Diana Sava
Professional Summary
November 6, 2009
Business address: The University of Texas at Austin
Bureau of Economic Geology
University Station, Box X
Austin, Texas 78751
(512) 471-1534
E-mail address:
Academic Background
B.S. Engineering Geophysics, University of Bucharest, Romania, June 1995
M.S. Geophysics, Stanford, June 2001
Ph.D. Geophysics, Stanford University, October 2004
Areas of Expertise
- Statistical rock physics for reservoir characterization.
- Quantitative integration of geological and seismic data.
- Seismic fracture characterization.
- Gas hydrates.
Professional Work Experience
A. Present Position: Research Associate, The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology (November 2004 - Present).
B. Geophysicist Intern, ChevronTexaco, San Ramon, California (Spring 2003 - Fall 2003).
Project related to rock physics analysis and seismic forward modeling of turbidite system offshore East Africa.
C. Research Assistant, Geophysics, Stanford Rock Physics Project, Stanford, California (June 1999 - October 2004).
Projects related to modeling of nuclear magnetic resonance effects in rocks, fluid effects in anisotropic rocks, rock physics fracture modeling, and statistical integration of geological and geophysical data for fracture characterization.
D. Geophysicist, National Institute for Marine Geology and Geoecology, Bucharest, Romania (1995 - 1997).
Projects related to gravity and magnetic data processing.
Professional Societies
American Geophysical Union
Romanian Society of Geophysics
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Awards and Honorary Societies
Energy Minerals Division, AAPG, President's Certificate for Excellence in Oral Presentation, 2007
President's Certificate for Excellence, Energy Minerals Division, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, for "Seismic Estimation of Gas Hydrate Concentrations in Deepwater Environments: Assumptions and Limitations", 2006
Grace M. Dietrich Department Fellowship, 1999 - 2000
Award of Merit Government Fellowship, 1990 - 1995
Committee Responsibilities and Professional Activities
Member, Technical Program Committee, Development & Production Forum, Society of Exploration GeophysicistsJuly, 2008
Hardage, B. A., and Sava, Diana, 2009, Seismic steps aid sequestration: AAPG Explorer, Geophysical Corner, p. 38–39.
Hardage, B. A., Sava, Diana, Remington, R. L., and DeAngelo, Michael, 2008, Rocks-physics theory a help: AAPG Explorer, Geophysical Corner, v. 29, no. 1, p. 34.
Sava, Diana, and Hardage, B. A., 2007, Diving into gas hydrate systems: AAPG Explorer, Geophysical Corner, v. 28, no. 8, p. 44.
Sava, Diana, and Hardage, B. A., 2007, Reflections on Class Two reservoirs: AAPG Explorer, Geophysical Corner, v. 28, no. 6, p. 32.
Hardage, B. A., Sava, Diana, DeAngelo, Michael, and Remington, R. L., 2007, Which seismic wave mode is best?: AAPG Explorer, Geophysical Corner, v. 28, no. 4, p. 32.
Hardage, B. A., DeAngelo, Michael, and Sava, Diana, 2007, Why do P-wave wipeout zones occur?: AAPG Explorer, Geophysical Corner, v. 28, no. 3, p. 48.
Hardage, B. A., Murray, Paul, Sava, Diana, Backus, M. M., Remington, R. L., Graebner, R. J., and Roberts, H. H., 2006, Evaluation of deepwater gas-hydrate systems The Leading Edge, v. 25, no. 5, p. 572– 577.
Sava, Diana, and Hardage, B. A., 2006, Rock physics characterization of hydrate-bearing deepwater sediments The Leading Edge, v. 25, no. 5, p. 616– 619.
Hardage, B. A., DeAngelo, Michael, Sava, Diana, and Remington, Randy, 2006, Technology can avoid the fizzles: AAPG Explorer, Geophysical Corner, March, p. 28–29.
Sava, D. C., Hardage, B. A., Murray, P., and DeAngelo, M., 2008, Rock-physics joint inversion of resistivity log and seismic velocity for hydrate-characterization (exp. abs.), in Society of Exploration Geophysicists Expanded Abstracts, November 9–14, Las Vegas.
Shahin, A., Stoffa, P. L., Tatham, R. H., and Sava, D. C., 2008, Sensitivity analysis of multicomponent seismic attributes to fluid content and pore pressure (exp. abs.), in Society of Exploration Geophysicists Expanded Abstracts, November 9–14, Las Vegas.
Sava, D. C., and Hardage, B. A., 2008, Estimating uncertainty associated with gas-hydrate characterization from electrical resistivity logs (abs.), in SEG D&P Forum on Uncertainty and Upscaling Issues in Reservoir Characterization, July 27–31, Austin.
Sava, D. C., Hardage, B. A., Murray, P., and DeAngelo, M., 2008, Quantitative integration of electrical resistivity logs and seismic velocities for reducing the uncertainty in evaluating deep-water gas-hydrate systems (abs.), in SEG D&P Forum on Uncertainty and Upscaling Issues in Reservoir Characterization, July 27–31, Austin.
Shahin, A., Stoffa, P. L., Tatham, R. H., and Sava, D. C., 2008, Uncertainty in rock physics modeling: impact on seismic reservoir characterization and monitoring (abs.), in SEG D&P Forum on Uncertainty and Upscaling Issues in Reservoir Characterization, July 27–31, Austin.
Shahin, A., Stoffa, P. L., Tatham, R. H., and Sava, D. C., 2008, A statistical approach to quantify the detectability of the dynamic reservoir properties using multicomponent time-lapse seismic attributes (abs.), in SEG D&P Forum on the Role of Upscaling and Uncertainty in Reservoir Characterization, July 27–31, Austin.
Sava, D. C., and Hardage, B. A., 2006, Rock physics models of gas hydrates from deep water, unconsolidated sediments (exp. abs.), in 76th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts Volume 25.
Hardage, B. A., and Sava, Diana, 2006, Seismic estimation of gas hydrate concentrations in deepwater environments: assumptions and limitations (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 42.
Sava, D. C., and Mavko, G. M., 2005, Quantitative integration of geological and seismic data using statistical rock physics (exp. abs.): example for fracture characterization, in 75th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts Volume 24, p. 1613–1616.
Sava, D. C., and Mavko, G., 2004, Azimuthal analysis of reflectivity for fracture characterization: rock physics modeling and field example (exp. abs.), in 74th International Meeting, Society for Exploration Geophysicists, Denver.
Sava, D. C., Florenz, J. M., Mukerji, T., and Mavko, G., 2002, Seismic fracture characterization using statistical rock physics: James Lime Reservoir, Neuville field (exp. abs.), in 72nd Annual International Meeting, Society for Exploration Geophysicists, Salt Lake City, p. 1889–1892.
Sava, D. C., Mukerji, T., Florenz, J. M., and Mavko, G., 2001, Rock physics analysis and fracture modeling of San Andres reservoir (exp. abs.), in 71st Annual International Meeting, Society for Exploration Geophysicists, San Antonio, p. 1748–1751.
Sava, D. C., Mukerji, T., Diaz, M., and Mavko, G., 2000, Seismic detection of pore fluids: pitfalls of ignoring anisotropy (exp. abs.), in 70th International Annual Meeting, Society for Exploration Geophysicists, Calgary, p. 1842–1845.
Contract Reports
Hardage, B. A., DeAngelo, M. V., Fomel, Sergey, Fouad, Khaled, Murray, P. E., Remington, Randy, and Sava, Diana, 2007, Imaging super-deep gas plays across the Gulf of Mexico shelf with multicomponent seismic technology: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, under DOE Contract DE-FC26-04NT42239, 84 p.
Hardage, B. A., Backus, M. M., DeAngelo, Michael, Fomel, S. B., Fouad, Khaled, Graebner, R. J., Murray, Paul, Remington, R. L., and Sava, Diana, 2006, Elastic wavefield stratigraphy: an emerging seismic technology: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, under DOE contract DE-PS26-02NT15375, 86 p.
Mavko, G., Mukerji, T., Sava, D. C., and Florez, J. M., 2002, Multi-attribute seismic/rock physics approach to characterizing fractured reservoirs: Stanford University, technical report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, under contract number DEAC2699FT40692.
Gravity and magnetic modeling for marine data from the Black Sea continental shelf.
Statistical integration of geological and geophysical data for fracture characterization.
Lectures and Addresses
Azimuthal analysis of reflectivity for fracture characterization: rock physics modeling and field example: presented at 74th Annual International Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Denver, Colorado, 2004.
Seismic characterization of fractured reservoirs: rock physics analysis and modeling of James Limestone reservoir: presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 2002.
Seismic fracture characterization using statistical rock physics: James Lime reservoir, Neuville field: presented at 72nd Annual International Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2002.
Rock physics analysis and fracture modeling of San Andres reservoir: presented at 71st Annual International Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, San Antonio, Texas, 2001.
Low frequency fluid substitution in anisotropic rocks with incomplete information on the elastic tensor: presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 2000.
Seismic detection of pore fluids: pitfalls of ignoring anisotropy: presented at 70th Annual International Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2000.