Dear [Guest Name]:

I am a graduate student in [DEPT] at the University of New Mexico and work with [Your Advisor]. I am currently enrolled in the 2011Seminar for Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical Science (SiBBs) and would like to extend an invitation to you to participate as a guest speaker in our course.

As a guest scientist you would present a research lecture followed by a round table discussionto a small group of students and faculty on a Wednesday afternoon (3-5pm). Other activities would include joining some of the students and faculty for lunch or dinner, and talking with folks on an individual basis about your work. We will of course, pay for travel, meal and lodging expenses. You would have a lot of flexibility in your choice of a topic to present, as I believe that quite a bit of your research is applicable to our students. We would also be interested in how you arrived at your current research interests and the problems (and rewards!) you’ve encountered doing interdisciplinary biological research.

The SiBBs course is part of a program in interdisciplinary biological research (PiBBs) that supports students from biology, statistics, physics, computer science, anthropology, and electrical and computer engineering (). We draw from approaches and tools in other disciplines to tackle problems and questions relevant to the life sciences. [Add something here that explains why you think this guest fits into SIBBS’ lecture format] Your own work for example, would be interesting to the class because……. I have an personal interest in your work because…….. ]

Our SiBBs lecture schedule has the following available dates XXXXXXXXX. Would you be willing to participate as a guest speaker for SiBBs? The PIBBS Faculty, other students, and I are very much interested in your work and hope to be able to meet you.


[Your Name, Department]


Dr. James H. Brown, Distinguished Professor of Biology, and Director, Program in Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical Science (PiBBs)

Dr. Felisa A. Smith, Associate Professor of Biology, and co-Director, PiBBs

Program Manager, PiBBs