Minutes of the Parish CouncilMeeting ofHolt Parish Council

Held 31stOctober 2012 at Holt Parish Hall 7:15 pm

Item / 33 / Action By
Public Open Session – 6 present
Representation from Agent and Owner of The Granary, Grange regarding 3/12/096 COU
Representation from Owner of Trefellen Lodge, Whitemoor regarding 3/12/0931 HOU
101 / Attendance & Apologies
Cllr Bob Finlay (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Dick Irish
Cllr Celia Moore
Cllr Norman Willis
Cllr Susan Frost (Rights of Way Officer)
Cllr Jim Stone
Lisa Goodwin (Clerk)
Apologies received from:
Cllr Peter Finney (Chairman & County Councillor)
Cllr Janet Wallace
Cllr Marjorie Shaw
102 / Declarations of Interests
Cllr Susan Frost & Cllr Norman Willis declared an interest planning application 3/12/0931 HOU, Trefellen Lodge.
103 / Planning Applications/Matters & Decision Notices
3/12/0866 HOU Torridon, Holt Lane, Holt.
Proposal: conversion of attic and garage to form new bedrooms and rear extension.
Parish Council Comments: NO OBJECTION in principle, however, we would prefer to see more appropriate dormer windows, in keeping with the surrounding environment.
3/12/0931 HOU Trefellen Lodge, Whitemoor.
Cllrs Susan Frost & Norman Willis withdrew from the meeting for discussion of this item.
Proposal: Extension to existing stable block.
Parish Council Comments: NO OBJECTION provided the proposal remains for personal use only (no liveries).
3/12/0896 COU The Granary, Grange.
Proposal: Change of use of existing building as a dwelling and the associated use of the garden and parking areas as previously approved pursuant to the planning permission granted under ref 3/04/0675.
Parish Council Comments: NO OBJECTION in principle (as previously stated in 2009) but we do have concern with the escalation of permanent residences on this site in the Green Belt and the precedent it sets, also bearing in mind the previous comments of the Planning Inspectorate.
3/12/0957 AGR Amblemead, Broomhill.
Proposal: Erection of Barn.
Parish Council Comments: We would suggest the permission, if granted must stipulate for Agricultural Use Only and no other business activities. We feel the views of the neighbours must be sought and taken into account due to the close proximity of the access route. We are also concerned about the size and height of the barn in relation to the acreage of the land.

Meeting Closed 8:15pm

These minutes are to be signed by the Chairman after approval at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

Signed;…………………………………………………………………………………………… 14th November2012

Holt Parish Council Meeting 31st October2012