As authorised at Annual General Meeting 1989,
amended at Annual General Meetings 1991,1999, 2000,2003, 2008 and 2012
QUORUM:Committee Meeting IX
General Meeting XI
1.The Club shall be known as the EASTBOURNE ROWING CLUB and its address is:
The Boat House Royal Parade Eastbourne East Sussex BN22 7LD hereinafter known as The Club.
2.The Club’s colours are Yellow and Blue quarters.
The objectives of the Club shall be:
(a) To encourage proficiency in oarsmanship within the Eastbourne area and to train and enter crews to represent the Club at events entered by the Club.
(b) To apply the funds and property of the Club in pursuance of the above objects or any of them and to do all acts and things that may be conducive or incidental thereto.
III. Classes ofMembership:
1. The membership of the Club shall consist of the following categories:
(a) Senior / Student Members aged 17years and over
(b) Family Members - the spouse and/or children of a full member under 11 years.
(c) Junior Members - under the age of 17 years. Those under 11 years will be admitted when one or both parents are members.
(d) Associate/Social Members – do not have access to or use of club boats/training equipment (e) Honorary Life Members.
2. Ordinary Members and Life Members who prior to their admission to Life Membershipwere Ordinary Members are together referred to in these Rules as “Full Members”, and shall enjoy the rights and privileges conferred by these Rules on Full Members.
1. Senior / Student /Junior Members
The qualification for Senior / Student/ Junior membership shall be good fellowship and willingness to gain proficiency in oarsmanship. A candidate who does not wish to become proficient but who, because of his or her service to the sport of rowing may seem desirable to the Committee, shall also be eligible for election as a Member.
2. Honorary Members
Any person who may seem to the Committee exceptionally suitable may be elected to bean Honorary Member. Subject to these Rules, such a Member shall have the same rightsand privileges as a Full Member, except that, he shall not be counted in a quorum nor vote at General Meetings.
3.Honorary Life Members
The Committee may, as and when it thinks fit, admit Life membership Members who have been previously elected as a Member upon such terms as to payment of a lump sum subscription and otherwise as the Committee shall determine.
4.Membership shall be open to all without discrimination as the Club maintains an equal opportunities policy.
1. Election to membership of the Club in any category shall be by Committee.
2. A candidate for election as a Member shall be proposed and seconded by Full Members.
1. A member of any category shall within 1 month after election pay the firstMonthly Subscription, and shall not be entitled to enjoy any privileges of membership of the Club until such payment has been made. If the first Monthly Subscription is not paid within such two months, then they shall ipso facto cease to be a member.
2. Subject to paragraph 1 of this Rule, Monthly Subscriptions shall become due on during the 1stweek of each month.either in cash to the membership secretary or by standing order.
4. The rates of Annual subscription payable by membersmonthlyshall be determined annually by the Members at the Annual General Meeting, the rates so fixed shall apply from that Annual General Meeting.
1. The Committee shall have the power after due enquiry to suspend the privileges of Membership of any Member of any category until the next General Meeting for any cause which it may in the interests of the Club deem sufficient.
2. Six members entitled to vote shall form a quorum.
3. A majority of not less than two thirds of the members of the Committee present andvoting shall be required to pass a Resolution of Suspension, This will not be carried out until the committee has followed the Club’s Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure.
4. The Committee shall have the power to reinstate any former Member of the Club whohas been expelled or who for any reason has ceased to be a Member upon such terms as itmay think fit. The Committee may at its sole discretion, decline to accept renewal of membership, from any person, without disclosing the reason.
5. A person who has been expelled from, or refused membership of the Coast Amateur Rowing Association or the British Rowing, shall not be eligible for membership.
1. The Officers of the Club shall be:
(a) The President,
(b) The Chairman of Committee,
(c) The Honorary Treasurer,
(d) The Honorary Secretary.
2. The Officers of the Club shall be elected from among the Full members of the Club at theAnnual General Meeting in each year.
Composition and Election
1. The Committee shall compose of the following persons:
(a) The Officers;
(b) Not less than two nor more than five Elected Members;
(c) The Captain of the Club.
2. Nominations for the election of Officers and Committee Members shall be made in writingby two Full Members to reach the Honorary Secretary four weeks prior to the date of the next Annual General Meeting.
Meetings and Proceedings
3. The Committee shall meet as often as may be necessary and shall be convened by theHonorary Secretary. It is expected that the Committee should meet at least once a calendarmonth or more or less frequently if deemed necessary.
4. Four members present and entitled to vote shall form a quorum.
5. A quorum shall include at least one of the Chairman, Honorary Secretary or the Honorary Treasurer.
6. At all meetings of the Committee the Chairman of the Committee shall preside. In his absence, the members of the Committee present may elect one of their own numbers to take the chair.
7.Subject to the provisions of Rule VII paragraph 3, Resolutions shall be carried by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. In the Case of equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
The Honorary Treasurer
The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt and payment of all monies
including subscriptions on behalf of the Club. He shall cause audited accounts to be published annually as directed by the Committee and make a statement on them at the
Annual General Meeting. He shall be prepared to make a report on the finances of the Club at Committee meetings if and when required to do so.
All monies received on behalf of the Club shall be paid into bankers appointed by the Club. The Honorary Treasurer shall sign all cheques. The Chairman or secretarymay sign cheques in the absence of the Honorary Treasurer.
1. Not less than twenty-one days notice in writing shall be given to Members of a General Meeting.
2.The Notice of a General Meeting shall state the general nature of the business to be transacted. No other business may be transacted at the Meeting except with the permission of the chairman of the Meeting.
3. All members may speak at a General Meeting but only Full Members, and family members over the age of 18 years are entitled to vote.
4. Eleven Full Members shall form a quorum at a General Meeting and except where otherwise provided by the Rules, Resolutions shall be decided by the vote of the majority of those present and voting. In the case of equality of votes the chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
5. The accidental omission to give notice of a General Meeting to, or the non-receipt of a notice by, a Member shall not invalidate the proceedings at the Meeting.
Annual General Meetings
6. On the instructions of the Committee an Annual General Meeting shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary to be held not earlier than 30th September and not later than the 31st November in each calendar year.
7. A Copy of the Agenda and a Copy of the Accounts of the Club audited for the twelve months from the previous year-end shall be circulated to all members attending the Meeting.
8. At every Annual General Meeting the Members shall appoint Auditors to hold office forthe ensuing year. The Auditors shall make or provide a report to the Members on the Accounts at the Annual General Meeting.
The Club will ensure that the talents and resources of all the members are utilised to the full and that no member receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, disability, marital status, creed, social class, ethnicity, age sexual orientation or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be relevant to performance.
The Club accepts the policy and procedures relating to Child Protection, as set out by the C.A.R.A, the British Rowing and Codes of Conduct as set out by the Club (See appendices 1-5).All members and parents / guardians are required to accept them as a condition of membership.
The Committee shall appoint a member to act as Safety Adviser whose duty it will be to understand the requirements of the CARA & British Rowing Code of Practice for Water Safety and advise on their prominent display, their observation and their implementation at all times.
XV. declaration
Each member upon joining shall sign the following declaration:
Name: ______
Upon acceptance into membership of the Eastbourne Rowing Club I understand that rowing is undertaken at my own risk. I confirm that I do not suffer from any disability or medical condition, which may render me, unfit for strenuous exercise. *
I also confirm that I am able to swim a minimum of 100 metres (ROSPA recommended standard). Signed:
*Should a medical condition exist, this will not necessarily preclude you from membership/participation, but it must be declared. Should you be in any doubt, advice should be sought from your family doctor.
1. There shall be not less than two nor more than four Trustees of the Club. The property and assets of the Club (other than cash which shall be under the control of the Honorary Treasurer) shall vest in them, and they shall deal with the same, as the Committee shall from time to time by Resolution direct.
2. A Trustee shall hold office until death or resignation or until he is removed from office by Resolution of the Committee. The power of appointing a Trustee shall be by Resolution passed at an Extra Ordinary Meeting or the Annual General Meeting.
3.The Trustees may deal with the property of the Club so vested in them by way of sale
mortgage, charge, and lease or otherwise as directed by the Club Committee.
4.A Trustee shall be indemnified against all risk and expense incurred by him in carrying out his duties as a Trustee out of the property and assets of the Club. He shall not be liable for any loss, or damage to any monies or other property of the Club unless caused by hisown fraud or by his wilful default or neglect.
1.The affairs of the Club shall be wound up if a Resolution to that effect shall be passed at a Special General Meeting by a majority of two-thirds or more of the Members who are
present and, being entitled to do so at General Meeting, vote.
2. The winding-up shall be conducted by the persons and in the manner to be determinedby a further Resolution passed at the same Meeting by a simple majority of such members.
3.The assets and property of the Club remaining after all debts and liabilities shall havebeen paid or discharged shall be distributed to the sports governing body for use in community related sport, another Community Amateur Sports Club Scheme (CASC) within the scheme or a charity or charities agreed by the meeting that formally terminates the Club.
4.In no circumstances can any profit or surplus of income over expenditure be distributed to members, but any profits or surplus earned shall be used in furthering the objects of the Club.
5. Upon completion of the discharge of all the Club¹s debts and liabilities and of the
distribution of all its surplus assets, the Club shall stand dissolved for all purposes.
The Club being affiliated to the Coast Amateur Rowing Association (C.A.R.A.) it shall observe the rules and requirements and regulations of the said Association.
XIX. British Rowing
The Club being affiliated to the British Rowing, it shall observe the
rules, requirements and regulations of the said Association providing that such rules,
requirements or regulations due not conflict with similar rule of the C.A.R.A.
Throughout these Rules unless the contrary intention applies:
(a)The term “oarsmanship” shall include sculling and coxing, and references to “oarsman”
or “rowing” shall also apply to scullers and sculling and to coxes and coxing.
(b)The singular shall include the plural and vice-versa.
(c)The masculine shall include the feminine and vice-versa.
Any matter not provided for in this constitution, or any question over the interpretation of it shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be final.
Appendix 1
Athlete Code of Conduct
As a member of Eastbourne Rowing Club (ERC), I agree to the Athlete Code of Conduct as follows:
1. I am an ambassador of ERC and shall maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct, which includes self control, responsible behaviour, and consideration for the physical and emotional well being of others.
2. I will treat rowers (from all clubs) with respect and expect to be treated with respect in return.
3. I will respect every individual at ERC.
4. I will uphold the generally accepted standards of fair play and show a high level of sportsmanship and team spirit.
5. I will be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
6. I will not use profane, insulting, or otherwise offensive language.
7. I will not possess or use any illegal drugs in any form, during any activity associated with ERC.
8. I will reimburse the cost of any damage to equipment or any other property resulting from wilful or negligent action on my part.
9. I acknowledge that the ERC Club Committee are responsible for the athletes and as such, they must follow ERC policies.
10. I acknowledge that the use of any social networking media which includes a reference to ERC that I am effectively identifying myself as a member of said club and that everything posted has the potential to reflect on the club or CARA. Under no circumstances should I post any comment which has the potential to be interpreted as derogatory and / or offensive about any past, present or future ERC or CARA member.
A breach of any part of this Code of Conduct is sufficient grounds for an athlete to be withdrawn from a program or event and be sent home at his or her expense. Athletes will also be subject to the disciplinary procedure of ERC as presented in the Constitution and Bylaws and Policy and Procedure Manual.
I have read and understand the above statements and agree to conduct myself in a manner that will demonstrate the standards described above.
Athlete’s Signature Parent/Guardian (if under the age of 18 yrs.)
Date Date
ERC 2016
Training Code of Conduct
1. All athletes are equal and should help and respect each other independently of age and crew status.
2. Crew decisions are to be made by the captains and coaches of the club. Athletes should respect these decisions, as they are done to benefit the club and individuals in which it is affecting e.g to encourage a style of rowing; or speed of boat; or to give other athletes a chance.
3. Members have equal entitlements to club equipment. However new / novice rowers cannot expect to train e.g in the best racing four:
a. If a boat is double booked, the boats to row in shall be chosen by the club
captain or chairperson of ERC (which shall be judged on crew requirements,
experience and boat size capabilities).
b. If a crew is in close competition to win a CARA division, equipment may be
prioritised, so that it cannot be double booked in close race times and will be
done at the discretion of the club captain, giving preference to the crew most likely to be in a winning position.
c. If a crew has qualified for a CARA Championship event, equipment preferences can be given and distributed at the discretion of the club captain and the chairperson.
4. If unable to make it to water training for any reason it is important to let the coach and crew mates know at least 12 hours before training so appropriate cover can be arranged!
5. Training will take place on the designated days as shown in training programme.
Any extra sessions will be discussed / arranged on club nights with the ERC Committee.
ERC 2013
Appendix 3
(Including Club Officials and Volunteers)
1. All personnel working with members must at all times respect basic human rights and operate without discrimination on grounds of gender, race, colour, language, religion, political or any other option.
2. All personnel working with members must ensure there is a balance between the development of performance and the social, emotional, intellectual and physical needs of the individual.