Accounting and Audit Department

Subject: Financial Accounting

Academic Year 2018- 2019

Study program: International Business and Economics - in English, Finance and Banking - in English, Management - in English


Topic 1. The theoretical framework - regulatory financial accounting Romania

1.1 . Scope and method of financial accounting

1.2 . The principles of evaluation in financial accounting

1.3. Harmonisation with European Directives and International Accounting Standards

1.4. Ways of organizing and managing financial accounting in Romania

Topic 2. Fixed/Non-Current Assets

2.1. Classification, recognition and measurement of fixed assets

2.2. Accounting information system of fixed assets

2.3. Accounting of intangible assets

2.4. Accounting of property, plant

2.5. Accounting of work-in-progress

2.6. Depreciation methods for tangible assets

2.7. Impairment adjustments for fixed assets

Topic 3. Inventories

3.1. Classification and measurement of inventories

3.2. Accounting information systems of inventories

3.3 . Accounting of raw materials and consumables

3.4. Accounting of products and production in progress

3.5. Accounting of inventories at third parties

3.6. Accounting of commodities

3.7. Accounting of packages

3.8. Impairment adjustments for inventories

Topic 4. Third parties (shot-term receivables and liabilities)

4.1. The general structure of receivables and liabilities

4.2. Accounting information system of settlements with third parties

4.3. Accounting of trade settlement

4.4 . Accounting of wage and social settlements

4.5 . Accounting of tax settlements

4.6. Accounting of settlements within the group and associates

4.7 . Accounting of settlements with sundry debtors and creditors

4.8 . Accounting of reconciliations and related operations

4.9. Accounting of settlements within the unit

4.10 . Impairment adjustments for receivables

Topic 5. Treasury

5.1. General characterization of treasury elements

5.2. Accounting information system of treasury

5.3. Accounting of cash settlement

5.4. Accounting of settlement by bank

5.5. Accounting of letters of credit and cash advances

5.6. Impairment adjustments for treasury

Topic 6. Expenses and revenues

6.1. Classification, recognition and measurement of expenses and revenues

6.2 . Accounting information system of expenses and revenues

6.3. Operating expenses and revenues

6.4. Financiar expenses and revenues

Topic 7. Equity and long term loans

7.1. Recognition and measurement of equity

7.2. Accounting information system of equity

7.3. Accounting of shared/social capital

7.5. Accounting of reserves

2.6. Accounting of result/performance


  1. Stolowy H., Lebas M.J., Financial Accounting and Reporting – a Global Perspective, Second Edition, Cengage Learning EMEA, London,2016
  1. ***; LegeaContabilităţii nr.82/1991, republicată, M.Of. nr.48/14.01.2005;
  1. ***; Documentelefinanciarecomunepeeconomie, aprobateprin OMFP nr. 3512/2008;
  1. ***; Reglementăricontabile conforme cuDirectivaaIV-a a ComunităţiieconomiceEuropene, aprobateprin OMFP nr.1802/2014;

Head of DepartmentResponsible of Subject

Conf.univ.dr. Alexandra Ileana MUȚIU. Prof.univ.dr. Adriana Tiron-Tudor