Historic Preservation Council Meeting
September 4, 2013
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Historic Preservation Council
September 4, 2013
Department of Economic and Community Development
One Constitution Plaza
2nd Floor
Main Conference Room
Hartford, CT
PRESENT:Dr. Bellantoni, Ms. Cutler, Dr. Faber, Mr. Faude, Ms. Gilvarg, Ms. Kane, Ms. Williams, Dr. Harris, Ms. Maher, Dr. Grant-Costa
STAFF:Daniel Forrest, Stacey Vairo, Mary Dunne, Julie Carmelich, Laura Mancuso, Kip
ABSENT:Chairman Nelson, Dr. Woodward
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Gilvarg at 9:34 am. Vice Chairman Gilvarg welcomed new member Dr. Paul Grant-Costa
Vice Chairman Gilvarg reviewed the public comment procedures.
Vice Chairman Gilvarg read the code of conduct and ethics statement. The following conflict of interest was reported:
Stacey Vairo7D - Weston: David Godfrey House (LeChat Property)
Todd Levine7A - CT Agricultural Heritage-10 Sites
Katherine Kane10F - CT Women’s Hall of Fame
A motion was made by Dr. Faber, seconded by Ms. Kane to approve the minutes of the August 7, 2013 meeting with corrections(to change Mr. Faude’s name which is listed as Phil, not Bill in the transcription on the minutes).
(Y-7; N-0; Abstained: Dr. Grant Costa, Dr. Harris)
- REPORT OF COMMITTEES – The Executive Committee met on August 28 via teleconference to discuss the Sanford-Bristol House located at 11-113 North Street in Milford, CT. Present on the call were Alan Ponanski of the Attorney General’s Office; Ms. Carmelich, Mr. Forrest and Ms. Vairo of SHPO staff; and Executive Committee members, Ms. Gilvarg, Ms. Kane, Dr. Bellantoni, and Ms. Nelson. The matter of a proposed demolition due to structural problems with the house was briefly reviewed. HPC moved to decline to refer the matter to the full HPC but offered the services and technical assistance of the SHPO. The motion was unanimously approved.
- State Register Nomination for the Connecticut’s Agricultural Heritage Multiple
Property Documentation Form, 10 sites (as show below), on the State Register of
Historic Places.
Mr. Levine leaves the room at 9:51 am.
Motion by Mr. Faude, seconded by Ms. Maher.
The Historic Preservation Council votes to list the Connecticut’s Agricultural Heritage Multiple Property Documentation Form, 10 Sites (as shown below), on the State Register of Historic Places.
- Louis Barnes Farmstead, 39 Barnes Hill Road, Burlington
- Neumann Barn, 185 West Chippens Hill Road, Burlington
- Winwood/Barker Boat Shed, 174 Falcon Road, Guilford
- Evarts Farmstead, 420 Nut Plains Road, Guilford
- Elba Paper Mill Barn, 101 Paper Mill Road, Killingworth
- Bruno Weiss Farmstead (Riverdale Farm), 234 River Road, Killingworth
- Chauncy and Jerusha Parmelee Farmstead, 478 Route 81, Killingworth
- Fuller/Bourdeaux Farmstead, 159 South Road, Somers
- Hodges-Deming Farmstead/Mount Pleasant Farm, 505 University Drive, Torrington
- Wright Farmstead, 104 Wright Road, Torrington
(Y-9; N-0; Abstained-0)
Mr. Levine returns and resumes meeting at 9:59 am.
B.State Register Nomination for the Ball and Socket Manufacturing Company, 493
West Main Street, Cheshire, Connecticut
The Historic Preservation Council votes to list the Ball and Sockett Manufacturing Company, 493 West Main Street, Cheshire, Connecticut on the State Register of Historic Places.
Motion to withdraw the nomination at the request of the applicant by Ms. Gilvarg. Matter not taken up by the HPC.
C.State Register Nomination for the Soldier’s Monument, Intersection of Main Street (Route 17A) & Bartlett Street (Opposite 548 Main Street), Portland, Connecticut
Motion by Dr, Harris; seconded by Ms. Cutler.
The Historic Preservation Council votes to list the Soldier’s Monument, Intersection of Main Street (Route 17A) & Bartlett Street (Opposite 548 Main Street), Portland, Connecticut on the State Register of Historic Places.
Deanna Rhodes from the Town of Portland stated that the statue is significant and has a number of structural issues that need attention. Dan Forrest stated that any request for grant funding goes through CEPA, any necessary archaeological considerations will be addressed before brought to HPC. Faber-qusetion size of canon
(Y-9; N-0; Abstained-0)
D.State Register Nomination for the David Godfrey House at the Juliana LeChat Preserve, 106 Godfrey Road, Weston, Connecticut
Ms. Vairo leaves the room at 10:07 am.
Motion by Ms. Cutler, seconded by Dr. Faber.
The Historic Preservation Council votes to list the David Godfrey House at the Juliana LeChat Preserve, 106 Godfrey Road, Weston, Connecticut on the State Register of Historic Places.
(Y-9; N-0; Abstained-0)
Ms. Vairo returns and resumes meeting at 10:12 am.
C.Certified Local Government Grants
- Town of Waterford.
The Historic Preservation Council votes to recommend the award of a Certified Local Government Historic Preservation Enhancement Grant, funded by the Historic Preservation Fund, to the below-listed applicant in the amount shown. All grant guidelines and state requirements shall be met by the below-listed applicant upon receipt of a grant as administered by the Department of Economic and Community Development.
Town of Waterford
Development of Design Guidelines
Grant Amount: $5,000.00
Motion by Dr. Harris, seconded by Ms. Maher.
(Y-9; N-0; Abstained-0)
D. Survey and Planning Grants
- Danielson: Temple Beth Israel Preservation Society, Inc.
The Historic Preservation Council votes to recommend the award of a Survey and Planning Grant, funded by the Community Investment Act, to the below-listed applicant in the amount shown. All grant guidelines and state requirements shall be met by the below-listed applicant upon receipt of a grant as administered by the Department of Economic and Community Development.
Temple Beth Israel Preservation Society, Inc.
Development of a Conditions Assessment
Grant Amount: $7,500.00
(Y-9; N-0; Abstained-0)
- Partners in Preservation
- The CT Women’s Hall of Fame
Ms. Kane leaves the room at 10:27 am.
Motion by Mr. Faude, seconded by Ms. Maher.
The Historic Preservation Council votes to recommend the award of a Partners in Preservation Grant, funded by the Community Investment Act, to the below-listed applicant in the amount shown. All grant guidelines and state requirements shall be met by the below-listed applicant upon receipt of a grant as administered by the Department of Economic and Community Development.
The CT Women’s Hall of Fame
Posting 2012 architectural survey on their website
Grant Amount: $10,000.00
(Y-8; N-0, Abstained: Kane)
Ms. Kane returns to the room at 10:33 am.
Mr. Forrest provided an update on the status of the rehiring of his position and the interim staff for the Disaster Assistance Grant. The potential timeline for the temporary staff is the end of December.Efforts are being made to incorporate museums and staff with the SHPO’s overall programming. Dan and Karen and making regularly scheduled visits to the museums on the last Friday of every month. So far those visits have included Newgate.
Bob Cless, a greatly respected colleague and friend of the SHPO passed away recently. Bob will be greatly missed by both the SHPO and the Office of the State Archaeologist.
In addition, Dan Forrest and Todd Levine met with the Town and owner of the Elmcrest properties in Portland. Issue may come before the HPC in the future
A resolution in honor of retired member Jack A. Robbins was read into the record as follows:
Resolution in Honor of
Jack Alan Robbins
WHEREAS, Jack Alan Robbins was appointed to the Historic Preservation Council in January of 2008; and
WHEREAS, his public service career has spanned greater than fifty years in the States of New York and Connecticut; and
WHEREAS, he earned both a Master of Arts and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Fordham University; and
WHEREAS, he received numerous fellowships during his graduate career including the Woodrow Wilson National Dissertation Fellowship in 1969-1970; and
WHEREAS, he has taught many college level courses in history, government, art criticism, policy, comparative ideology; and
WHEREAS, he served for nearly twenty years as Deputy Commissioner for Conservation and Historic Preservation for the Westchester County Park System; and
AND WHEREAS, Mr. Robbins’ contribution and advocacy on behalf of the Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office has done much to safeguard Connecticut's heritage into the 21st century;
RESOLVED, that the members of the Historic Preservation Council, meeting in Hartford this 4th day of September 2013, go on record with this tribute to Jack A. Robbins and sincere thanks for his extraordinary service to the State of Connecticut, its cultural resources, heritage preservation partners, and citizens; and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Governor Dannel P. Malloy and be spread upon the order of our minutes.
Voted on this 4th day of September, 2013
Motion by Dr. Bellantoni, second by Dr. Harris.
See Executive Committee Report and Report on the State Historic Preservation Office.
See Report on State Historic Preservation Office Activities.
There is press coverage in the Dropbox on Manchester. SHPO has not heard from the Town since the August HPC meeting.
- Lessons/Obesrvations from the Recent Protect Act Meeting
Dr. Faber asked why the town seemed to be relatively uninformed about the CEPA process. Mr. Forrest explained that Susan Chandler and Julie Carmelich had met with the Town on several occasions to explain the process and he did not know why they appeared as they did.
Mr. Faude asked that a single date be used to refer to the construction of the building.
Ms. Kane stated that it was helpful to know that the Town of Manchester has previous experience with the Protection Act for another school located within the NHL district.
A motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Kane, seconded by Ms. Cutler. The meeting was adjourned at 11:19 am.
The next Historic Preservation Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October, 2013 at 9:30 am, One Constitution Plaza, Hartford, CT, Main Conference Room.
Respectfully submitted by:
Laura L. Mancuso
Construction Grant Coordinator