Inno more than 30 words; be descriptive rather than general.2. Duration of project (Years): / (Maximum of 2years)
4. Declaration of Ethics Consideration
Please note that approval of grant is subject to ethics approval.
Please tick, where appropriate, if your study involves the following:
Human subjectUse of Human Tissues or Cells
Animal Experimentation
Use of Animal Tissues or Cells
Requirement for containment (BSL 2 and above)
A copy of the ethics approval is attached:
In no more than 300 words, please provide a succinct and accuratedescription of the proposal to include the specific aims, hypotheses, methodology and approach of the research proposal, including its academic significance and relevance to Singapore.
Instruction and Guide for details of research proposal.
Give a description of the research in no more than 10 pages. Information SHOULD include specific aim(s) of the project,significance, approach, originality/evidence of novel innovation, environment and preliminary studies/progress reports related to the research proposal. Please emphasise on the novelty and innovative aspects of the proposed work. References should be provided on a separate page.
a) Specific Aims
State concisely and realistically what the research described in this application is intended toaccomplish and/or what hypothesis is to be tested.
b) Significance
Briefly describe how this project addresses an important problem. State concisely how if the aims of the application are achieved, new knowledge will be created. State concisely how the effects of concepts and methods used in this project will drive future research in this field. Relevant references should be appended.
c) Approach
Discuss in detail the conceptual framework, design, methods and analyses in reference to how they are integrated and appropriate to the aims of the project. Discuss potential difficulties, limitations and problem areas in the proposed procedure, and consideration for alternative tactics.
d) Originality/Evidence of novel innovation
Discuss how the aims of the project are original and innovative. Describe how the project will employ novel concepts, approaches or methods. State concisely how the project challenges existing models, and describe their advantages over existing methodologies or technologies.
e) Environment
Discuss how the scientific environment in which the proposed work will be done contribute to the probability of success. Discuss how the proposed experiments take advantage of unique features of the scientific environment or employ useful collaborative arrangements. Include evidence of organisational support for the project.
f) Preliminary Studies/Progress Reports
Provide an account of thepreliminary studies (if any) pertinent to the applications and/or any other information that will help to establish the experience and competence of the applicant pursuing the proposed project.
h) References
Please list in chronological order the titles and complete references to recent representative publications pertinent to this research proposal and the applicants’ publications and patents held related to this research proposal. Highlight Scientific Award(s), if any, of the applicant(s).
Details of Research Proposal (not more than 10 pages)
Within the given area, please print information using Arial Font 10 with single-spacing.
Please propose Milestones to assess the progress of the study. The progress of the project will be taken into consideration for continued disbursements of funds.
/Year 1
/Year 2
Targets for research outcomesNo. of journal publications (please categorize: original research articles, reviews, letters and correspondence, others)
No. of conferences
No. of patents (if applicable)
8.details and justifications of Proposed Budget
You are advised to prepare the budget carefully under each category and provide the details and justifications for all categories in this section.Only expenses directly related to the proposed project are allowed. Please note that the duration of funding is capped at twoyears.
8a. Summary of Research Grant Requested
Item /Year 1(S$)
/Year 2(S$)
/Total (S$)
OOE – Materials & Consumables
OOE – Training/Other Miscellaneous Cost
OOE – Overseas Travel
8b. Equipment
/Cost per item(S$)
/Year 1(S$)
/Year 2(S$)
/Total (S$)
New Lab Equipment
New Specialised Equipment
Others (please state)
* Note:
The total cost for each item declared here must tally with figure shown on the quotation.
Justification of Equipment:
8c. OOE – Materials & Consumables
/Cost per item (S$)
/Year 1(S$)
/Year 2(S$)
/Total (S$)
List of Materials & Consumables
* Note:
The total cost for each item declared here must tally with figure shown on the quotation.
Justification of OOE – Materials & Consumables:
8d. OOE – Training/Other Miscellaneous Cost
/Year 1(S$)
/Year 2(S$)
/Total (S$)
* Note:
Do not request for expenses for literature search purchase of documents and books, patent costs, travel costs, page charges for publishing papers.
Justification of OOE – Training/Other Miscellaneous Cost:
8e. OOE – Overseas Travel
/Year 1 (S$)
/Year 2(S$)
/Total (S$)
/No of Days
1) Conference/seminar
2) Supplementary travel
* Note:
- The cap for the overseas travel claim is SGD$4,000/year or $8,000 for 2 years.
- If the applicant wishes to extend the overseas travel after attending an overseas conference/seminar, he/she may do so if the travel is of collaborative nature and he/she has been invited to another university in the same travel zone. The total expenses for the conference/seminar and the supplementary travel is capped at SGD$4,000/year or $8,000 for 2 years.
- The total number of days for the applicant to claim for the overseas travel is capped at seven (7) working days.
- The Director of Research reserves the right to exclude the overseas travel costs in the event of award of proposal, if any.
- The applicant is required to justify the relevance of attending the conference/seminar and the supplementary travel plans.
Justification of OOE – Overseas Travel:
9. UNDERTAKING by applicantIn signing the Grant Application, the applicant UNDERTAKES, to:
- ensure that University’s funding is acknowledged in all publications;
- assist the University to develop interests in research among students and teachers; and
- obtain approval from University before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded.
Name and Signature of Applicant
- EVALUATION by Head of Department (HOD)
This section is to be completed by Head of Division and endorsed by Chair of School.
A / Merit of the Project(Please circle)
(1) / Clarity of project objectives / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Unclear Very Clear
(2) / Clarity of project deliverables / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Unclear Very Clear
(3) / Relevance of project to Division / School / University / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Irrelevant Very Relevant
(4) / Relevance of project to the industry and economy / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Irrelevant Very Relevant
(5) / Timeliness of project with respect to applications or field of study / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Untimely Very Timely
(6) / Extent of multi-disciplinary linkages among staff / research groups / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
No Linkages ManyLinkages
If there are any further comments from HOD on this project, please highlight below:
B / Project's Potential to Produce Novel Results(Please circle)
(1) / Project’s potential to produce results which may be useful for teaching: / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Poor Excellent
(2) / Project’s potential to produce results in the area of advancement of knowledge/ core technology competency / clinical applications: / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Poor Excellent
(3) / Project’s potential to produce results in the area of industrial application / commercialization / public policy-making / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Poor Excellent
(4) / Project’s potential to produce results in other areas: / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Poor Excellent
(please specify other areas if applicable):
Any further comments on the project’s potential to produce results?
C. Overall Evaluation by HOD
General Rating on:
(1) / Merit of project / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5Poor Excellent
(2) / Project’s potential to produce results / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Poor Excellent
(3) / Reasonableness of resources requested / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Poor Excellent
(4) / Track Record of applicant / 1……………2……………3……………4……………5
Poor Excellent
11. UNDERTAKING by Head of Department (HOD)
In signing the Grant Application, the Head of the Department UNDERTAKES, on any Grant Award, to:
- ensure that approval from University has been obtained before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded;
- read, support and agree to this proposal being carried out in the Department; and
- ensure that all necessary licenses and approvals have been obtained or are being sought.
Name and Signature of Head of Department Date
Based on the above given evaluations, and Chair’s assessment (if applicable), the Chair’s decision for the proposed project is:
Not Supported / Supported
In signing the Grant Application, the Chair of School UNDERTAKES, on any Grant Award, to:
- provide appropriate support during the grant period;
- ensure that the funds provided are used for the appropriate purposes;
- ensure that approval from University has been obtained before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded; and
- provide University with data and statistics of indicators pertaining to the research activity when requested
Name and Signature of Chair of School Date
Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral FellowshipPage 1 of 11