David R. Boe, Chair
Helen J. Kahn, Vice Chair
Deanna L. Pozega, Secretary
Academic Senate Meeting of April 19, 2011
Northern Michigan University
Brule Room of the University Center
Present:David Boe (Chair), Helen Kahn (Vice Chair), Deanna Pozega (Secretary), Susan Koch (VPAA), Andy Poe (Past Chair), Ron Sundell (AAUP Liaison), Mike Andary (Member at Large), Helen Wedin (Member at Large), Randy Appleton, Dani Thorne, Joseph DeLsle, Mike Broadway, Dave Donovan, Christine Flavin, Peter Goodrich, Jeanne Graves, Jeffrey Horn, Sarah Jones, Chris Kirk, Paul Lang, Frankie McCormick, John MacDevitt, Glenna Pendleton, Dave Prychitko, Robert Quinn, FrancellaQuinnell, Jamal Rashed, John Rebers, Bruce Sarjeant, Terry Seethoff, Mark Shevy, Rebecca Ulland, Harvey Wallace, Susy Ziegler
Absent:Kyle Brock, Vanessa Thibado, Bill Ball, Robbie Goodrich, Tim Hilton, Joe Lubig, Barb Ryhneer, Kristi Robinia, Marge Sklar, Darlene Walch, Greg Warchol
Guests: Ray Ventre, Laura Reissner, Roxin Zhang, Mike Cauley
Proxy:Glenna Pendleton for Larry Pagel
- Call to Order: 3:05 p.m.
- Additions to/Adoption of Agenda: Motion to Accept:
(Mike Andary second Frankie McCormick)
Move Section V: Senate Elections to the beginning of the meeting
Approved Unanimously.
The Committee on Elections and Committees was on hand to provide oversight to for the election.
Chair Boe explained that according to the Senate Bylaws, there are to be 9 members of the Executive Committee, the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Provost, AAUP Liaison, Past Chair and three Members at Large. If the Chair is re-elected, there will be no “Past Chair” which will mean there will need to be 4 Members at Large. Mike Andary continues on for another year as a Member at Large. These positions are for the next academic year.
Chair: Nominee; David Boe
Vice Chair: Nominee; Helen Kahn
Secretary: Nominee; Deanna Pozega
Members at Large: Nominees; Larry Pagel, Bitsey Wedin, FrancellaQuinnel
A motion was made to close nominations. (Peter Goodrich second Dave Donovan)
The vote of all nominees was approved by unanimous acclimation.
- Approval of Draft Minutes of Tuesday 05 April 2011:
Motion to Accept: (Randy Appleton second Dave Donovan)
Discussion: Correction; Randy Appleton, Jeffrey Horn and Robert Quinn were listed as absent when they were in attendance. Deanna Pozega mentioned that if members do not sign the attendance sheet, they will be listed as absent. It is the responsibility of the members to make sure they sign in. No further discussion.
Approved unanimously.
- Reports:
- Chair: David Boe; The Provost has approved the April 11thSenate Action which wasapproval of the May graduation list.
- Vice Chair: Helen Kahn; None
- Secretary: Deanna Pozega; None
- Provost: Susan Koch; The final Board of Trustees meeting is coming up at the end of next week. It aligns with graduation. We have two new board members both of whom are NMU alumni and their wives are as well.
Stephen Gulis Jr., of Rockford retired as president of global operations for Wolverine World Wide Inc., a leading global marketer of branded footwear that is headquartered in Rockford. He previously served the company as executive vice-president, chief financial officer and treasurer. Gulis graduated from NMU in 1979 with a bachelor's degree in finance. He delivered the May 2007 commencement address here at NMU and received an honorary doctor of business degree. He also spoke to the Economic Club of Marquette County earlier the same year. His wife, Janet (Bloeser), is an NMU alumna. She earned her BSN degree in 1980.
Rick Popp, of Northville, is director of employee benefits at Ford Motor Company. He previously was director of human resources for Ford of Mexico and has held various HR leadership positions in more than 20 years with the company. Born in L'Anse and raised in Iron Mountain, Popp earned two degrees from NMU: a master's in public administration with an emphasis in personnel and labor relations in 1990; and a bachelor's in computer science in 1988. He played quarterback for the Wildcats, leading the team that advanced to the semifinals of the 1987 NCAA Division II national playoffs. Popp is a past president of the NMU Alumni Association and also served on its board. He met his wife, Sue (Willson), at Northern. She graduated in 1990 with a finance degree and also had NCAA playoff experience as captain of the 1988-89 Wildcat women's basketball team.
Both men are very committed to NMU.
The Academic Affairs portion of the Board Meeting has been expanded for more time. Pat Brown of the Biology Department will be doing a presentation to the Board on the newly proposed Major in Fisheries & Wildlife Management. This was recently approved by the Academic Affairs Provost Commission and now only needs approval by the Board of Trustees. With this moving forward to this last step, we hope to have this implemented by next fall.
There will also be a focused discussion on “branding” of NMU and how NMU is perceived by its constituents and the community. This has been an ongoing discussion by the Strategic Planning Committee. Chuck Reed, Senior Vice Presidents for Clients Services from Stamats Inc. will be facilitating this discussion.
Finally: Andrew Foster, an Accounting/Corporate Finance major will be the student commencement speaker this year. He was named the Outstanding Business graduate this year.
Dr. Mark Lovell an NMU alumnus (’77) Professor and Director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Sports Concussion Program, will receive the Honorary Degree, Doctor of Science. He will also be the April 2011 Commencement Speaker.
- ASNMU: Swore in its new board but they still need 19 - 20 more students to fill representative spots in the general assembly.
- CEC Report of Tuesday 19 April 2011 (First Reading)
Motion to Accept: (Mike Andary second Frankie McCormick)
Discussion: Rebecca Ulland from the CEC was on hand to answer questions.
A motion was made to suspend the rules and move to the second reading.
Motioned by: (Dave Donovan second Mike Andary)
Discussion: None
Approved unanimously.
- CEC Committee Grid (2011-2012) This will be for the fall semester.
It was pointed out that there will still be changes over the summer and a final grid will be provided in the fall. Note; Mark Paulsen’s name is spelled incorrectly under the LSC (not Paulson).
Approved unanimously.
- CUP Report of Tuesday 19 April 2011 (First Reading)
Motion to Accept: (Randy Appleton second Chris Kirk)
Discussion: None
A motion was made to suspend the rules and waive the second reading.
Motioned by: (Randy Appleton second D. Donovan)
Further discussion: None
Approved unanimously.
H. Committee End-of-Year Reports (For Information Only)
1. AAPC 2010-2011 Annual Report
2. AISAC 2010-2011 Annual Report
a. AISAC Operating Procedures Amendments
3. CEC 2010-2011 Annual Report
a. CEC Operating Procedures Amendment
4. COI 2010-2011 Annual Report
5. CUP 2010-2011 Annual Report
6. ETRPC 2010-2011 Annual Report
7. EXSEN 2010-2011 Annual Report
8. FGC 2010-2011 Annual Report
9. GPC 2010-2011 Annual Report
10. HBC 2010-2011 Annual Report
11. LSC 2010-2011 Annual Report
12. TLAC 2010-2011 Annual Report
A question was raised regarding two changes in Operating Procedures and why the Senate doesn’t vote on these. We need a procedure for voting on changes. The Senate should have the final say.
Chair Boe stated that this has been a topic of the Executive Committee over the last two semesters and has been discussed at length. The Operating Procedures
are constrained by the Bylaws of the Senate. Larry is our parliamentarian and he is not here. Chair Boe stated that he will put this topic back up for discussion at the next Executive Committee meeting next week.
- A. EXSEN Report of Tuesday 05 April 2011 (Second Reading)
At the first reading of this report questions were raised as to inconsistent wording. Based on that discussion, this report has been revised.
Discussion: None
Approved unanimously.
- Senate Executive Committee Elections (Moved to the Beginning of the Meeting.)
- New Business: None
- Informal Consideration: None
- Good of the Order:
Provost Koch reminded everyone that the Presidential budget forum is tomorrow, April 20th at 3:00 p.m. in Jamrich 102.
Chair Boe thanked Dr. Koch for her service over the past four years as she leaving in June. He also thanked the Senators for their service and invited all to stay for cake.
- Adjournment: 3:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeannie Carlson
Secretary to the Academic Senate/AAUP
c. President Wong