Hamilton International Middle School Spanish Program
Student Questionnaire - 2003
Background information
Last Name: ______First Initial: ______
Instructions: Please read the following questions and choose your answer. Use a number 2 pencil and
make dark marks.
1. What grade were you in when you started learning Spanish at school? / ¡ Kindergarten / ¡ 1 / ¡ 2¡ 3 / ¡ 4 / ¡ 5
¡ 6 / ¡ 7 / ¡ 8
2. What grade are you in now? / ¡ 6 / ¡ 7 / ¡ 8
3. What is your first language? / ¡ English / ¡ Vietnamese / ¡ Spanish
¡ Chinese / ¡ Japanese / ¡ Other ______
4. Does anybody else in your family speak Spanish? / Yes / ¡ No
5. Have you traveled to a country where Spanish is spoken? / Yes / ¡ No
Part I: What Do I Know?
Instructions: We would like you to help us find out how much students are learning and what kinds of things students are learning in the Spanish language program at your school. This activity is not for a grade. There are no right or wrong answers.
Look at the sentences below. Indicate if each sentence describes what you know or can do in Spanish by filling in the circle underneath the appropriate heading. Fill in the circle underneath YES if the sentence describes what you can do easily and comfortably. Fill in the circle underneath ALMOST if YES does not quite fit. Fill in the circle underneath A LITTLE if it describes something that you are just starting to learn. Fill in the circle underneath NOT YET if the sentence describes something that you do not know or cannot do yet.
YES / ALMOST / A LITTLE / NOT YET1. I can follow my Spanish teacher’s directions during class time. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
2. I feel comfortable answering questions with complete sentences in Spanish. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
3. I can look at a picture and say what is happening in Spanish. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
4. I can retell a story that I have read in Spanish. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
5. I can give instructions in Spanish that can be followed by someone else. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
6. I feel comfortable speaking in Spanish. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
7. I feel comfortable reading in Spanish. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
8. I feel comfortable writing in Spanish. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
9. I can talk about my feelings in Spanish. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
10. I can give my opinion in Spanish on issues that are important to me and other people such as school rules. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
11. I can talk about what I am studying in my other classes in Spanish. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
12. I know how to speak politely in Spanish when talking to adults like my teachers or the principal. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
13. When I listen to someone speaking in Spanish, I can understand him/her. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
14. When I speak in Spanish my teachers and classmates understand what I’m saying. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
15. I know how to say everything that I need to say in Spanish. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
16. I speak Spanish outside of school all the time. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
17. I speak my first language outside of school all the time. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
Part II: How Do I Feel?
Instructions: For each sentence, indicate if the sentence describes what you feel or what you do by filling in the circle underneath the appropriate heading. Fill in the circle underneath STRONGLY AGREE if the sentence describes exactly how you feel or exactly what you do. Fill in the circle underneath AGREE if STRONGLY AGREE does not quite fit. Fill in the circle underneath DISAGREE if the sentence does not describe how you feel or what you do. Fill in the circle underneath STRONGLY DISAGREE if you strongly disagree with the sentence or the sentence is the opposite of how you feel or what you do.
STRONGLY AGREE / AGREE / DISAGREE / STRONGLY DISAGREE1. Learning another language will make me smarter. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
2. Learning another language will help me do better in school. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
3. Learning another language will help me get better grades. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
4. Learning another language will help me get a better job when I grow up. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
5. I enjoy meeting and listening to people who speak another language. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
6. Learning another language is important so that I can talk to people who speak that language. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
7. I enjoy learning another language. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
8. I enjoy speaking another language. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
9. I enjoy reading another language. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
10. I enjoy writing another language. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
11. I speak English most of the time with my classmates. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
12. I speak Spanish most of the time with my classmates. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
13. I know about the peoples who speak Spanish and places where Spanish is spoken. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
14. I speak another language besides the ones I use in school. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
15. I speak English most of the time with my family. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
16. Learning about other peoples and places will help me get along better with people who are different from me. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
17. I think it is important to learn about other peoples and places. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
18. I like learning in two languages at my school. / ¡ / ¡ / ¡ / ¡
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