44th conference DRUG SYNTHESIS AND ANALYSIS 2015
Wednesday 2nd September 2015
arrival, accommodation, registration (11.00 - 13. 30)
13. 30 - 14. 00 Official opening of the Conference
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno
Chairmens: prof. zw. dr hab. inż. Jarosław Polański
doc. PharmDr. Josef Jampílek, Ph.D.
14. 00 - 14. 50 Polanski, J. Chemoinformatics, a tool for drug discovery, an upgrade for a new century: problems, concepts, definitions
14. 50 - 15. 30 Musiol, R. Close the Gate! Antifungal styrylquinolines as Cdr1 substrates
15. 40 - 16. 00 Stanzel, L. Synthesis and antioxidant activity of phenylcarbamic acid derivatives acting on cardiovascular system
16. 00 - 16. 30 Coffee break
Chairpersons: doc. RNDr. Jana Staničová, Ph.D.
prof. Victoriya Georgiyants
16. 30 - 16. 50 Staničová, J. Potential anticancer agent hypericin and its model compound hypericin: its interaction with DNA
16. 50 - 17. 05 Rišiaňová, L. New derivatives of curcumin with potential anticancer and antiradical activity
17. 05 - 17. 20 Georgiyants , V. Modern approaches to the directed synthesis of anticonvulsants
17. 20 - 17. 35 Pietrzyńska, M. Polymer-ceramic monolithic in-needle extraction device applied for extraction of potential antiresorptive drugs
After the lectures: WELCOME PARTY
Thursday 3th September 2015
registration (8. 30 - 11. 00)
Chairmens: Prof. Dr. Janez Košmrlj
Prof. Dr.Haider Norbert
9. 00 - 9. 50 Kosmrlj, J. Chemistry and biological application of selected diazene derivatives
9. 50 - 10. 30 Haider, N. Structural modifications of the antitumor alkaloid Luotonin A: cycloaddition reactions as a useful tool
10. 35 - 11. 00 Coffee break
11. 00 - 11. 30 Pazourek, J. HPLC determination of hepatotoxic peptides in water reservoires with occurence of invasive species of Pectinatella magnifica
11. 30 - 11. 45 Materiienko , A. Development of spectrophotometric method for carmoisine determination in quality control of equipment cleaning
12. 00 - 14. 00 Lunch break
Chairpersons: Doc. Ing. Lucie Cahlíková, Ph.D.
Doc. PharmDr. Karel Šmejkal, Ph.D.
14. 00 - 14. 40 Šmejkal, K. Potential therapeutic aplications of prenylated phenols
14. 40 - 15. 15 Cahlíková, L. Alkaloids of family Amaryllidaceae and their therapeutic potential
15. 20 - 15. 35 Žemlička, M. The possibilities of HPLC with post-column reaction in the search for plant-derived antioxidants and inhibitors of enzyme activities
16. 00 - 17. 00 Poster session
SIC (Study and Information Centre), building Nr. 24
SIC, building Nr. 24
Friday 4th September 2015
Free day for trip