XIVAnnual Binational Health Week
October4-18, 2014
Binational Health Week (BHW)is the largestmobilization efforts in the Americas to improve the health and well-being of the underserved Latino population living in the United States and Canada.During BHW, federal,state and local government agencies, community-based organizations and thousands of volunteers come together in the month of October to conduct a series of health promotion and health education activities including workshops, insurance referrals, vaccinations and medical screenings.
BHW fosters community solidarity by bringing together existing resources and thousands of volunteers working together for a common goal. The events are coordinated by the collaboration among community and government agencies from the U.S., Mexico and other Latin American countrieswith the purpose of reaching out to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people, especially those without medical coverage.
BHW’s main partners include the Secretariats of Health, Government and Foreign Affairs of Mexico, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, as well as the Institute for Mexicans Abroad, the Mexican Social Security Institute, the National Secretariat for Migrants in Ecuador, the Colombia Nos Une Program, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), several Departments of Public Health, the Council of Mexican Federations in North America (COFEM),and the Health Initiative of the Americas, a program of the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health.
Binational Health Week 2014
The fourteenthBHW will take place fromOctober 4-18, 2014 in the U.S. and Canada, with the participation of the consulate networks of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.The main topics for this year are: Infectious Diseases including HIV/AIDS; Chronic Diseases including Diabetes; Influenza; Occupational Health; and Access to Health Insurance.The inaugural event and Policy Forum on Migration and Health will be held in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
Results from Binational Health Week 2013
Last year, the events took place from October 1-21, 2013. An estimated 3,373 activities were held benefiting 381,175people. The organization of the events involved the participation of 8,684agencies which were led by 133 consulates working together with 178local planning committees.Also, five national campaigns were implemented with the aim of increasing the Latino population’s awareness:The Health Care Reform in the U.S and Access to Health Care; Chronic Diseases including Obesity and Diabetes; Infectious Diseases including HIV and Tuberculosis; Occupational Health and Safety; and Mental Health. The inaugural event and Policy Forum on Migration and Health took place on October 1in Washington D.C.
Growth of Binational Health Week in the United States: 2001—2013
Year / Countries / U.S. States / Activities / People Reached / Participating Agencies / Participating Consulates2001 / 2 / 1 / 98 / 18,720 / 115 / 4
2013 / 9 / 43 / 3,373 / 381,175 / 8,684 / 133