Component / Complete
Job Title
Phone number
Company Name
List of Products or services
Motto or slogan
Your “Quote”

Business Card Rubric

The 11 Parts of a Business Card

Business cards are an essential tool for sharing contact information and brand building. Most business cards usually have standard information like the name of a person and the company name. Every business card is different and every company’s needs are different. Here are 11 essential and useful elements that a business card can have.

1.Name of the Individual

Putting a name on a business card is a great way to add a personalized touch. It is helpful when people are contacting a company from a business card for there to be a contact person they can reference. Usually the most prominent text element of a business card is the company name and contact name.

2.Name of Business or Organization
The name of the business can either be written out in text form or can be displayed prominently in the logo.

If your company has a physical store front that people can visit, it is incredibly beneficial to include the physical address. If you receive your mail at a different address you can include the mailing address as well. Including a business and a mailing address is not essential, but optional.
If your company operated online or doesn’t actually work as a brick and mortar company, consider including your mailing address on your business card.

4. Phone Number
Most business cards include several phone numbers. Phone numbers included can be: toll free number, local number, direct line and fax.

5.Email Address
In today’s technology and online driven world, it is essential for every business car to include an email address. If you are worried about spam, create an email account specifically for fielding business card inquiries.

6.Website Address
This is also an essential element for every company’s business card. You can include the domain with our without the preceding URL

7. Job Title
Adding a job title to a business card can add validity to your company and also help give the appearance of the business being a large company.

8.Tagline of Description or Motto
A tagline or 1-2 sentence description can be a powerful tool in helping brand your company, and is also a good reminder for people about who you are and what you do.

Using your logo is a great way to make a memorable impression and helps to build your brand.

10.Graphic Images
Adding graphic images to a business card is an excellent way for your company to stand out.

11.List of Services or Products
If you are using a 2-sided business card approach it can be useful to briefly list your company’s products or services.