The Book of Exodus Page C-1
The Book of Exodus
- Name of the book
- The second scroll of the Pentateuch, meaning “to come out of” in the original text.
- Entitled “Exodus” in Septuagint, denoting exit from slavery in Egypt.
- Author
- Moses is the author(17:14, 24:4, 34:27)
- Central Theme
- The salvation of God(3:7-8, 6:6-8)
- Secondary Themes
- The laws of God(Ten Commandments) and the truth regarding the tabernacle of God.
- Significance
- Geographically important
- Historically significant
- Spiritually instructive
- Abundant symbolism
- Fundamental book of laws
- Chronicle of heavenly journey
- An exceptional archive (or narrative, or epic)
- Sections
- Geographical
a)The Israelites in Egypt(Ch 1-12)
b)The crossing of the Red Sea(13-18)
c)The Israelites at Sinai(9-40)
- Historical
c)Discipline(15:22 – Ch 18)
d)The laws(19-40)
- Thematic
a)Historical—the saving of the Israelites(1-19:2)
b)The Law—the Israelites receiving the commandments(19:3 – Ch 40)
- Synopsis
- The Israelites in Egypt
a)Persecution of the people(Ch 1)
b)The birth of Moses(2)
c)The calling of Moses(3)
d)Moses’ protestations(4)
e)The obstinate, malevolent, and ruthless Pharaoh(5)
f)The ten plagues(7-12)
g)The celebration of the Passover(12)
- The crossing of the Red Sea
a)The consecration of the firstborn(13)
b)The people crossed the Red Sea(14)
c)The song of Moses(15)
d)Manna from heaven(16)
e)Water from the rock(17)
f)The Amalekites(17)
g)Jethro’s advice(18)
- The Israelites at Sinai
a)Arrival at Sinai(19)
b)The Ten Commandments(20)
c)The laws and ordinances(21-24)
d)Laws regarding the building of the tabernacle(25-27, 30)
e)Laws regarding the priestly garments(28)
f)The consecration of the priests(29)
g)Worshipping the golden calf(32)
h)The new stone tablets(34)
i)The people’s offerings(35)
j)The building of the tabernacle(36-38)
k)The making of the priestly garments(39)
l)Setting up the tabernacle(40)
- The symbolism and lessons contained in the book of Exodus, when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt (Ch 1-12).
- The Israelites in Egypt.
- Who are the chosen people?
a)They were specially chosen by God to be His people (Deut 14:2; Num 23:9).
b)In the Old Testament, the chosen people consisted of Abraham and his descendants(Ps 105:42-3; Neh 7-8).However, they must be circumcised as a sign of their unique status(Gen 17:9-14).
c)In the New Testament, the chosen ones include all who believe, and are baptized by the blood of Jesus into His holy name(Col 3:12; Rev 5:9-10; Gal 3:26-29, 7, 14)
- The chosen people and Egypt
a)Egypt is situated south of Canaan(Gen 15:18), also known as the land of Ham(Ps 105:23). Its sinful, wicked ways parallel the depraved, chaotic world of today(Ezek 20:7-8; Jer 43:12-13; Gen 39:7-12; Rev 11:8).
b)When Abraham went to Egypt(Gen 12:10) with his wife Sarai, she was in danger of being defiled by the Pharaoh(Gen 12:11-20). The wealth Abraham acquired from the Pharaoh became a source of contention between him and Lot, and caused a rift in the family that estranged him from Lot(Gen 13:1-13, 16:1-6, 21:8-14).
c)Isaac was obedient to God’s command not to go to Egypt; as a result, he was blessed by God and reaped a hundred-fold of the crop he planted that year(Gen 26:1-13).
d)Jacob and his entire family migrated to Egypt(Gen 46:27) and lived in the choicest district of the land(Gen 47:5-6). However, Jacob realized before his death that Egypt is not the place where he should be buried(Gen 47:29-31).
e)Although Joseph was the vizier of Egypt, the affinity he had for his people enabled him to foresee a tragic future awaiting the Israelites(Gen 50:24-6; Heb 11:22).
- The will of God
a)God allowed the Israelites to settle in Egypt, but as slaves subject to suffering and hardship, so that they will not yearn after the wealth of Egypt.
b)As they wandered in the desert, some craved the luxuries enjoyed in Egypt and grumbled against God; thus incurring the wrath of God and catastrophe on their own heads(Num 11:4, 31-4, 14:4, 26-35).
c)Henceforth, the Lord God sent words via His prophets, to warn the people that they were not to return to Egypt(Deut 17:16; Jer 42:13-17, 44:11-14).
d)The mature, humble Moses is a fine role model to follow(Heb 11:24-26; 1 Jn 2:17; 1 Pet 1:24).
- Symbolism of Egypt, Pharaoh and the Israelites
- Egypt(symbolizes a sinful world)
a)Egypt is inhabited by the descendants of Ham(Gen 10:6). The world is in darkness, the hearts of man are shadowed(Eph 4:17-9; Jer 13:23; 17:9).
b)Egyptians worshiped many idols(Ezek 20:7-8; Jer 43:12-13). People today also worship many gods(Isa 2:8-9; Rev 9:20).
c)The pyramids of Egypt are famous landmarks, yet are really crypts for the dead. This world is analogous to a white-washed tomb, fit only for the dead(Mt 23:27-28; Eph 21:3; Rev 11:8).
- Pharaoh(symbolizes Satan, ruler of the world)
a)The Pharaoh had absolute power over Egypt and its people(1:8). Satan is the ruler of the world(Jn 14:30), holding sway over all mankind(1 Jn 5:19).
b)The Pharaoh is a cruel taskmaster, ruthless in his tyranny over the Israelites(1:11-14). Satan enslaves all who fall into his snares of sin, trapping them in a life of misery(Jn 8:34; 2 Pet 2:19; Tit 2:3; Gal 4:8).
c)Pharaoh plotted and schemed against the annihilation of the Israelites(1:15-16, 22). Satan is of the same devious mind(Rev 12:12; Prov 11:7; Eph 2:12).
- Israelites(symbolize God’s people)
a)Under Pharaoh’ absolute control, the people endured a life devoid of freedom and hope(1:13-14). Ensnared by Satan, God’s people are lost in hopeless despair(Rom 6:16; 7:23-24; Eph 2:12).
b)God prepared a savior – Moses – who will set the Israelites free. When the time is right, God will send Jesus Christ to the world, a Savior to guide the people out of darkness and into light(Gal 4:4-5; 1 Tim 1:15).
c)God called the chosen people out of Egypt and into the land of Canaan(3:17). Similarly, God is calling out to His chosen ones today to come out of the world(Mt 2:15, 1:21; Gal 1:4) and march toward the heavenly kingdom(Col 1:13; Acts 26:18; Lk 4:18-19).
- Moses, the savior of the Israelites.
- Moses was born at the time when the Israelites were suffering unbearable hardship and persecution at the hands of the Egyptians(Ch 1).
The birth of Jesus was a burst of light amidst darkness(Mt 4:14-16), a time of high expectation for impending salvation(Lk 2:25-32).
- The Pharaoh sought to kill Moses when he was born(2:1-3, 1:22).
Similarly, Herod plotted to kill Jesus at birth(Mt 2:13, 16).
- The life of the infant Moses was spared(2:1-10).
The infant Jesus escaped harm from Herod(Mt 2).
- Moses lived in Midian for a period(2:15, 22).
Jesus lived in Egypt for a while(Mt 2:14-15).
- Moses was subjected to rigorous trials before assuming the leadership role(Ex 2:15-22; Acts 7:29-30).
Jesus had to overcome immense temptations prior to starting his ministry(Mt 4:1-11).
- Although Moses was considered to be the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, he refused to indulge in the privileges intrinsic to his title(Heb 11:24-26).
As the only beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ was made lowly and impoverished for our sake(2 Cor 8:9).
- Moses was instrumental in many miracles(Ex 4:4-5, Ch 30-31; Acts 7:36).
Jesus performed healings and wonders wherever he went(Acts 2:22; Mt 11:2-5).
- The Israelites were baptized into Moses when they crossed the Red Sea(Ex 14:21-23; 1 Cor 10:1-2).
We too, are baptized into the Lord Jesus Christ(Gal 3:27).
- Moses prayed, and God sent manna from heaven(16:4-5, 13-35).
Jesus Christ is the bread from heaven(Jn 6:33-35, 48-51, 63, 68).
- Moses provided water for the people to drink(Ex 17:5-6; Num 21:11).
The Lord Jesus gives us springs of living water(Jn 4:14, 7:37-39).
- Moses led the people by the presence of the pillars of cloud and fire(Ex 40:38; Num 9:19-23).
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as a helper for His believers(Gal 5:16; Rom 8:13).
- Moses was seen as the savior of the people(Acts 7:35-36).
Jesus Christ is the Messiah of the world(1 Tim 4:10; Mt 1:21; Acts 4:12).
- Moses was rejected by the people(Ex 2:13-14, Acts 7:27, 35).
The Lord was treated the same way(Jn 1:11; Mt 21:37-39; Mk 5:17).
- Moses was the humblest of all men(Num 12:3).
Jesus is meek and gentle as well(Mt 11:29).
- Moses was faithful in the house of God(Heb 3:5; Num 12:7).
The Lord is faithful to his appointment(Heb 3:2).
- Moses was the mediator for the people(Ex 32:30-32, 11-14; Num 14:13-19; Ps 106:23).
Jesus is the intercessor between man and God(1 Tim 2:5; 1 Jn 2:1).
- Moses was lifted high by the Lord God at the end(Deut 34:10; Lk 9:30).
Jesus shall be exalted on the last day(Phil 2:9-11).
- God called to Moses from within the thornbush
- God’s calling often happens in visions
a)The Lord God spoke to Abraham in visions(Gen 15:1-11).
b)God called Gideon to do His work in a vision(Judg 6).
c)God ordained Isa as His prophet via a vision(Isa 6:1-8).
d)God’s Revs to Daniel came in visions(Dan 8:1-27).
e)Prophet Ezekiel saw many visions(Ezek 1:3-28).
f)The Lord called Paul to apostleship through a vision(Acts 9).
- The visions of Moses
a)God’s appearance in the thornbush(3:2, 4).
(1)A symbol of God’s constant presence amongst common man(Heb 2:14, 4:15; Mt 13:53-57).
(2)A sign of God’s willingness to dwell with the lowly man(Isa 53:2-3, 57:15; Phil 2:5-8; Lk 2:7, 12; 1 Sam 2:7-8).
(3)A place of refuge during difficult times(Isa 48:10; Deut 4:20; 1 Kgs 8:51; Ps 119:71, 75).
b)God appeared in fiery flames(3:2).
(1)He is light(1 Jn 1:5; Jn 1:9).
(2)He is holy(Ps 99:5; Ex 15:11).
(3)He is a consuming fire, a jealous God(Deut 4:24; Ex 34:14; Heb 12:29).
(4)A sign of His presence(Dan 3:24-7; Acts 2:3-4).
- God called Moses
a)God called Moses by name(3:4).
b)God instructed Moses to remove his sandals(3:5).
(1)As a sign of reverence(Eccl 5:1; Hab 2:20).
(2)A symbol of holiness(2 Tim 2:21-22; Eph 6:15).
(3)Because he was standing on holy ground(3:5).
- The directives of God
a)A God of his forefathers(3:6).
b)A faithful God who keeps His promises(3:6-7).
c)A loving and compassionate God(3:7-9).
- Moses refused the commission of God
- “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh…?”(3:11).
And God said, “I will be with you.”(3:12).
- “What shall I tell them?”(3:13).
God instructed Moses as to what to say and do(3:14-22).
- “What if they do not believe me or listen to me?”(4:1).
The true God conferred the ability to perform miracles to Moses(4:2-9).
- “I have never been eloquent…I am slow of speech and tongue.”(4:10).
The Lord God bestows the gift of elocution(4:11-12).
- “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”(4:13).
God’s rebuke(4:13-17).
- Moses returned to face Pharaoh
- Moses returned to Egypt, as God had commanded(4:18-20).
- Moses met with the Elders of the Israelites(4:27-9). He used two methods to convince them of his intent:
a)God’s words(4:28, 30-31).
b)God’s miracles(4:28-31).
- Moses faced the Pharaoh
a)What Moses said to the Pharaoh(5:1, 3).
b)Pharaoh’s response(5:2, 4-9).
- The ten plagues
- Description of each plague:
a)Plague of blood(7:14-25).
b)Plague of frogs(8:1-15).
c)Plague of gnats(8:16-19).
d)Plague of flies(8:20-32).
e)Plague on livestock(9:1-7).
f)Plague of boils(9:8-21).
g)Plague of hail(9:22-35).
h)Plague of locusts(10:12-20).
i)Plague of darkness(10:21-9).
j)Plague on the firstborn(12:29-30).
- God’s purpose for sending down the ten plagues
a)To punish the Pharaoh(and Egypt)(8:19, 10:7).
b)So the Egyptians will know God(7:5, 14:18).
c)To execute judgments on all the gods of Egypt(12:12).
d)So that God’s name will be proclaimed in all the earth(9:16).
e)To set apart the chosen people(from the Egyptians)(8:22-23; 9:4; 11:7).
f)So that the latter generation will know about God’s power(10:2).
- Moses strives to bring all the Israelites out of Egypt
Chapters 5-10 recorded how Moses confronted Pharaoh, in order to bring all the Israelites out of Egypt. It contains a lot of meaning and teachings.
- Pharaoh not only renounced God, he also increased the labor of the Israelites(5:1-2, 6-18)
It’s the same with Satan(Mk 9:17-27).
- Go, sacrifice to your God in the land of Egypt(8:25)
Moses did not relent(8:26-27).
- Only you shall not go very far away(8:28)
Moses didn’t give in, for they must walk a long distance away(3 day journey)
- Go now, you who are men, and serve the LORD(only men are allowed to go)
Moses’ answer:(10:8-9)
- Go, serve the LORD; only let your flocks and your herds be kept back.(10:24)
But Moses said: “not a hoof shall be left behind(10:25-26).
Then the Pharaoh turned hostile(10:27-29).
- The Passover
- The origin of the Passover
a)God instructed Moses to command Israelites to observe the Passover(12:1-14).
b)For those who couldn’t observe the Passover, they could make it up in the next month(Num 9:9-14).
- The significance of the Passover
a)God wanted to punish the Egyptians(12:29-30)
b)God wanted to execute judgments on all the gods of Egypt(12:12).
c)God wanted to deliver the Israelites from Egypt(12:24-28), and the blood of the lamb was a sign(12:13).
d)It was a new beginning for the chosen people(12:2).
- The Passover lamb—the Passover lamb prefigures Christ(1Cor 5:7).
a)It was a one year old male lamb(12:5).
b)The lamb was without blemish(12:5).
c)It was a sacrificial lamb(12:6-7, 13).
d)It was slaughtered on the fourteenth day of the first month(12:6).
e)It was roasted by fire(12:8-9).
f)The bones of the lamb were not to be broken(12:46).
g)The blood of the lamb saved the Israelites(12:7, 13).
- The feast of the Passover
It had three dishes: the flesh of the lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs(12:8).
a)The flesh of the lamb
(1)Prefigures the body of Christ, which was given up for us(Lk 22:19, Jn 6:51-57).
(2)It was roasted by fire(12:8-9).
(3)It cannot be eaten raw(12:9).
(4)It cannot be boiled with water(12:9).
b)The unleavened bread
(1)It symbolizes the holiness of Christ’s body(1 Cor 5:6-8), it also teaches the believers to keep their holiness.
(2)They shall eat the unleavened bread for seven days(12:15)
(3)They shall remove the leaven from their houses(12:15)
(4)In all their dwelling places there cannot be leaven(12:20; 13:7)
(5)Whoever eats what is leavened, that same person shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel(12:19)
c)The bitter herbs
(1)To remember their bitter labour in Egypt(1:14).
(2)To remember the suffering of the lamb(1 Cor 11:23-24).
(3)Contains the attitude of repentance and sorrowfulness(1 Cor 11:28; Ps 51:17).
- Other regulations regarding the Passover
a)The attitude of observing Passover(12:11)
(1)Put on the belt
(2)Wear saddles
(3)Have a staff in hand
b)The qualifications for observing the Passover(12:43-50)
(1)No foreigners shall eat the Passover lamb(v 43).
(2)Sojourners and hired servants shall not eat the Passover lamb(v 45).
(3)Every man's servant who is bought with money, when they are circumcised, may then eat the feast of Passover(v 44).
(4)All the congregation of Israel shall observe the Passover(v 47), those who purposely declined the Passover, were cut off from among His people(Num 9:13)
c)“In one house it shall be eaten; you shall not carry any of the flesh outside the house”(12:22:46)
d)It has to be observed till the morning 12:22)
*It is possible that many customs in the Chinese New Year comes from the regulations of the Passover.
II.The Israelites cross the Red Sea(Ch 13-18)
- To be consecrated and to be offered to God
“Consecrate to Me all the firstborn, whatever opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and beast; it is Mine”(13:1-2)
- All the first born shall be redeemed(13:13).
a)For the remembrance of God’s might and grace(13:14-16).
b)Later, God set 5 shekels as the price of redemption(Num 3:47).
c)God chose the tribe of Levi in the place of all the first born of Israelites(Num 3:11-13, 41).
- All the first born animals belonged to God(13:11-13).
a)“All the firstborn males that come from your herd and your flock you shall sanctify to the LORD your God”(Duet 15:19-20; Num 18:17)
b)“Every firstborn of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb; and if you will not redeem it, then you shall break its neck”(13:13)
c)Imperfect animals can not be offered(Deut 15:21-22)
- Believers should consecrate themselves and be offered to God
a)We were bought with a heavy price(1 Cor 6:20; 1 Pet 1:18-19; Mt 20:28)
b)We should consecrate ourselves.
(1)First we should remove all the leaven(13:6-7).
(2)We should pursue holiness(Heb 12:14; 1 Thess 4:3-5).
c)Offer ourselves to God
(1)We are baptized into Christ(Gal 3:27), we should offer ourselves(Rom 13:1).
(2)We should remember God’s salvation and grace(13:3, 16).
(3)We have to proclaim His salvation and grace(13:8, 14).
(4)Live a life for the Lord(Rom 14:7-8)
- The pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud
- The start of the Journey
a)They started from Rameses, and there were about 600,000 men on foot(12:37, 40-41).
b)A mixed multitude went up with them also(12:38).
- The armies of the Lord(12:41)
a)They were armed(13:18)
b)They went out in an orderly fashion(1 Cor 14:40)
- Miraculous guidance
a)God did not lead his people by the country of the Philistines, even though it was nearby(13:17).
b)God led the people around, by way of the wilderness of the Red Sea(13:18).
- Pillar of fire and pillar of cloud
a)The pre-figuration of pillar of fire and pillar of cloud
(1)Symbolizes the Holy Spirit. It seems like two separate entities(but it’s really one), so it can also symbolize the “Holy Spirit” and the “Truth”.
(2)The pillar of cloud symbolizes the Holy Spirit( 1 Kgs 18:44-45, Deut 11:15; Zech 10:1).
- The Israelites cross the Red Sea
This was a great miracle, prefiguring baptism of the New Testament(1 Cor 10:1-2).
- Before crossing the Red Sea
a)The pursuit of Pharaoh(Ex 14:1-9).
Satan may try to prevent us from getting baptized(Acts 22:16).
b)The Israelites were terrified(Ex 14:10-12).
We can overcome by faith(Heb 13:6).
- Crossing the Red Sea
a)Power of the true God(14:14-16, 24-25)
b)Exhortation of Moses(14:13-14)
c)Help and guidance from the pillars of fire and cloud(14:19-20)
d)By faith the people passed through the Red Sea(Heb 11:29)
But Pharaoh's entire army was covered by the sea. Not one of them survived(14:23, 26-9)
- After crossing the Red Sea
a)Delivered from the authority of Pharaoh(14:30).
Likewise in baptism(Acts 2:38, 22:16; Rom 6:3-7).
b)Baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea(1 Cor 10:1-2).
We were baptized into Christ(Gal 3:27-29; Rev 5:9-10).
c)Those redeemed by the Lord were able to go to Canaan(15:13).
(1)Through baptism we become sons of God(Mt 3:16-17), and thus may enter heaven in the future(Gal 3:27-29, 4:4-7; Rom 8:16-17).
(2)A wall of water on their right and on their left, high above their heads(Ex 14:21-22; Isa 43:16).
d)The song of Moses and Miriam
Moses and the Israelites sang a song to the Lord
(1)Moses' song to praise the Lord(Ex 15:1-18; Ps 106:11-12).