V/_ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ of TMP/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _

R ( _ ) / CR ( _ )


Answer to the Application for Variation filed by the Applicant/Person on behalf of the Applicant

(Statement of the Respondent/Co-Respondent)

This statement is to assist you in filing your Answer. You are at liberty to use this supplied format or any other format. You are required to serve a copy of your Answer and Statement on the Applicant/Person on behalf of the Applicant. .


I, ______NRIC No. ______have been served with an application to * vary / rescind the order of the Tribunal of Maintenance Order. I wish to state the following:

1 Marital status: *Single / Married / Separated / Divorced / Widowed

2 Type of accommodation: (a) *HDB ( __- room) / Private Apartment / Condominium /

Landed / Others (please state) ______

(b) *Purchased / Rented from HDB /

Rented from landlord, state no. of room _____ / bed space

(c) *Owner / Co-owner / Tenant / Free accommodation

Fully paid: * Yes / No

3 *Employed / Unemployed: If unemployed, state since ______(date)

4 Occupation: ______State commencement date: ______

5 Monthly income: $______(gross) $______(net)

6 Spouse’s occupation: ______

7 Spouse’s monthly income: $______(gross) $______(net)

8 Details of my dependant(s) are as follows:

Dependant(s)/Relationship(s) / Age / Occupation / Student (at which level)
Parents (Father/Mother)
1st child
2nd child
3rd child
Other (to specify): ______

Attach supporting documents of the relationships with the dependant(s), e.g. copy of marriage certificate, birth certificate... etc.

9 I *own / do not own property(s):______

(Give description of property, and state if rental is received.)

10 I *have / do not have saving(s) and / or investment(s) and/or other assets:


(Give details, e.g. amount of savings, value of shares investment and unit trusts etc.)

11 I receive income from these other source(s): ______


(Give details source and nature of income, e.g. contribution from children or spouse, rental and interest. Please state the monthly amount.)

12 Monthly personal expenses and/or household expenses for my family is as follows:

Expenses / Amount ($)
Rental/mortgage payment : * Cash or / and
Service & Conservancy Charges / Maintenance
Medicine/medical treatment
Taxes paid
Dependant(s) (e.g. spouse, children and parents)
Miscellaneous (to include payment of debts, if any) ______
Others (Please specify): ______

Attach supporting documents.

13 Answer to the application:
(Tick ( √ ) the appropriate box)

(a)  I agree to the application for *variation / rescission. I would like to request to be absent from the hearing to be scheduled in due course.


(b)  I disagree to the application for *variation / rescission for the reason(s) that:


______(attach any other information/document that you consider relevant)

14 I have served a copy of this statement on the *Applicant/Agent.

15 I declare that the information given in this Statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief as at ______(date). I have made full and frank disclosure of my income, expenses, assets and means to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Dated this ______day of ______20______.


Signature of Recorder of Statement *Signature/Right Thumb Print of

(Name : ) * Respondent / Co-Respondent

Personal particular of the *Respondent/Co-Respondent

(This page is not required to be served on the Applicant or Person on behalf of the Applicant. Information provided below is for the Tribunal only.)

Name : ______

NRIC No : ______

Type : *Singapore Pink / Blue

Date of Birth & Age : ______

Current Address : ______


Correspondence Address : ______


Telephone no. : ______(Home)______( Mobile)

E-mail address : ______

R/CR answ to V filed by A/Agt

* Delete as appropriate