Wisenbaker Practicum Rotations I and II
Course Handbook
Risa McCann, Teacher
Humble I.S.D.
Revised Fall 2018
Wisenbaker Practicum Rotation
The Wisenbaker Practicum Rotation Program was established as a partnership between Humble ISD and the Wisenbaker Company. The program was developed so that junior and senior level students from Humble ISD schools could experience the many varied career opportunities within the business.
Students will spend part of their school day at the business and have the opportunity to work in all areas of the business. The employees at Wisenbakerwill train and mentor the students in all aspects of their jobs. Students will also learn employment skills they can use in any career throughout their lifetime. These work-based skills are not taught in the regular academic classrooms yet are the very life-line of successful career paths. The staff of Wisenbaker is committed to giving back to the community and has graciously committed themselves to educate today’s youth.
On behalf of Humble ISD, we thank the WisenbakerCompany for its interest in the futures of today’s youth and support of this school-business partnership.
Parent/Guardian and Student:
Please read the handbook and discuss it with your student. We will also read and discuss it in class. Please sign and return the following forms to the program instructor, Mrs. Risa McCann, by Friday, August 31, 2018. These forms are locate at the end of the handbook starting on page 20.
- Student Participation Approval Letter pg. 20
- School District Release of Liability pg. 21
- School District Medical Authorization pg. 22
- Student Dress Code Policy Agreement pg. 23
- Non-negotiables pg. 24
- Training Plan Agreement pg. 25
Risa McCann, Teacher
Wisenbaker Practicum Rotations I and II, Humble ISD
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your son/daughter is enrolled in the Wisenbaker Practicum Rotations I and II course, an exciting and productive program that is a partnership between the Wisenbaker and Humble ISD. Students will have opportunities that are not normally afforded them in a regular classroom setting. Having the Wisenbaker sites as training facilities makes the training realistic. Your child will have the opportunity to train in different areas of the company. There are currently several industry certifications available for the students to earn. At the end of the school year, your son/daughter will be able to apply for a position at Wisenbaker, or use this training on job resumes and college applications, as if they had worked a year in the business world. Also they will hopefully have a clearer picture of their future career path.The students will earn 3 credit hours for the course.
If after reading the information in this handbook, you have a comment or question, please email me, my address is .
Risa McCann
Humble ISD Teacher
General Course Information
Students are transported from their individual high schools to Wisenbaker work sites by HISD School bus every dayfree of charge. Individual student driving to the worksite is not permitted.
Students that miss the bus to the CATE Center will be required to do the following:
- Go directly to their Assistant Principal/Counselor/Secretary’s office.
- Ask the Campus representative to notify Mrs. McCann via phone call/email of the student’s location.
- The student will be required to stay with the campus representative and may choose to do their schoolwork or any tasks assigned by the school representative. Sleeping during this time is not allowed.
- The student will be required to contact their training station mentor about the absence.
- Any student that “misses the bus” more than one time per school year may be subject to dismissal from the program.
- The student is counted absent as per HISD policy!
All Humble ISD policies for absences apply to this course.
Please schedule doctor’s appointments, etc. at another time during the day if possible. Students should contact the instructor by calling her cell phone or sending a text as soon as the absence is determined, or by 7:00 AM. Failure on the part of the student to contact the instructor for the first absence will result in a lowered evaluation score; the second failure to notify the instructor will result in a discipline referral; and the third failure to notify the instructor will result in removal from the course.
School-related activities are announced in advance, so please alert the course instructor if absence is related to school.
Students will earn 25 points a day, 4 days a week for attending class, dressing professionally, wearing their nametag and a smile, arriving and participating in their station activities in a timely manner. Students will earn a zero for all absences unless the absence is excused by the campus (DV, SR, PCN). Students will also be in violation of the course procedures, as spelled out in the Course Handbook, for not notifying Mrs. McCann of an absence either prior to the absence or the early morning of the absence. Participation in W.B.S. is similar to that of a paying job. If a worker does not show up and does not notify the employer of the absence he is subject to dismissal!
Curriculum and Training
Included in this handbook is the course outline. This is a year-long course that yields 3 elective credits and requires a 3 hour time block in the student’s schedule. During the first six weeks of the fall semester, the class will meet at the Career and Technology Center on Will Clayton Parkway. Students will be transported from their individual high schools to the CATE Center by HISD School bus every day. Once rotations begin at Wisenbakerthe students will be bused from their schools to the Wisenbaker Practicum sites. Students will be transported back to their campuses in the afternoon in time for them to be dismissed at 2:45 PM.
The emphasis of study the first six weeks will be corporate history of the Wisenbaker Company, the structure of the company; professional ethics, workplace harassment, workplace safety, interpersonal communication and customer service skills in order that your son/daughter may be a more successful trainee. Time will also be spent addressing the student expectations of Wisenbaker, Humble ISD and the instructor.
After this time of orientation and training, our normal week will consist of the students training at their stations Monday through Friday, with Thursdays spent in the classroom at the CATE Center on Will Clayton Parkway. Students will have the opportunity to train and work in the many areas within the company during the course. The students are not paid employees of Wisenbaker. This opportunity will also hopefully open doors for summer, part-time and post-secondary employment. Students will dress and act professionally as they work side by side with employees.
Student training stations at the Main Building will include:
- Human Resources
- Inside sales (I.S.R.)
- IT
- Quote and Release (Q. and R.)
- Expediting
Every effort will be made to comply with the student’s departmental requests. The teacher will make the final decision as to the department in which the student will be best suited. Students are not allowed to make rotation changes with other students.
Students will also have the opportunity to train at the W.B.S. Reeveston Site. The rotations at the Reeveston Site are:
- Engineering
- Safety
- Quality Assurance
- Inventory
- Maintenance
Students must eat before arriving at W.B.S. A student is never to assume food at W.B.S. is free or available to be eaten by them. If food is offered by a W.B.S. mentor it is acceptable to enjoy the offered food, otherwise – students are not to eat or to ask for food or beverages!! Items from the vending machines in the employee may be purchased at the end of the shift each day.
Cell Phones
The use of cell phones is prohibited by Humble ISD during class time. Disciplinary action will be taken if a student is found using their cell phone on the Wisenbaker property. Repeated use of a cell phone will result in dismissal from the course.It is suggested that students wear a watch in order to keep track of time.
Dress Code
A simple wrist watch is suggested for time awareness! One ring per hand and absolutely no facial jewelry allowed. Fingernails are to be trimmed short just beyond the fingertip, filed smooth. Fingernail polish is to be clear in color, if worn at all.
Male students may not display facial hair.
Personal hygiene and appearance is an important part of the student’s daily grades.Students are to bathe, shampoo hair and groom themselves daily. The HISD Dress Code policies will be strictly enforced!
Each day an individual appearance and name tag inspection will be held before students are released to the worksite.
Grades for this class are determined by the following criteria for each marking period:
30% - Training Station Evaluation – evaluation information provided by Wisenbakermentors via the Student Performance Appraisals
30% -Course testsand course projects
40% - Daily grades: class work and assignments,plus a participation grade will be based on daily appearance, nametag, personal hygiene, and professional appearance and attitude
The student is required to provide1 box or package of 8 to 10 business appropriate notes (blank inside) by Friday, August 31, 2018.
Students will find it necessary to keep a three ring binder for the classwork that is distributed.
Through the Wisenbaker Practicum Rotations I and II program students can:
- Learn basic transferable skills needed to work in business world
- Get hands-on work experience
- Get a jump start on collegeby acquiring real-world work skills
- Learn job hunting techniques
- Build on-the-job language skills
- Learn in a fun and never boring way
- Develop strong interpersonal employee skills
- Become familiar and comfortable with the business concepts and the business community
- Experiment with different career areas to give them the experience to set career goals
- Develop professionalism
- Develop leadership skills
Student Participation Approval Letter
This handbook contains 2 copies of the Student Participation Approval Letter. One copy is to be kept by student and the second copy is to be returned to the course instructor as a part of the school records.
As a student enrolled in a training internship, you understand that:
- The teacher will approve all training station placements.
- Dismissal from a training station for insubordination, refusal to work, poor work habits or poor attitude, will result in a failing grade for that 9 week marking period.
- If a student is terminated for dishonesty, theft, immoral conduct, or deviating from the Wisenbaker company policy, the student will be removed from the Wisenbaker Practicum Rotations I and II course immediately.
- Students must notify the teacher by 7:00 AM if they are to be absent due to illness from school. Attendance will be verified with the student’s campus. Failure to notify teacher will result in lowered evaluation scores.
- Students must wear the appropriate uniform each day and follow HISD and Wisenbaker Dress Codes.
- All Humble ISD School rules apply at the Wisenbaker sites.
- All Humble ISD policies are applicable while students are attending program functions.
- Students should display a professional attitude, loyalty and confidentiality (if necessary) towards the Wisenbaker Company.
- If problems persist in the classroom or at the training station, students can be removed from the program at mid-semester. Removal will be made after consultation with the student and their parents/guardians.
- Enrollment is for one year and yields 3 elective credits.
- Student must be a junior or senior on the first day of school.
- Students are required to subscribe to REMIND. This is done by texting the messagebd962f to 81010 and reminders will be sent out by the instructorusing this service. Parents are also encouraged to sign up for REMIND by texting the message to the given phone number.
Parents and students, please read, sign and date below. Two copies of this agreement are included in this packet so that one can be kept by student in their binder and the other copy returned to the instructor.
I have discussed my son/daughter’s enrollment in the class and I approve of their choice. I have read and I understand the above information. In addition, I understand and agree that I am to communicate with the HISD teacher concerning problems at the training station, rather than talking directly with the company managers or supervisors.
****PARENTS AND STUDENTS- please sign and date the copy of this letter that is included at the back of the handbook. This copy is for your records and information.
Compliance to Federal Law
It is the policy ofHumbleIndependentSchool Districtto comply fully with the nondiscrimination provisions of allFederal and State laws and regulations by assuring that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of sex,
disability, race, color, age or national origin in its educational and vocational programs, activities, or employment as
required by Title IX, Title VI, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities
This notice is provided as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding theADAand
Section 504 may be forwarded to the designatedADAand Section 504 compliance coordinator.
El Distrito de Humble cumple plenamente con las provisiones de leyes y regulaciones federales y estatales de no
discrimina asegurando que no discrima ni por sexo, incapacidad, raza, color, edad ni origen nacional en sus
programas educacionales y vocacionales, actividades, ni empleocomorequerido por Título IX, Título VI y la
Sección 504 de la Acta de Rehabilitación y la Acta de Americanos Incapacitados (ADA).
Esta noticia se provee según el Título II de la Acta de Americanos Incapacitados (ADA) de 1990 y la Sección
504 de la Acta de Rehabilitación de 1973. Preguntas, quejas o información acerca deADAo la sección 504
pueden hacer al/la coordinador/adeldistrito.
Section 504 andADA: Programs & Services
Dr. Robert Brown
Chief Academic Officer / Deputy Superintendent
20200 Eastway Village Drive
Wisenbaker Practicum Course Syllabus
Program Orientation1st 6 – 9 weeks
A. Discuss Wisenbaker Practicum Rotations Course Handbook
B. Obtain the necessary signed forms from students/parents
C. Complete the OSHA StartSafe/StaySafe
D.Investigate the origins of the Wisenbaker Company
E.Meet Wisenbaker directors, managers and supervisors
F. Tour property
UNIT I. Becoming a Great Employee in Today’s Work World 1st 6 – 9 weeks
A. Employability Skills and Work Ethics
B. What Makes a Good Intern?
C. Interpersonal Communication and Emotional Intelligence
D. Harassment and the professional work environment
E. Blood Borne Pathogens
F. Rotation Journals and Electronic Portfolios
G. Daily Standups
H. Professional Book reviews
UNIT II. The Business1 semester
- Business Structures – sole proprietor, partnership, corporation and franchise
B. Management - Chain of Command – corporate positions, management tasks and management skills
C. Human Resources Department-purpose and function
D.Marketing and Sales-the Marketing Plan and Promotion Methods
E. Accounting- functions and positions
F. Billing-Accounts payable and accounts receivable
UNIT III. Customer Service 4th Six weeks
A. Customer Relations and Quality Service-customer needs and satisfaction; critical moments; customer relations techniques
B. Business Communications
Unit IV. Business Operations 4th Six weeks
- Purchasing
- Operations
- Inventory
- Company Confidentiality
Unit V. Professional Development 5th six weeks
- Resume writing
- The Job Application
- The Interview
- The Interview follow-up Thank You note
Cover Sheet for Student Appraisal Form- 1
Attached are the student’s 2Week Evaluation Form and the Rotation Competencies Form. Please evaluate the student for their progress report in your department. Feel free to discuss the evaluation with the student and the Instructor.
Please return evaluation forms to Mrs. McCann by ______
Thank you so very much!
Risa McCann
Cover Sheet for Student Appraisal Form -2
Attached are the student’s 2 Week Evaluation Form and the Rotation Competencies Form. Please re-evaluate the student for their final grade in your department. If there are no changes please just initial and date the new evaluation form. If the grade/evaluation has changed, either lower or higher, please complete the new evaluation form. Feel free to discuss the evaluation with the student and Mrs. McCann.
Please return evaluation forms to me by ______
Thank you so very much!
Risa McCann
Student Performance Appraisal
Name: Grading Period:
Training Station:
Excellent Needs Improvement
1. Overall work performance 5 4 3 2 1
(asks questions, appears interested)
2. Follows directions & completes
tasks as assigned5 4 3 2 1
3. Follows safety rules & regulations 5 4 3 2 1
4. Accepts criticism & supervision 5 4 3 2 1
5. Displays initiative & motivation 5 4 3 2 1
6. Practices courtesy, proper 5 4 3 2 1
voice and language
7. Punctuality-arrival & departure 5 4 3 2 1
8. Appearance/grooming, uniform 5 4 3 2 1
9. Cooperation w/co-workers5 4 3 2 1
10. Accepts Responsibility54321
Please make suggestions for improvement of skills.
Which qualities are demonstrated as strengths?
Evaluator’s Signature
Student Participation Approval Letter
This handbook contains 2 copies of the Student Participation Approval Letter. One copy is to be kept by student and the second copy is to be returned to the course instructor as a part of the school records.
As a student enrolled in a training internship, you understand that:
1. The teacher will approve all training station placements.
2. Dismissal from a training station for insubordination, refusal to work, poor work habits or poor attitude, will result in a failing grade for that 9 week marking period.