Curriculum Vitae:Thato Mohapi

Curriculum Vitae

Thato Mohapi

Contact Details

Phone: +27 11 482 9568 / 4971 Oranda Street, Kaalfontein, Midrand, 1632
Fax: +27 11 482 9542 / South Africa
Cell: +27 72 113 6151 / E-mail: or


Date of birth: / 24 August 1990
Languages: / English (excellent); Zulu (excellent); Sesotho
Nationality: / South African


  • B. Com Honours, Economics - University of Johannesburg - in progress (2017)

  • B. Com, Economics and Econometrics – University of Johannesburg2014

Fields of Specialisation

  • Research
  • Economic Analysis
  • Data analysis
  • Statistics
  • Financial and economic modelling
Thato has solidified deep theoretical Economics, econometrics and finance knowledge with practical experience in various projects where he has undertaken the role of in-house economic consultant, Research, data analyst and financial/tariff modelling. Thato’s experience in projects spans from development economics, public sector policy, economic impact assessments, power & electricity, economic sector studies and monitoring & evaluation.

Work experience

Sep 2016 - Current: Palmer Development Group
Junior Consultant
Feb 2015 –July 2016: EON Consulting (Pty) Ltd
Junior Consultant
May 2014 – Jan 2015: Value Portfolio Managers
Fund Administrator

Key projects

The development of a guideline for the use of municipal development charges and associated implementation programme:
The National Treasury undertook to amend the Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act and draft associated regulations which will compel municipalities to charge development charges for new development, or to identify alternative financing sources.The purpose of the project is to be providing guidance and tools to municipalities to ensure that the legislation and regulations are implemented correctly, and in a way that creates minimal disruption and burden on municipal officials.
Client:DBSA/National Treasury
Implementation the Gauteng Tariff and Funding model for Emfuleni, Randwest, Lesedi, Merafong, Mogale City and Midvaal Local Municipalities:
Gauteng CoGTA developed an Excel based tariff model andGauteng now seeks to provide additional support to six local municipalities to populate, test and implement the model.
Client:Gauteng Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Role:Responsible for implementing the model in two of the LMs in support of senior team members
SALGA councillor induction programme on energy and electricity:
GIZ aims to assist SALGA in developing programme and material for the councillor induction programme on Energy and Electricity.
Role:Assist in the development of the following deliverables
  • Conceptual design of a wall chart for energy and electricity
  • Production of Increasing energy access booklet
  • Train the trainer sessions is to ensure that SALGA staff are fully briefed and capacitated on how to go about delivering the councillor induction sessions in all the provinces

Implementation Evaluation of the Framework for Strategic- and Annual Performance Plans:
The evaluation aimed determine how effective the Framework for Strategic and Annual Performance Plans has been at guiding departments in their service delivery, particularly responding to government’s priority outcomes, and in holding departments accountable for performance. It provided guidance in how the Framework for Strategic and Annual Performance Plans can be improved to maximize the usefulness of the planning and reporting process, while minimizing the administrative load created by the system.
Client:Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Role:Data gathering through interviews with various national and provincial departments
Gauteng Re-industrialisation sector strategies
The purpose of the project was to reveal the character and nature of the economy of Gauteng Province and to highlight areas that require government intervention to grow the economy and increase participation of previously disadvantaged groups. This was done through the study of 11 sectors and the development of 6 sector strategies for the Province.
Client:Gauteng Department of Economic Development (GDED)
Role: Sector specialist/Research Analyst/Data Manager/Statistician:
  • Collecting and compiling of primary data and secondary data (through data bases, surveys, correspondence, desktop research, etc.
  • Analysing data and management
  • Review and evaluation of specific sectors: Identifying constraints and opportunities for industrialisation.
  • Report drafting on research findings, insights and recommendations
  • Preparation of report finding for workshop presentations

Cyclone Energy Tower Bankability study:
Developing a bankable feasibility study by building a 250MW renewable energy demonstration plant in Pemba/Nacala (Mozambique) with the electricity generated to be provided to the citizens of Mozambique.
Client:Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP)
Role: Economist/Financial Modeler
  • Research on the Economic, business, social and electricity land of Mozambique
  • Analysis of the Mozambican tax regime and development of the project tax strategy.
  • Project financial model
  • Social and economic Impact assessment of the cyclone tower

The PICC SIP6 project proposals:
Recommending and packaging three (3) catalytic project proposals identified by the DBSA under the Strategic Integrated Project 6 (SIP6) business plan to the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC).

Client: Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)/Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC)

Role: Research Analyst
  • Collecting and compiling of research data.
  • Investigating the funding options available to fund projects
  • Providing summarised findings to specialists, preparing presentation slides and presenting proposed projects to the client
  • Reviewing of relevant policy and strategy documents

Mmamabula Energy Project:
Mamabula project dvelopment technical advisory
Client:JndJ Group/Glendal Power
  • Research on the structural dynamic of the Southern African Power pool (SAPP)
  • Review of MoUs, bilateral contracts and relevant documents between South Africa and Botswana