(Appearance & Personality)

(JULY 2015)

Unit Statement:The student will learn to speak about appearance and personality.

Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery)

  1. The Student Will recognize vocabulary words and phrases related to the topic.
  2. TSW describe his/her friend’s appearance and personality.
  3. TSW describe appearance of an object of the teacher’s choice.
  4. TSW describe character traits that he/she likes a lot, and explain why.
  5. TSW describe character traits that she/he dislikes very much, and explain why.
  6. TSW write a short essay on the topic “If you could, what would you change about yourself?”

Practiced/Ongoing Skills: (See Course Outcomes)

  1. TSW practice reading, retelling and writing selected texts in Russian.
  2. TSWpracticeusingclauselinkкоторый (Девушка, которая улыбается, выглядит счастливой. Эточеловек, которыйпохожнатвоегобрата….).
  3. TSW practice using short-form adjectives(красив, добр, крулолиц….).
  4. TSW practice using animate and inanimate, singular and plural nouns, adjectives and possessives in Accusative case.

Suggested Materials: See suggested materials in course outcomes.

Russian Face to Face. Level Two. Урок 3. “Ктотебенравится?” / Describing a person’s appearance.;урок 4. “Я хотелбыбытьсмелым.” (Select difficulty level appropriate for your students.)

Appearance. Figure.


Personality. Temperament.

Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:

  1. Language ladder
  2. Word wall
  3. Oral and written recognition of vocabulary.
  4. Practicing small dialogues using basic vocabulary.
  5. Comprehension and skills from E01 through E10 can be assessed by acting, playing games (Go, Fish! Easy Sight Word Bingo, etc.), answering questions.
  6. Rubrics and any other teacher generated materials, strategies and tools.


Suggested Unit Evaluation Rubric- Russian III- E01

Name: ______Date: ______Grade: ______

To receive a ‘B’ students must demonstrate mastery of ALL Essential Outcomes (TSW’s).

To receive an ‘A’ students must demonstrate above mastery in at least half of the ‘A’ level TSWs, and mastery in all other unit TSWs.

TSW / SUMMARY / Above Mastery (A) / Mastery(B) / ‘P’ - Comments
1 / The Student Will recognize vocabulary words and phrases related to the topic. / Irecognize and apply vocabulary words and phrases related to the topic. / I recognize vocabulary words and phrases related to the topic.
2 / TSW describe his/her friend’s appearance and personality. / I mention many details describing my friend’s appearance and personality. I speak in complete sentences. / I mention many details describing my friend’s appearance and personality. I use some help along the way.
3 / TSW describe appearance of an object of the teacher’s choice. / I mention many details describing appearance of an object my teacher chooses. I use appropriate adjectives and sentence structure. / I describe appearance of an object my teacher chooses. I use appropriate adjectives and sentence structure.
I use some help along the way.
4 / TSW describe character traits that he/she likes a lot, and explain why. / In my own words I tell about the character traits that I like in people and I tell why I like them. / I tell about the character traits that I like in people and I tell why I like them. I use some help along the way.
5 / TSW describe character traits that she/he dislikes very much, and explain why. / In my own words I tell about the character traits that I do not like in people and I tell why. / I tell about the character traits that I do not like in people and I tell why. I use some help along the way.
6 / TSW write a short essay on the topic “If you could, what would you change about yourself?” / I write a short essay on the topic, “If you could, what would you change about yourself?” using my own words. / I write a short essay on the topic “If you could, what would you change about yourself?” with help of vocabulary list and/or a teacher.



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