CANDIDATE REFERENCE (for office use only)
Application Form

For the post of

Temporary LGBT+ project worker – October 2016
Information given in this form will be treated as confidential. The information given on this front sheet will not be considered when assessing your suitability for the post.

Section One: Personal Information

Full Name


Home Telephone Number

Work Telephone Number

Mobile Telephone Number

Email Address

Please indicate clearly if it would be unacceptable for us to contact you or leave a message at any of these numbers.

Section Two: For applicants with disabilities

Please use this space to let us know about anything you would need to enable you to fully participate in an interview for this post. Any information disclosed here will be treated confidentially and will not be considered in the selection process. If you would prefer to discuss your requirements, please contact Stonewall Housing on 020 7359 6242.

Section Three: Declaration

I declare that the information given in this form is correct. I understand that giving incorrect, false or misleading information may result in the termination of my contract if I am appointed.

Signed Date

Section Four: Employment History

Please give details of your employment history including unpaid or voluntary work. Please start with your current or most recent job.

1.  Name and Address of Employer

Job Title

Salary (if paid)

Dates Employed

Reason for Leaving

Description of your role

2.  Name and Address of Employer

Job Title

Salary (if paid)

Dates Employed

Reason for Leaving

Description of your role

Please continue on separate sheets as necessary.

Section Five: Person Specification/ Declaration of interest

Please write 2 pages expressing your interest for this post and attach it to your returned application pack. Give details of any relevant qualifications and training (including dates, duration and grades as appropriate). Please start with the most recent.

Please use this section to demonstrate how your skills, knowledge, experience and attitudes match the Person Specification by answering each point in turn. You may continue on separate sheets if necessary.


Please note that when the question asks for experience you should detail when you have done this task, how you did it and show how your experience is relevant to this role.

When a question asks for ability you should explain what makes you able to undertake the task, referring to past experience or transferable skills. For example, you may not have experience of using a particular computer program but your high level of computer literacy may indicate that you will have the ability to use it once trained. Say how you would carry out the task and what would be particularly important.

When a question asks for understanding you should show your understanding in your answer by discussing the topic or task and stressing key issues. For example, it will not be acceptable to simply write, “I understand and adhere to equal opportunities” since this does not demonstrate any understanding.

Section Six: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans issues

Applicants for all positions at Stonewall Housing must complete this section. Your answer will be marked and is weighted equally with the questions above. You may continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Please tell us your understanding and experience of LGBT+ issues.

Section Seven: References

Please give details of two people that would be willing to act as referees. One of them should be your current or most recent employer. We will not contact them before the interview without seeking your permission.

Reference One:





Telephone Number


Capacity in which you know this person

Reference Two:





Telephone Number


Capacity in which you know this person

Section Eight: Criminal Record

Please give details of any convictions that are not considered spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Please note that Stonewall Housing recognises the inequality of LGBT people before the law. Any criminal conviction arising from laws affecting LGBT people, which have no heterosexual equivalent, will not be considered when assessing a candidate’s suitability.

Section Nine: Sickness Absence

Please state how many days of sick leave you have taken in the last two years and how many periods of absence.

Thank you for completing this application form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Stonewall Housing on 020 7359 6242. Please return your completed form by email to or by post to Stonewall Housing, 2A Leroy House, 436 Essex Road, London, N1 3QP