk to us about any of the information in this survey?
Yes No