Cong. Joe Wilson (R-SC) "honored" with award at World Masonic Conference three years after his key vote for CAFTA
Republican Congressman Joe Wilson (SC) voted for CAFTA on July 28, 2005, exporting American jobs to
Central America. CAFTA passed in the U.S. House by a vote of 217 Ayes to 215 Noes. Congressman Wilson's "Aye" vote instead of a "No" vote enabled the NWO's sovereignty-stealing, manufacturing-stealing, jobs-stealing CAFTA legislation to pass the U.S. House.
You can watch Joe Wilson in his own words praise Masonry before he was to receive an award at a World Masonic Congress three years after his crucial vote to pass the New World Order's Central American Free Trade Agreement - CAFTA:
Hon. Joe Wilson Receives 2008 Freemasonry's Medal of Freedom
Congressman Joe Wilson received 2008's Freemasonry's Medal of Freedom award during the 9th Annual World Conference
of Masonic Grand Lodges May 7th - May 10th held in Washington, D.C., this was the largest international gathering of
Freemasons in D.C. since the laying of the cornerstone of the Capitol building in 1793.
May 13, 2008
Video (3:16)
3,604 views (9/16/09)
7,035 views (10/21/10)
Mason Shriner Congressman ("CAFTA") Joe Wilson (R-SC) to be honored May 10 at Washington D.C.
World Masonic Conference
Posted: May 9, 2008
"CAFTA" Free-Trader Joe Wilson - exporting American jobs to
Central America - also voted for TARP # 1 and # 2 Wall Street Bailout
October 19, 2010
In the 2010 South Carolina Legislative Manual, Republican South Carolina Congressman "CAFTA" Joe Wilson includes
the following information listed in his biographical data: "Columbia World Affairs Council; First Presbyterian Church, Columbia; ... ; Sons of Confederate Veterans; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Sinclair Lodge No. 154; Jamil Temple; WOW; ..." [ ]
[ Sinclair Lodge No. 154 - Masons ]
[ Jamil Temple - Shriners
Freemasonry is ecumenical in practice, (falsely) asserting that there are many ways, through many religions,
to have relationship with the Creator, and to attain heaven. This is in direct conflict with the clear teaching of the Bible, and the authoritative words of the Saviour Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who said, "I am the way,
the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." John 14:6
The ecumenical teaching of Freemasonry is therefore unbiblical. Christianity is incompatible with Freemasonry.
Joe Wilson, who, contrary to his word to his constituents, cast a deciding vote for the New World Order's globalist "Central American Free Trade Agreement" (CAFTA) on July 28, 2005, is a Mason and Shriner.
- Member, Masons; Member, Shriners; Member,
Columbia World Affairs Council
- FreemasonrySinclair Lodge #154; Shriners; World Affairs Council Columbia
- Member, Masons; Member, Shriners; Member,
Columbia World Affairs Council
Masonry: Beyond the Light
Bill Schnoebelen, a former 32nd degree Mason, Rosicrucian and Knight Templar,
establishes the historical occult roots of Masonry in fertility cults and Illuminism.
By his enthusiastic support for the New World Order's unconstitutional, illegal, unjustified, and therefore immoral War in Iraq, and his oath-breaking vote for the American-sovereignty-destroying CAFTA legislation, it is clear that Joe Wilson is not upholding his Oath of Office as a Congressman. By his continued, long-term involvement in Freemasonry, highlighted by his Freemasonry award at this World Masonic Conference in Washington, D.C., it is clear, even more importantly, that Joe Wilson is not upholding his profession as a Christian. A man cannot serve both the false god(s) of Freemasonry and the God of the Bible.
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one,
and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24, KJB
Isaiah 3:12, Isaiah 9:16 (KJB) - the curse and danger of false leadership.
The truth will set us free !
Steve Lefemine
October 21, 2010 / Revised October 22, 2010
Candidates for US House District # 2 (South Carolina):
2nd District Map - PDF - includes Columbia and upper Richland County plus Allendale, Barnwell, Beaufort, upper Calhoun,
upper Colleton, Hampton, Jasper, Lexington, and upper Orangeburg counties
Republican (CAFTA and TARP bailout supporter) Joe Wilson - [ Incumbent ]
Democrat Rob Miller -
Constitution Party Marc Beaman -
Libertarian Party Eddie McCain -
Joe Wilson voted for CAFTA on July 28, 2005, exporting American jobs to Central America
Joe Wilson voted for TARP # 1(Wall Street Bailout) on September 29, 2008. [ as did globalist CFR -member liberal
Democrat Cong. John Spratt (D-SC) ]
Joe Wilson voted for TARP # 2(Wall Street Bailout) on October 3, 2008. [ as did globalist CFR -member liberal
Democrat Cong. John Spratt (D-SC) ]
On Friday, October 3, 2008 the US House passed the $700 BILLION Wall Street Bailout / Federal Executive Branch power grab bill by a vote of 263 Y - 171 N. JOE WILSON VOTED "YEA" !
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: H.R. 1424
October 1, 2008 - US Senate - 74 Y - 25 N
October 3, 2008 - US House - 263 Y - 171 N
October 3, 2008 - US President signed H.R. 1424 into law
Additional reports and information:
Wilson’s Vote for CAFTA Devastated S.C. Jobs
September 3, 2010
CAFTA: More Bureaucracy, Less Free Trade
by Rep. Ron Paul, MD
June 7, 2005
CAFTA: Last Nail in the Coffin?
By Patrick J. Buchanan (Roman Catholic)
The American Conservative, May 09, 2005 Issue
With One Accord Ministries
Christian ministry of Bill Schnoebelen (former 32nd Degree Mason and Shriner)
Masonry: Beyond the Light
Bill, a former 32nd degree Mason, Rosicrucian and Knight Templar,
establishes the historical occult roots of Masonry in fertility cults and Illuminism.
This comprehensive book goes step by step through the Bible and shows how the Lodge violates major Christian commandments. It also gives the history of the Lodge and its connection to Rosicrucianism, the Knights Templar and the Illuminati. It ALSO shows how to be set free from Masonry's dark bondage! This is our best selling book and it has changed thousands of lives!
Masonry: Beyond the Light has been described as the finest book on Freemasonry written by a former Mason
and is our best selling book. It is a thorough survey of the history of the lodge and an examination of the spiritual dynamics which underlie it, especially in relation to the Bible.
His book is also available at Chick Pubs. -
Selected links on passage of CAFTA in 2005 by US Senate and US House:
"CAFTA Joe" Wilson (R-S.C.) parrots Bush spin;
more loyal to Bush's NWO agenda than to American workers, manufacturing, and sovereignty
"The Central American Free Trade Agreement, ..., passed 217-215."
The State, July 29, 2005
All Four SC Republican House members vote 'For' CAFTA:
Henry Brown, Joe Wilson, Gresham Barrett, and Bob Inglis
July 29, 2005
217 to 215 CAFTA vote in US House July 28, 2005
July 28, 2005
Bush White House 'Whipping the Vote' for CAFTA
Carrot and Stick approach to 'whip' Republican Congressmen into lockstep support for anti-sovereignty CAFTA bill
July 25, 2005
CAFTA = building block for the new world order
CAFTA is not about "free" trade. CAFTA, like NAFTA, like the European Union,
is about progressively emplacing the building blocks of regional government toward
the eventual goal of world government... one-world government...the new world order.
July 1, 2005
See additional links on passage of CAFTA in 2005 by US Senate and US House at:
Mason Shriner Congressman ("CAFTA") Joe Wilson (R-SC) to be honored May 10 at Washington D.C.
World Masonic Conference
Posted: May 9, 2008