Dementia Awareness Session

Westerham Town Council and Steve Grange, KCC Community Warden in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society

would like to invite you to a Dementia Awareness Session

Everything you ever wanted to know about Dementia but didn’t dare ask!

Come along and become a Dementia Friend.

Council Chamber

Westerham Town Council

Russell House

Friday 17th July 2015

11 am – 12 noon

’Friendly, fun and informative - an opportunity to learn some interesting facts about dementia, with plenty of time for questions’


Funded by Westerham Town Council

Four THURSDAY MORNINGS in August - 10.30am – 1.30pm


The sessions will be on Thursday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th August 2015.

There will be inflatable fun at each session with a Magician on the 6th,

African drumming on the 13th and Circus Skills on 27th August.

If the weather is wet all sessions will be held in the Westerham

Sports Association building on King George’s Field.



This is to advise that the Annual General Meeting of the Association will take place on Friday, 24th July 2015 at the Town Council chamber, commencing at 6.30 p.m.

Introduction of LED Street Lighting for Westerham

Westerham Town Council owns and maintains 173 street lights in Westerham which are on part night with the exception of the High Street, The Green and London Road. Part night lights go off at midnight.

Since 2013 The Council has in place a yearly Maintenance Inspection Programme for the Towns Street Lighting. The Council has invested heavily in this to ensure that the Town’s street lighting meets current regulations and is in good working order.

The Council currently has sodium lamps throughout Westerham. Emerging technology, including LED lighting, is attempting to reduce energy consumption and improve lighting output and colour. It is important that Westerham Town Council continues to be part of technological advances while proving efficiency and value for money and has therefore been exploring the use of LED for street lighting purposes.

Benefits and Savings:

There are numerous benefits to changing to LED technology which include:

·  Increased energy savings

·  Lower carbon emissions vs traditional units

·  Reduced maintenance costs vs traditional units

It Is now possible to convert the existing ‘Traditional Heritage’ Lanterns used in Westerham High Street to LED and the lanterns will have options available which will allow differing colour temperatures to suit customer requirements. Therefore the Highways and Lighting Committee have decided to proceed with phase one of the LED Programme for Westerham.

Programme to install LED Lighting in Westerham

Phase One, Summer 2015 – Conversion of Heritage Lanterns along High St (to include, Fullers Hill, Vicarage Hill, The Green). The Church Footpath Lanterns will not be converted as they currently use 18w Compact Fluorescent bulbs and there would be no energy savings to gain.

Phase Two, 2016 onwards – Remainder of Westerham.


Finance and General Purposes
Chairman: Alan Wesley
Philip Ashley
Eddie Boyle
Helen Ogden
Stuart Wilkie
Highways and Lighting
Chairman: Linda Rodgers
Anthony Holman
David Le Breton
Neil Proudfoot
Stuart Wilkie
Allotments, Playing Fields and Open Spaces
Chairman: Helen Ogden
Alex Bates
Anthony Holman
Nick Moore
Neil Proudfoot
Planning and Development
Chairman: Philip Ashley
Loretta Bird
Hannah Marsh
David Le Breton
Linda Rodgers
Youth and Community
Chairman: Nick Moore
Alex Bates
Loretta Bird
Eddie Boyle
Hannah Marsh



Thursday 2nd Planning and Development

Monday 13th Full Council

Thursday 16th Planning and Development


Thursday 13th Planning and Development

Thursday 27th Planning and Development

Members of the public are very welcome to attend these meetings. The first ten minutes of every meeting are available for members of the public to raise any issues with Councillors. All meetings start at 7.30 p.m. - except Planning which is held at 9.30 am - in the Town Council Chamber in Russell House.

Visit our website for more information.