EssexCounty CouncilSENCO Manual 2011
Essex County Council
School Improvement and Early Years
Behaviour Support Service
Information for schools
Behaviour Support Service
A countywide service with a remit to address issues relating to the behavioural, emotional and social difficulties of children and young people in local authority mainstream schools.
The role of Behaviour Support is to promote inclusion and sustainable inclusive practices through service activities that aim to skill and empower individuals operating in a range of systems and contexts.
Behaviour Support Service Delivery to schools
Behaviour Support Services are delivered at present through Primary quadrant teams.Work is undertaken in co-operation and collaboration with members of the educational psychology,statutory assessment, specialist teacher teams and colleagues from other agencies.
Behaviour Support staff:
- work with school-based teachers and others to develop policiesand procedures that can help to promote appropriate behaviour
- work directly with individual pupils, groups, parents and carers
- deliver training related to the behavioural, emotional and social needs of children and young people at local, area, county and national level
Behaviour Support – Primary
Behaviour Support Teachers deliver a range of core services to primary schools including:
- school-based interventions for children with a statement of special educational needs for behavioural, emotional and social difficulties
- focused work for pupils at Essex School Action Plus who are either in public care or are at risk of permanent exclusion
- provide advice, training and support in relation to whole school development and individual pupils
- negotiate the use of team resources
- work in partnership with school-based staff, pupils, parents, carers
- telephone helpline services in relation to behaviour management issues
Behaviour Support Workers:
- support partnership working
- work alongside school-based staff
- model appropriate behaviour management strategies
- create practical resources
HomeSchool Liaison Workers:
- may provide support to individual families
- encourage the consistent use of strategies
- facilitate parenting groups and train group facilitators
- coordinate links with the school to other agencies
Behaviour Support Skills Mix
Within Behaviour Support, staff have knowledge of and skills in:
- teaching and learning
- special educational needs
- child development
- observation and assessment techniques
- management of BESD
- planning of Individual Education Plans and Consistent Management Plans
- advice and consultancy
- a wide range of In-service training
- parenting techniques
- monitoring and evaluation
- multi-agency working
- school development work
- counselling
- emotional literacy
- social skills
- support group approach to bullying issues
- developing resources
- Pastoral Support programmes
With a broad range of specialist skills and experience within the Teams, the Behaviour Support Service is well equipped to provide appropriate, researched and evidence-based interventions for children and young people experiencing behavioural, emotional and/or social difficulties.
Making the best use of the Service
Staff in primary schools may request a service from Behaviour Support by telephoning the relevant quadrant-based Behaviour Support Team for advice. Referrals for support for individual pupils are usually through the submission of a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) form; either to the area team for a single agency approach or through the Multi Agency Allocation Group (MAAG) for a multi agency, Tier 3 approach.
Contact Information:
Behaviour Support – Primary
Mid 01376 555601
North East01206 711157
South01268 498858
West01279 404432
Ref: SM1/5.6
First issue: April 2002