Monday, June 20, 2016


Monday, June 20, 2016; River Falls Town Hall

Elected officials and staff present: Diana G. Smith, Chair; John Galgowski, Joe Mahoney, Brad Mogen, Supervisors; Ruth Stern, Clerk; Rita Kozak, Treasurer; Jerome Rodewald, Zoning Administrator, Michele DeLong-Reiter, Recycling Administrator

The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. The first order of business was to hold a joint public hearing with the Plan Commission to take public comment on a proposed Conditional Use Permit for John E. Huppert for a dwelling in the NE/SW S31/T27N/R18W. Zoning Administrator, Jerome Rodewald, explained that this is authorized by Zoning Code 17.06(3)(b) for the child of a farm owner. Neighbors within ¼ mile had been notified. There were no public comments taken. Following questions by the Board and Plan Commission members, the public hearing was closed at 8:05 P.M. John Oliver moved that the Plan Commission recommend that the Town Board approve a Conditional Use Permit contingent upon the Certified Survey Map being completed. Roy Lund seconded. Motion carried.

The Town Board moved back into general session. Brad moved that the June 6th regular board meeting minutes be approved. John seconded. Motion carried. Joe moved that the June 13th minutes from the joint Town Board/Plan Commission meeting to work on a Nuisance Ordinance be approved. John seconded. Motion carried.

Rita provided the June 20th treasurer’s report. There is a money market balance of $454,135.31. Brad moved that the Rebecca Kellar delinquent fire call account be moved on to the collections agency. Joe seconded. Motion carried. Brad moved that Jason Westbrook be sent a final letter stating that non-payment of his outstanding bill for gravel/delivery will be placed on his next property tax bill with accumulated interest charges. Joe seconded. Motion carried.

Brad moved that the Recycling CD be extended another 12 months. Rita will ask if a better interest rate is available. John seconded. Motion carried. Brad moved to approve the June 20th financial report. Joe seconded. Motion carried.

Plan Commission Recommendations: Based on the recommendation of the Plan Commission, Diana moved that a Transfer of Development Site be approved for John E. Huppert in the NE/SW S31/T27N/R18W. Joe seconded. Motion carried. Joe moved that a Conditional Use Permit be approved for John E. Huppert per the recommendation of the Plan Commission following the 7:45 P.M. public hearing (above). This approval is contingent upon the Certified Survey Map being completed and approved. John seconded. Motion carried.

Fee Schedules: The board worked on the Recycling Dept., Zoning/Building, and General Administrative Fee Schedules. Input was provided by Michele DeLong-Reiter, Jerome Rodewald, Ruth Stern and Rita Kozak. John moved that these three fee schedules be approved as discussed. Joe seconded. Motion carried. The Highway Dept. Fee schedule will be reviewed at the July 5th meeting.

WTA Survey: The Board worked on a survey as requested by the Wisconsin Town’s Association. The main topics of the survey related to road funding, staffing, Board of Review and emergency services.

Resolution #2016-C: Diana moved that the board approve Resolution #2016-C, Voter Participation Center Mailings. This resolution developed by the Wisconsin Municipal Clerk’s Association asks that the Voter Participation Center in Washington D.C. discontinue the practice of mailing unsolicited voter registration forms. These forms are being mailed out without proper instructions and in some cases to voters that are already registered, incorrect municipalities, voters who are deceased, and family pets. Clerk, Ruth Stern, explained that local mailings include her name which leads people to believe that mailings are coming from the Town of River Falls. Joe seconded. Motion carried.

Nuisance Ordinance: There will be another joint meeting of the Plan Commission and Town Board on Monday, June 27th at 6:30 P.M. at the Town Hall to work further on a Town Nuisance Ordinance.

Brad moved to approve payment of the June 20th listing of bills. John seconded. Motion carried.

Brad moved to adjourn the meeting 10:05 P.M. John seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Stern/Clerk