Instructor: / Mrs. Bosanac
Room: / 59
Email: /
Dear parents and students,
Welcome to Room 59 at Robert Frost Middle School and welcome to the sixth grade Math and Science. It is my privilege to be your child’s teacher for this year. This year will bring lots of excitement and many challenges, as you, the students and parents, transition to middle school.
Students will develop the knowledge, concepts, and skills that provide a strong foundation. Students will read and analyze increasingly complex texts, and demonstrate sophisticated writing skills so they advance through and master the expected grade specific standards.COURSE DESCRIPTION
CC Math6In Grade 6, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.
Science 6
The major purpose of this course is to provide all students with standards-based science and health concepts that build upon the students’ K–5 experience. Emphasis is placed on Investigation and Experimentation and the Science Standards which will prepare students to lead successful and productive lives, in addition to preparing them for future science courses. The middle school course uses a balanced (inquiry/text) approach and establishes connections between the various disciplines of Earth/Space Science, Physical Science and Life Science. The material is linked to resource management and ecology, building on what students have learned in previous grades. This course includes embedded health instruction.
The text(s) used for this course Math: Go Math (consumable) from Houghton,Mifflin, Harcourt Science: Earth Science from Holt Health: Teen Health: Course 1 from Glencoe ..
LETTER GRADES:Letter grades will be determined using a standard point system. The accumulated points are converted to percentages which determine each student’s grade, with homework assignments comprising no more than 10% of the overall point accumulation.
The following scale is used: 100-90%=A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59% or below=F.
Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Letter grades will be determined using a weighted category point system. The assignment categories and corresponding weights include: .
The following scale is used to calculate category grades as well as the overall academic mark:
100-90%=A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59% or below=F.
Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Work Habits grade will be determined based on Effort, Responsibility, Attendance, and Evaluation. Exceptional demonstration in these areas=E, Satisfactory demonstration=S, Unsatisfactory demonstration=U. Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Cooperation grade will be determined based on Courtesy, Conduct, Improvement, and Class Relations. Exceptional demonstration in these areas=E, Satisfactory demonstration=S, Unsatisfactory demonstration=U. Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Students with excused absences (verifiable through attendance reporting systems) will be given the opportunity to complete the missed coursework, homework, or test (with other equivalent assignments if necessary) and will be given credit equal to that which they would have received on the original assignment or test for the same quality of work. Due date(s) will be extended 1 day for every verified day of excused absence, unless teacher specifies otherwise.It is the student’s responsibility to gather all necessary make-up class work and homework from the teacher the day the student returns to class.
Students are to be in their seat, ready to work (with materials out), when the bell rings. Food, drink, candy, gum, grooming and applying make-up are not allowed in class. Students share the responsibility for maintaining a clean and safe classroom learning environment.Entering the Classroom – Please enter in an orderly fashion and go directly to your seat quickly and quietly. Be there before the bell rings. After you are settled into your seat, write the homework, listed on the board, in your agenda and complete the warm up.
Tardy to Class – If you are late to class, enter quickly and quietly. Do not disrupt. Pay attention to what is happening in class and catch up.
Pencil Sharpening – Pencils should be sharpened before class begins. If you need to sharpen your pencil during class, quickly and quietly sharpen your pencil with your own hand-held sharpener with cover.
Restroom – Restroom breaks are to be taken between periods. However, if a student needs to use the restroom during class, he/she must provide the Hall Pass (given by Mrs. Bosanac).
Packing Up – You will be given sufficient time to clean up and pack before the bell rings. In order to be dismissed you must have everything in your possession, supplies must be put away in the appropriate location, the classroom floor must be clean and you must be sitting in your chair quietly. You must always leave the room cleaner than you found it. The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.
Early Bird/Productive Time – If you have free or down time, it is your responsibility to find something productive to do. This does not mean read a magazine, do nothing or visit with friends. Some suggestions are: work on homework or long term project, read a book, study your notes for an upcoming quiz or test.
Respect and Courtesy – Always show respect by not interfering with other students’ learning. Treat everyone with courtesy.
Learning is your job! – You are the one with the power to be successful! Be on time, have materials ready, take responsibility, and be willing to try.
In addition to the above mentioned rules, our classroom will follow the rules, guidelines, and procedures for Frost Middle School.
· Agenda book (daily)
· 2” or 3” 3ring binder with dividers (pocket dividers would be helpful!)
· college ruled paper
· white copy paper
· 2 spiral notebooks or composition books for math and science/health
· Two or more blue or black pens for writing
· Red pen for correcting
· pencils with erasers (or mechanical pencil )
· Highlighters
· Colored pencils or crayons
· 1 ruler
· 1 hand held, self contained pencil sharpener (if regular pencils are used)
· Glue sticks
· Small scissors
Note: If you are unable to obtain any of these materials, please contact me privately and I will be sure they are provided,
Please have ALL the supplies in class on Monday, August 21, 2017.
I have high expectations of all my students. I am asking for your help to maintain those expectations by checking with your son/daughter periodically to make sure that his/her work is being done. I want to help your child learn and I want your child to succeed! Please feel free to contact me via email at .
If you send me an email to request a grade report for your child, I will gladly send it with your child.
Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday, and it is posted on the board each day. I expect students to do their best job on every homework assignment. Homework should be completed and turned in at the beginning of the class. If a student is absent, he/she will have 2 days to make up for it. It is the student’s responsibility to copy missed homework from the Homework Log posted in the classroom. The homework will also be posted daily on the school’s website, Please click on Mrs. Bosanac and you will be able to access your child’s homework by period. Homework MUST be turned in on time. If special circumstances arise such as family emergencies or illness please let me know.
Students are responsible for recording homework assignments in their Frost Student Agenda. Homework is due the next class meeting (unless otherwise noted).
HEADING: ALL assignments MUST have a heading in the upper right corner. Assignments turned in without a name will NOT receive credit. The heading is posted on the board all year long as a reminder. I also remind students EVERY time before they pass up their assignments to make sure their heading is on the paper.
Thank you for your time and cooperation. Please sign and return the bottom portion of the syllabus by Tuesday, August 22, 2017.
Mrs. Bosanac
------Student’s Name: ______
Parent/Guardian’s Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Contact Phone Number: ______
E-Mail Address: ______