Dear friends and classmates, I have passed the

>dreaded CPE and am passing a summary of the test to

>you to aid in your studies. Mississippi Nov 6-9, 2000.

>Day 1

>Food Animal

>A. Clinical procedures

> 1. Put halter on cow

> 2. Place Frick speculum and pass orogastric tube

> 3. Point to where the rumen gas cap is

> 4. Get urine and use dipstick

> 5. Tail bleed

> 6. Clean teats and do a CMT

> 7. Take milk samples for culture

>B. Palpate/OB

> 1. Papate (rectal) a Jersey for pregnancy and

>determine what the effects of PGF2a on the cow.

> 2. Metal cow dystocia

>C. Bovine case

> 1. Take Hx and PE on calf with a previous umbilical

>Sx. Main complaint is puritis and alopecia on dorsum.

> DDx and describe public health sig. of pen G meat

>residue (meat withold time)

>D. Food animal case

> 1. Ram with decreased libido and small testicles

>(DDx, PE, Hx, plan of action, other Dx test?)

> 2. (the afternoon group had) a ewe with mastitis

>(cold bag)


>A. Dx lameness in horse (localize)

> 1. Arthritis in right front fetlock. Describe

>possible treatments ie legend, HA exc

>B. Clinical case

> 1. Acute excercise intolerance at intense

>excercise. Look at rads of caudal dorsal lung field

>and laryngeoscope pictures of larynx. DDx EIPH,

>laryngeal hemiplagia. Discuss tx, Dx, exc.

>C. Clinical procedures

> 1. Inject saline IM and IV

> 2. Age hores with teeth

> 3. Describe horse markings for Coggins papers

> 4. Float teeth

> 5. Pick up feet and clean

> 6. Look in mouth

>Day 2

>Small animal practice

>A. Pre-op PE (easy) on the dog you will anesthetize

>the following day.

>B. Clinical case

> 1. Chronic renal Disease dog. Hx, PE, discuss Dx,

>and possible Tx exc

>C. Clinical procedures

> 1. Write prescription using the PDR

> 2. Look at vaginal cytology of bitch and describe

>cells and pick which would indicate time to breed.

> 3. read short Hx and look at two ECG's. You must

>know normal QRS amplitude and PR intervals exc and

>determine heart rate and rythem. (not enough time)


>A. Film interpertation 8 stations

> 1. Bovine, osteoarthritis in the digits

> 2. Equine, 18 month old stallion with a

>fracture/draining tract/sequestrum/FB of MC III and

>possibly the splint bone.

> 3. Canine, puppy with cardiac thrill. Cardiac

>angiography with the catheter in the L ventrical with

>both the left and right ventricles and left atrium

>lighting up from contrast. (L to R shunt) VSD?

> 4. Canine, humeral Fx of the proximal humerus with

>callus formation. (poss. osteosarcoma)

> 5. Canine, thorax film, 3 yr old lassa with acute

>collapse (ruptured chorde tendonae, acute hemmorhage

>alveolar pattern, diffuse.

> 6. Equine, carpus with lameness for months.

>osteophytes on diffenent carpal bones.

>B. Film Faults

> 1. Fuzzy film, motion?

> 2. Double exposure on same film

> 3. Bend in film

> 4. Both left and right lead markers in chest field.

> 5. Cresant artifact on fish rad. Fingernail/bend


>C. Produce a quality radiograph of a dog thorax given

>the approiate materials.

>Day 3

>Surgery (spay a bitch)

> 1. Pre surgical clip and prep

> 2. Sterile prep then drape

> 3. Scrub in and cut

> 4. Discharge instructions


> 1. Set up station

> 2. Pre-med

> 3. Place cephalic cath. and attach fluids

> 4. Induce (injectable)

> 5. Monitor

> 6. Discuss recovery

>Day 4

>Gross Necropsey (a dog from surgery)

> 1. Examine everything but take only one sample of

>the kidney for histopath.

>Clin. Path

> 1. Fecal float

> 2. Gram stain a slide and describe

> 3. UA dipstick and sediment

> 4. Blood smear technique

> 5. PCV TP

> 6. WBC estimate and differential

> 7. Describe colony morphology on a plate

> 8. Plate a single colony

>Cotochromes (morph dx, and ddx)

> 1. Bov. lingual ulcers

> 2. Bov. heart LSA in R atrium?

> 3. Bov

> 4. swine. rectal stricture (Salmonella typh)

> 5. Swine.

> 6. Canine. hard pad dz

> 7. canine. renal infarct

> 8. canine.